COMMITTEE FOR PURCHASE FROM PEOPLE WHO ARE BLIND OR SEVERELY DISABLED Quarterly Public Meeting AGENCY: Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled. ACTION: Notice of public meeting. DATES: July 25, 2024, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. ET. ADDRESSES: The meeting will be held virtually only via Zoom webinar. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Angela Phifer, 355 E Street SW, Suite 325, Washington, DC 20024; (703) 798-5873; SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Background: The Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled is an independent government agency operating as the U.S. AbilityOne Commission. It oversees the AbilityOne Program, which provides employment opportunities through Federal contracts for people who are blind or have significant disabilities in the manufacture and delivery of products and services to the Federal Government. The Javits-WagnerO'Day Act (41 U.S.C. chapter 85) authorizes the contracts. Registration: Attendees not requesting speaking time should register not later than 11:59 p.m. ET on July 24, 2024. Attendees requesting speaking time must register not later than 11:59 p.m. ET on July 17, 2024, and use the comment fields in the registration form to specify the intended speaking topic/s. The registration link will be available on the Commission's home page,, under News and Events. Commission Statement: This regular quarterly meeting will include updates from the Commission Chairperson, Executive Director, and Inspector General. Public Participation: The Commission invites the public to suggest and discuss approaches and activities for the Commission to consider in order to continue modernizing the AbilityOne Program within the current statutory and regulatory framework. During registration, you may choose to submit comments, or you may request speaking time at the meeting. The Commission may invite some attendees who submit advance comments to discuss their comments during the meeting. Comments submitted will be reviewed by staff and the Commission members before the meeting. Comments posted in the chat box during the meeting will be shared with the Commission members after the meeting. The Commission is not subject to the requirements of 5 U.S.C. 552(b); however, the Commission published this notice to encourage the broadest possible participation in its meeting. Personal Information: Speakers should not include any information that they do not want publicly disclosed. Michael R. Jurkowski, Director, Business Operations. BILLING CODE 6353-01-P [FR Doc. 2024-14229 Filed: 6/27/2024 8:45 am; Publication Date: 6/28/2024]