[Docket No. FR-6191-N-06]
Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers: Additional Implementation Guidance of the Housing Choice
Voucher Mobility Demonstration for Awarded PHAs
AGENCY: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing (PIH), Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD).
ACTION: Notice.
SUMMARY: On July 15, 2020, HUD published a notice (Implementation Notice) implementing the
Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) mobility demonstration (demonstration) authorized by the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019. The demonstration was later renamed the Community Choice
Demonstration (CCD). Through the Implementation Notice, HUD made available up to $50,000,000 to
participating Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) to implement housing mobility programs. On April 30,
2021, HUD announced its selection of PHAs that would participate in the demonstration. Those PHAs
received $45.7 million in total funding under that award. On April 4, 2022, HUD issued “Section 8
Housing Choice Vouchers: Implementation of the Housing Choice Voucher Mobility Demonstration for
Awarded PHAs, Supplementary Notice for Demonstration Participants” (Supplementary Notice) which
supplemented the Implementation Notice and described additional policies and flexibilities for PHAs
selected to participate in the demonstration. Building on the implementation experience since the
Supplementary Notice, HUD has identified further policies and flexibilities necessary to ensure effective
PHA participation in the demonstration. Additionally, this notice provides requirements related to
recapture and reallocation of funds.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Ryan Jones, Director, Housing Voucher
Management and Operations Division, Department of Housing and Urban Development, 451 Seventh
Street, SW, Room 4214, Washington, DC 20410, telephone number (202) 402-2677. (This is not a tollfree number). HUD welcomes and is prepared to receive calls from individuals who are deaf or hard of
hearing, as well as individuals with speech or communication disabilities. To learn more about how to

make an accessible telephone call, please visit
telecommunications-relay-service-trs.HUD encourages submission of questions about the demonstration
to be sent to:
I. Background
On July 15, 2020, HUD published the Implementation Notice for the demonstration authorized
by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019. (85 FR 42890) Through that Implementation Notice,
HUD made available up to $50,000,000 to participating PHAs throughout the country to implement
housing mobility programs by offering housing mobility-related services to increase the number of
voucher families with children living in opportunity areas. On April 30, 2021, HUD announced that nine
lead PHAs would participate in the demonstration and those PHAs were awarded new housing choice
vouchers, referred to as Mobility Demonstration Vouchers (MDVs) and housing mobility-related
services funding. HUD also announced that an additional four PHAs that applied in partnership with a
lead PHA were awarded new housing choice vouchers. Those PHAs were to receive $45.73 million in
total funding under that award. Through the demonstration, the awarded PHAs will provide
approximately 9,000 families with children with better access to low-poverty neighborhoods, highperforming schools, and other strong community resources.
The Implementation Notice described broad parameters for selected PHAs, including the set of
housing mobility-related services that they would likely be required to provide to families participating
in the program, the likely research design, and an estimated cost of services per family offered
participation in the program. The Implementation Notice also described a required evaluation that would
be conducted at the selected PHAs and explained that some aspects of the program and research design
would be determined jointly by HUD (including its evaluation contractor and technical assistance
provider) in collaboration with the selected PHAs.
On April 4, 2022, HUD supplemented the Implementation Notice with a Supplementary Notice
describing policies and flexibilities for PHAs selected to participate in the demonstration. (87 FR 19522)

After publication of the Supplementary Notice, one PHA demonstration site (both the lead PHA and its
partner PHA), and one partnering PHA, withdrew their participation from the demonstration. As a result
of those withdrawals, combined with funding not initially awarded, HUD now has $1,814,262 in MDV
assistance and $7,346,290 in funding for housing mobility-related services to be awarded to PHAs
previously competitively selected under the Implementation Notice. Additionally, as the demonstration
implementation has advanced, HUD and the PHAs have clarified additional policies necessary to
promote the goals of the demonstration and have identified policies necessary to execute the evaluation.
Finally, HUD has determined it necessary to adjust the anticipated timelines for implementation of the
selected mobility-related services (SMRS) treatment arm. This notice describes HUD’s determination to
delay the SMRS implementation timeline, additional policies necessary to implement the demonstration,
and a funding award process.
II. Changes to SMRS Implementation Timeline
The Implementation Notice estimated that HUD would implement a second treatment arm that
would receive a subset of the services offered under comprehensive mobility-related services (CMRS) in
years three through six of the demonstration. HUD has since determined that it will delay the
implementation of the SMRS in order to perform additional analysis of the preliminary data being used
to develop the SMRS interventions. HUD will publish an additional Federal Register document
describing any revisions to the timelines and research design for the introduction of the SMRS.
III. Regional PBV Plan
The Implementation Notice described that PHAs that received funding for the development of a
Regional Project-based Voucher Plan (RPBVP) would develop the plan throughout the first three years
of the demonstration. The plan would then be submitted to HUD at the beginning of the fourth year of
the demonstration, which is May 1, 2025. Given the demands of the initial planning period for the
demonstration and implementation, HUD recognizes that PHAs may not have had adequate time to
develop their RPBVP. Therefore, HUD is extending the deadline of the RPBVP to the start of the
seventh year of the demonstration, which is May 1, 2027.

In addition, the RPBVP was an optional component of the Implementation Notice and is not
being studied as part of the evaluation. HUD recognizes that PHAs may wish to reconsider their
participation in this optional component. Therefore, HUD is allowing those PHAs awarded funding for
this component to withdraw from their obligations to develop a RPBVP. PHAs wishing to withdraw
from the RPBVP component must submit a written letter to HUD requesting withdrawal. Written
requests can be submitted via email to HUD will only allow
withdrawal from the RPBVP component for PHAs that have not already incurred substantial expenses
(i.e., more than 60 percent of awarded RPBVP funds) under the RPBVP for which they are requesting
reimbursement by HUD. PHAs must submit their withdrawal request prior to the May 1, 2027 deadline
for plan submission. All awarded and unexpended funds from any site that withdraws from the RPBVP
component will be reallocated in accordance with Section VIII of this notice.
At this point in the demonstration, HUD also recognizes that sites that initially did not apply for
RPBVP funding may have identified a new need to develop a RPBVP. Therefore, HUD is also allowing
PHAs that were not initially awarded RPBVP funds to request funding for this component. Lead PHAs
wishing to request RPBVP funds for a demonstration site must submit a written letter to HUD
requesting funding. In the request, the PHA must demonstrate that it will be able to expend the requested
funds and submit a final RPBVP by the May 1, 2027, deadline. Written requests can be submitted via
email to
IV. Extension of the Demonstration Participant Enrollment Period
As described in the Implementation Notice, PHAs would enroll families through year six of the
demonstration, which would conclude on April 30, 2027. However, the Consolidated Appropriations
Act, 2019 authorized the demonstration through October 1, 2028. In order to provide PHAs more time to
enroll families and meet their commitments, HUD is extending the participation period for PHAs
through the statutorily authorized date of October 1, 2028. This participation period extension is
optional, and PHAs must inform HUD in writing if they want to extend their participation period. PHAs

may elect to enroll families through April 30, 2028, or may extend for a lesser period of time by
enrolling families through December 31, 2027.
V. Mobility Demonstration Vouchers
Families with children receiving voucher assistance through an MDV that agree to participate in
the demonstration are randomly assigned to a treatment group that receives housing mobility-related
services or a control group that receives HCV program services already offered by the PHA to all HCV
applicants and participants. Although most participants in the demonstration are existing voucher
holders, each PHA has received an allocation of MDVs. Families that receive an MDV are required by
statute to participate in the demonstration. A family is considered to be participating in the
demonstration if they initially enrolled in the study and were randomly assigned to either the treatment
or control group. A family that was participating in the demonstration and subsequently withdraws from
the study, or no longer has children in the household, may continue to use their MDV. PHAs are
encouraged, however, to provide a regular turnover voucher to such families in order to provide the
MDV to a family with children actively enrolled in the study.
As provided in the Implementation Notice, after October 1, 2028, MDVs will no longer be
restricted to the purposes of the demonstration. The MDVs will then become part of a PHA's regular
HCV program and continue to be available to the PHA upon turnover. However, due to the statutory
language authorizing them, these vouchers will continue to be restricted to families with children (age 17
or younger).
VI. Eligible Uses of Funds
Throughout the implementation of the demonstration, PHAs and HUD have identified additional
uses of housing mobility-related services funding that will increase effective program implementation,
especially the SMRS. These uses of housing mobility-related services funds were not directly addressed
by the Implementation Notice or the Supplementary Notice. For the purposes of transparency and
clarity, HUD has included a discussion of these uses of funds in this notice.

PHAs participating in the demonstration must recruit and enroll families into the study. In the
Supplementary Notice, HUD provided that each PHA site (i.e., an individual PHA or the lead PHA and
its partner) may use up to $40,000 each year for staff time and expenses related to recruitment and
enrollment. After working closely with PHAs to understand their current time commitment for these
activities, HUD is increasing the eligible amount up to $80,000 each year.
Under the Implementation Notice, HUD provided that PHAs may use up to $250,000 of their
funding award for start-up costs. Many participating PHAs used their funds for start-up costs related to
the CMRS. Based on the level of effort required for CMRS planning, HUD recognizes PHAs may need
additional start-up funds to assist in planning for the SMRS. PHAs may use up to an additional $100,000
for SMRS start-up expenditures, upon written approval from HUD.
PHAs may use their existing housing mobility-related services funding award to pay for these
activities. PHAs must update their annual expenditure plans to reflect the amount of funds they intend to
use for these purposes and begin immediately reporting these expenditures on their invoices and in
HUD’s Voucher Management System (VMS).
VII. Demonstration Withdrawal and Recapture of Funds
In 2023, one PHA site (both the lead PHA and its partner PHA), and one partnering PHA,
voluntarily withdrew from the demonstration prior to enrollment of any families. These PHAs remitted
their funding award to HUD, and HUD has recaptured the funds. This recapture included $3,218,700 in
housing mobility-related services funding and $1,814,262 in remaining funding for MDVs.
HUD now establishes criteria for withdrawal—whether voluntary withdrawal on behalf of the
PHA or termination of PHA participation by HUD—to help ensure impacts to families and landlords are
effectively mitigated since all participating PHAs are well into enrollment. Participating PHAs that wish
to request to voluntarily withdraw from the demonstration must submit a letter in writing, with an
associated board resolution, recommending withdrawal to HUD. The letter must state the key reasons
for withdrawal from the demonstration and a proposed plan for mitigating the impact on participating
families and landlords. Upon receipt of the letter, HUD will review the PHA’s request. In determining

whether voluntary withdrawal will be approved, HUD will consider the PHA’s rationale, the impact on
participating families and landlords, including any evidence that the PHA’s withdrawal from the
demonstration would have an unlawful discriminatory effect on participating families or otherwise
violate civil rights requirements, and the research evaluation. HUD will make its best efforts to honor
the PHA’s request.
Adherence to the Implementation Notice, Supplemental Notice, this Notice and the Statement of
Responsibilities is critical to ensuring the success of the demonstration. PHAs that have been materially
non-compliant with demonstration requirements may be terminated from the demonstration and have
their funding recaptured. HUD will issue a notice of corrective action to PHAs found to be in material
non-compliance with demonstration requirements, as defined in the Statement of Responsibilities. PHAs
will have no fewer than six months to cure any material non-compliance. If after six months, the PHA is
found to continue to be in material non-compliance, HUD may issue a notice of intent to terminate the
PHA’s participation in the demonstration. The PHA may respond to that notice and ask HUD to
reconsider its determination.
If HUD accepts a PHA’s request to voluntarily withdraw or determines that the termination of
participation is necessary, HUD will work closely with the PHA and the evaluator to develop a process
by which the PHA will carefully end their participation and implement their plan for mitigating the
impact on participating families and landlords. The plan must include consultation from any enrolled
families to ensure that they are successfully transitioned out of the program. After that date, the PHA
will submit final invoices to PIH CCD staff and complete final reporting in VMS, the PIH Information
Center (PIC)/Housing Information Portal (HIP) and the demonstration’s Service Delivery Tool. HUD’s
Financial Management Center (FMC) will reconcile and process any final invoices and determine the
amount of the remaining grant funds. HUD FMC will then recapture the remaining funds from the PHA.
VIII. Additional Allocation and Reallocation of Funds
As mentioned in the Supplemental Notice, after the funding awards made on April 30, 2021,
HUD had $4,127,590 in remaining housing mobility-related services funding. After the withdrawal of

one PHA site, and one partner PHA, HUD has a total of $7,346,290 in housing mobility-related services
funding and $1,814,262 remaining in funding for MDVs.
In any cases where a PHA that is part of a partnership site withdraws from the demonstration, but
HUD allows the remaining PHA to continue their participation, HUD will reallocate the site’s remaining
housing mobility-related services funding, any awarded RPBVP funds and voucher assistance to the
remaining PHA to support their continued participation in the demonstration, as they will assume the
responsibilities of the withdrawn PHA.
In all other cases, for housing mobility-related services funding, HUD will reallocate funding in
two ways: (1) HUD will equally distribute a portion of the remaining funding to all participating
demonstration sites; and/or (2) HUD may reserve a reasonable amount of remaining funding to be
distributed to sites based on need or for new RPBVP funding, by request. HUD will review requests for
need-based funding from sites in accordance with the process described below. HUD may reallocate
funding, as needed, throughout the remainder of the demonstration to ensure that sites have the
necessary support and to maximize utilization of available funding.
In reallocating voucher assistance for MDVs, HUD will only reallocate recaptured voucher
amounts based on need. Selected demonstration sites were required to demonstrate their need for MDVs
in their initial applications for demonstration funding. In cases where one PHA withdraws from a partner
site, HUD will reallocate recaptured voucher assistance from the withdrawn PHA to the remaining PHA,
based on the entire site’s determination of need presented in its initial application. For all other
recaptured voucher assistance, HUD will reallocate to other demonstration PHAs based on their
jurisdictional need and, when necessary, will prioritize the awards to sites with the highest number of
enrolled families.
Any recaptured RPBVP funds due to a site withdrawing from their participation in the RPBVP
component, voluntarily withdrawing from the demonstration, or having their participation in the
demonstration terminated, will be recaptured and reallocated. Any unexpended RPBVP funds remaining
after a site completes its plan will also be recaptured and reallocated.

PHAs wishing to request additional housing mobility-related services funding or voucher
assistance under the demonstration must submit a request in writing to HUD. The request must include a
narrative describing the need for additional funding, as well as a projected budget for the remainder of
the demonstration showing the full expenditure of the requested funds or utilization of the voucher
assistance. If applicable, the request should also include an amendment of the program budget for the
current year.
IX. Continued Housing Mobility-Related Services at Demonstration End
Upon the October 1, 2028 statutory end date of the demonstration, HUD will work with sites to
process final invoices and complete final reporting in VMS, PIC/HIP and the demonstration’s Service
Delivery Tool. After the demonstration ends, sites will be allowed to use remaining housing mobilityrelated services funds to continue providing any CMRS services, as described in the Implementation
Notice and subsequent notices, to any family participating in a housing mobility program at the site.
HUD will provide guidance to sites on invoicing procedures for these funds.
Any waivers and/or alternative requirements implemented by HUD, specific to the
demonstration, will terminate upon the October 1, 2028 end date. In addition, any special uses of HCV
funding or program flexibilities expressly allowed under the demonstration (e.g., the use of non-MDV
housing assistance payments for security deposits) will also terminate upon the October 1, 2028 end
date. After the end of the demonstration, PHAs may continue to use their awarded housing mobilityrelated services funds, but the provision of services must be in accordance with normal HCV program
Dominique Blom,
General Deputy Assistant Secretary,
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing.
[BILLING CODE: 4210-67]
[FR Doc. 2024-16039 Filed: 7/19/2024 8:45 am; Publication Date: 7/22/2024]