Office of the Secretary
49 CFR Parts 23 and 26
[Docket No. DOT–OST–2022–0051]
RIN 2105–AE98
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise and Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise Program Implementation Modifications; Corrections
AGENCY: Office of the Secretary (OST), U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT or the
ACTION: Correcting amendments.
SUMMARY: The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT or Department) is correcting a final
rule that appeared in the Federal Register on April 9, 2024, concerning the Disadvantaged
Business Enterprise (DBE) and Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
(ACDBE) program regulations.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For questions related to the final rule or
general information about the DBE and ACDBE Program regulations, please contact Marc D.
Pentino, Associate Director, Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Programs Division,
Departmental Office of Civil Rights, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation,
1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Room W78-302, Washington, DC 20590 at 202-366-6968/ or Lakwame Anyane-Yeboa, ACDBE and DBE Compliance Lead,
Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Programs Division, Departmental Office of Civil Rights,
Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Transportation, 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Room
W78-103, Washington, DC 20590, at 202-366-9361/
Questions concerning part 23 amendments should be directed to Marcus England, Office of Civil

Rights, National Airport Civil Rights Policy and Compliance (ACR-4C), Federal Aviation
Administration, 600 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, DC 20591 at 202-267-0487/ or Nicholas Giles, Office of Civil Rights, National Airport Civil
Rights Policy and Compliance (ACR-4C), Federal Aviation Administration, 600 Independence
Ave. SW, Washington, DC 20591, at 202-267-0201/ Office hours are
from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., E.T., Monday through Friday, except Federal holidays.
The Department identified technical errors in the Federal Register Document 2024-05583
published in the Federal Register on April 9, 2024 (89 FR 24898); ‘‘Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise and Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Program Implementation
Modifications”. This document corrects technical/typographical errors. It also clarifies that the
current personal net worth (PNW) limit as of May 9, 2024 is $2.047 million, as detailed in
sections §§ 23.35(a) and 26.68(a) and as indicated in the preamble to the final rule. Adjustments
to this limit will start on May 9, 2027, based on the formula in sections §§ 23.35(b), (c) and
26.68(d). For FTA-assisted programs, FTA Tier II recipients do not need to set goals if they
operate a race-neutral DBE program. Additionally, this document clarifies that Good Faith
Efforts are required in certain situations described in 26.53(g).
List of Subjects in 49 CFR Part 23 and 26
Administrative practice and procedure, Airports, Civil Rights, Government contracts, Grant
programs—transportation; Mass transportation, Minority Businesses, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements.
Accordingly, 49 CFR parts 23 and 26 are corrected by making the following correcting

1. The authority citation for part 23 is revised to read as follows:
Authority: 49 U.S.C. 47107 and 47113; 42 U.S.C. 2000d; 49 U.S.C. 322; E.O. 12138, 44
FR 29637, 3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 393.
2. Revise § 23.35 to read as follows:
§ 23.35 What role do business development and mentor-protégé programs have in the DBE
(a) An owner whose PNW exceeds $2,047,000 is not presumed economically
(b) The Department will adjust the PNW cap by May 9, 2027 by multiplying $1,600,000
by the growth in total household net worth since 2019 as described by “Financial Accounts of the
United States: Balance Sheet of Households (Supplementary Table B.101.h)” produced by the
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (, and
normalized by the total number of households as collected by the Census in “Families and Living
Arrangements” ( to
account for population growth. The Department will adjust the PNW cap every 3 years on the
anniversary of the adjustment date described in this section. The Department will post the
adjustments on the Departmental Office of Civil Rights’ webpage, available at Each such adjustment will become the currently
applicable PNW limit for purposes of this regulation.
(c) The Department will use formula 1 to this paragraph (c) to adjust the PNW limit:
Formula 1 to paragraph (c)
Q1-Q4 Average Household Net Worth of Future Year / Total Households of Future
Future Year PNW Cap
= [$1,600,000] *

Q1-Q4 Average Household Net worth of 2019 ($106,722,704 million / Total
Households of 2019 (128,579)

3. The authority citation for part 26 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 23 U.S.C. 304 and 324; 42 U.S.C. 2000d, et seq.; 49 U.S.C. 47113, 47123; Sec.
1101(b), Pub. L. 114-94, 129 Stat. 1312, 1324 (23 U.S.C. 101 note); Sec. 150, Pub. L. 115-254,
132 Stat. 3215 (23 U.S.C. 101 note); Pub. L. 117-58, 135 Stat. 429 (23 U.S.C. 101 note).
4. Revise § 26.5 section heading to read as follows:
§ 26.5 Definitions.
§ 26.29 [Amended]
5. In § 26.29 amend paragraph (f) by adding the word “all” before text “lower-tier
§ 26.31 [Amended]
6. In § 26.31, in the second sentence of paragraph b, removing the citation “§ 26.81(n)(1)
and (3)” and adding the citation “§ 26.73(a)” in its place.
7. In § 26.45, revise paragraph (a)(2) to read as follows:
§ 26.45 How do recipients set overall goals?
(a) ***
(2) If you are an FTA Tier II recipient who intends to operate a race-neutral DBE
program, or if you are an FAA recipient who reasonably anticipates awarding $250,000 or less in
FAA prime contract funds in a Federal fiscal year, you are not required to develop overall goals
for FTA or FAA, respectively, for that Federal fiscal year.
8. In § 26.53, revise paragraph (g) to read as follows:
§ 26.53 What are the good faith efforts procedures recipients follow in situations where
there are contract goals?

(g) When a DBE subcontractor or any portion of its work is terminated by the prime
contractor as provided in paragraph (f) of this section, or the firm fails to complete its work on
the contract for any reason, including when work committed to a DBE is not countable or
reduced due to overestimations made prior to award, the prime contractor must use good faith
efforts to include additional DBE participation to the extent needed to meet the contract goal.
The good faith efforts shall be documented by the contractor. If the recipient requests
documentation under this provision, the contractor shall submit the documentation within 7 days,
which may be extended for an additional 7 days, if necessary, at the request of the contractor,
and the recipient shall provide a written determination to the contractor stating whether or not
good faith efforts have been demonstrated.
§ 26.55 [Amended]
9. Amend § 26.55 by:
a. In paragraph (e)(2)(ii), by removing the text “and operates” and adding the text “and
operates” in its place: and
b. In paragraph (e)(2)(iv)(B), by removing the text “, operating, or maintaining” and
adding the text “and operating” in its place.
10. In § 26.65, revise paragraph (b) to read as follows:
§ 26.65 Business Size Determinations.
(b) Statutory Cap. Even if a firm is a small business under paragraph (a) of this section, it
is ineligible to perform DBE work on FHWA or FTA assisted contracts if its affiliated annual
gross receipts, as defined in 13 CFR 121.104, averaged over the firm's previous three fiscal years
exceed $30.72 million (as of March 1, 2024). The Department will adjust this amount annually

and post the adjusted amount on its website available at
§ 26.67 [Amended]
11. In § 26.67, in the last sentence of paragraph (a)(3)(iv), remove the text “paragraph
(e)” and add the text “paragraph (d)” in its place.
12. In § 26.68, revise paragraphs (a) and (d) to read as follows:
§ 26.68 Personal net worth.
(a) General. An owner whose PNW exceeds $2,047,000 is not presumed economically
disadvantaged. The Department will adjust the PNW cap pursuant to paragraph (d) of this
(d) Regulatory adjustments. (1) The Department will adjust the PNW cap by May 9, 2027
by multiplying $1,600,000 by the growth in total household net worth since 2019 as described by
“Financial Accounts of the United States: Balance Sheet of Households (Supplementary Table
B.101.h)” produced by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
(, and normalized by the total number of households
as collected by the Census in “Families and Living Arrangements” (
topics/families/families-and-households.html) to account for population growth. The Department
will adjust the PNW cap every 3 years on the anniversary of the adjustment date described in this
section. The Department will post the adjustments on the Departmental Office of Civil Rights'
web page, available at Each such adjustment will
become the currently applicable PNW limit for purposes of this regulation.
(2) The Department will use formula 1 to this paragraph (d)(2) to adjust the PNW limit:
Formula 1 to paragraph (d)
Q1-Q4 Average Household Net Worth of Future Year / Total Households of Future

Future Year PNW Cap
= [$1,600,000] *

Q1-Q4 Average Household Net worth of 2019 ($106,722,704 million / Total
Households of 2019 (128,579)

13. Amend § 26.81 by:
a. Revising section heading; and
b. In paragraph (d) removing the phrase “home state” and adding in its place the phrase
“Jurisdiction of Original Certification”.
The revision reads as follows:
§ 26.81 Unified Certification Programs.
§ 26.83 [Amended]
14. Amend § 26.83 by:
a. In paragraph (c)(2), removing phrase “provided in Appendix F to this part” and adding
phrase “available at” in its place;
b. In paragraph (d) removing the word “recipient” wherever it appears and adding the
word “certifier” in its place;
c. In paragraph (i) removing the word “recipient” and adding the word “certifier” in its
place; and
d. Removing paragraph (l)(2) and redesignating paragraph (l) introductory text as
paragraph (l)(1) and paragraph (l)(1) as paragraph (l)(2).
§ 26.85 [Amended]
15. Amend § 26.85 by:
a. In paragraph (c)(1), removing the phrase “A cover letter with its application that
specifies that the DBE is applying for interstate certification” and adding the phrase “A cover
letter that specifies that the DBE is applying for interstate certification” in its place;
b. In paragraph (h)(6),

i. Removing the phrase “this paragraph (h)(6)” and adding the phrase “paragraph (h)” in
its place; and
ii. Removing the text “26.87(e)(6) (failure to cooperate)” and adding the text “26.109(c)
(failure to cooperate)” in its place.
16. Amend § 26.87 by revising paragraphs (h) and (j) to read as follows:
§ 26.87 Decertification.
(h) Status of firm during proceeding. A DBE remains certified until the certifier issues a
(j) Consequences. Decertification has the following effects on contract and overall goals
and DBE participation:
(1) When a prime contractor has made a commitment to use a DBE, but a subcontract has
not been executed before the certifier issues the NOD as provided for in paragraph (g) of this
section, the committed firm does not count toward the contract goal. The recipient must direct
the prime contractor to meet the contract goal with an eligible DBE or demonstrate to the
recipient that it has made good faith efforts to do so.
(2) When the recipient has made a commitment to using a DBE prime contractor, but a
contract has not been executed before the certifier issues the NOD, the decertified firm does not
count toward the recipient's overall DBE goal.
(3) If a prime contractor has executed a subcontract with a DBE before the certifier issues
the NOD, the prime contractor may continue to receive credit toward the contract goal for the
firm's work. In this case, however, the prime contractor may not extend or add work to the
contract without prior written consent from the recipient.
(4) If a prime contractor has executed a subcontract with a DBE before the certifier issues
the NOD, the prime contractor may continue to receive credit toward the contract goal as set

forth in paragraph (j)(3) of this section; however, the portion of the decertified firm's continued
performance of the contract must not count toward the recipient's overall goal.
(5) If the recipient executed a prime contract with a DBE that was later decertified, the
portion of the decertified firm's performance of the contract remaining after the certifier issued
the NOD must not count toward an overall goal, but the DBE's performance of the contract may
continue to count toward satisfying any contract goal.
(6) The following exceptions apply to this paragraph (j):
(i) If a certifier decertifies a firm solely because it exceeds the business size standard
during the performance of the contract, the recipient may continue to count the portion of the
decertified firm's performance of the contract remaining after the certifier issued the NOD
toward the recipient's overall goal as well as toward the contract goal.
(ii) If the certifier decertifies the DBE because it was acquired by or merged with a nonDBE, the recipient may not continue to count the portion of the decertified firm's performance on
the contract remaining, after the certifier issued a NOD, toward either the contract goal or the
overall goal, even if a prime contractor has executed a subcontract with the firm or the recipient
has executed a prime contract with the DBE that was later decertified. In this case, if eliminating
the credit of the decertified firm will affect the prime contractor's ability to meet the contract
goal, the recipient must direct the prime contractor to subcontract to an eligible DBE to the
extent needed to meet the contract goal or demonstrate to the recipient that it has made good
faith efforts to do so.
§ 26.88 [Amended]
15. Amend § 26.88 by:
a. In paragraph (d)(1)(iii), removing the phrase “lieu of or in addition to attending the
hearing” and adding the phrase “in lieu of or in addition to attending the hearing” in its place;
b. Redesignating paragraph (d)(6) as paragraph (d)(5);
c. In paragraph (e)(1):

i. Removing the phrase “under paragraph (c)(5)(iv)” and adding the phrase “under
paragraph (d)(4)(iv) of this section” in its place; and
ii. Removing the phrase “unless paragraph (d)(2)” and adding the phrase “unless
paragraph (e)(2)” in its place; and
d. In paragraph (e)(2)(ii), removing the text “paragraph (c)(6)” and adding the text
“paragraph (d)(5)” in its place.

Signed pursuant to authority delegated at 49 CFR 1.27(c) in Washington, DC.

Subash Iyer,
Acting General Counsel.

[FR Doc. 2024-14318 Filed: 7/2/2024 8:45 am; Publication Date: 7/3/2024]