[Billing Code: 4120-01-P]
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
42 CFR Part 414
Medicare Program; Alternative Payment Model (APM) Incentive Payment Advisory for
Clinicians – Request for Current Billing Information for Qualifying APM Participants
AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Health and Human Services
ACTION: Payment advisory.
SUMMARY: This advisory is to alert certain clinicians who are Qualifying APM participants
(QPs) and have earned an Alternative Payment Model (APM) Incentive Payment that CMS does
not have the current information needed to disburse the payment. This advisory provides
information to QPs on how to update their Medicare billing information so that CMS can
disburse APM Incentive Payments.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Tanya Dorm, (410) 786-2216.
I. Background
Under the Medicare Quality Payment Program, an eligible clinician who participates in
an Advanced Alternative Payment Model (APM) and meets or exceeds the applicable payment
amount or patient count thresholds for a performance period is a Qualifying APM Participant
(QP) for that year. For payment years 2020 through 2026, which respectively correspond to the
QP Performance Periods for 2018 through 2023, an eligible clinician who attains QP status for a
year earns a lump sum APM Incentive Payment that is paid in the payment year. For payment
years 2020 through 2024, the amount of the APM Incentive Payment is equal to 5 percent of the

estimated aggregate paid amounts for covered professional services furnished by the QP during
the calendar year immediately preceding the payment year.
II. Provisions of the Advisory
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has identified those eligible
clinicians who attained QP status in the 2022 performance period and earned a 5 percent APM
Incentive Payment for the 2024 payment year based on aggregate paid amounts for the covered
professional services they furnished in the CY 2023 base period.
When CMS processed the 2024 APM Incentive Payments, CMS was unable to identify a
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) or TINs associated with some QPs, and was therefore
unable to disburse the payment. To successfully issue the APM Incentive Payment for the 2024
payment year, CMS is requesting assistance identifying current Medicare billing information for
these QPs in accordance with 42 CFR 414.1450(c)(8).
CMS has compiled a list of QPs for whom we were unable to identify any associated TIN
to which we can make the APM Incentive Payment. These QPs, and any others who anticipated
receiving an APM Incentive Payment but have not, should follow the instructions to provide
CMS with updated Medicare billing information at the following web address: https://qpp-cmprod-content.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2924/2024-QP-Notice-for-APM-IncentivePayment.zip.
If you have any questions concerning submission of information through the QPP
website, please contact the Quality Payment Program Help Desk at 1-866-288-8292.
All information must be received by September 1, 2024. After that date, any claim to an
APM Incentive Payment for the 2024 payment period based on an eligible clinician’s QP status
for the 2022 QP Performance Period will be forfeited. To facilitate payment, please include all
required documentation as specified in the previous link. If CMS is still unable to process the
APM Incentive Payment based on the Medicare billing information received in response to this
advisory, the submitter will not be notified.

CMS will hold all timely submitted information and process the remaining 2024 APM
Incentive Payments simultaneously as soon as possible after the deadline. It may take up to 3
months to complete the validation and verification process before these APM Incentive
Payments are disbursed.
III. Collection of Information Requirements
This advisory is intended to alert certain QPs that CMS is requesting assistance
identifying current Medicare billing information so that we can disburse APM Incentive
Payments. This request for follow-up information is exempt from the requirements of the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) as specified under implementing
regulation 5 CFR 1320.3(h)(9) with regard to the clarification of responses.
The Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Chiquita
Brooks-LaSure, having reviewed and approved this document, authorizes Chyana Woodyard,
who is the Federal Register Liaison, to electronically sign this document for purposes of
publication in the Federal Register.

Chyana Woodyard,
Federal Register Liaison,
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.
[FR Doc. 2024-15644 Filed: 7/16/2024 8:45 am; Publication Date: 7/17/2024]