[3411-15-P] DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Forest Service Chippewa National Forest; Minnesota; Transfer of Administrative Jurisdiction to Lands to be Held in Trust by the United States for the Benefit of the Leech Lake Band of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe Pursuant to the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Reservation Restoration Act AGENCY: Forest Service, USDA. ACTION: Notice of transfer of administrative jurisdiction to land. SUMMARY: Pursuant to the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Reservation Restoration Act (Act), the Secretary of Agriculture (Secretary), with the publication of this Notice, transfers administrative jurisdiction to approximately 11,760 acres of land (Federal land), located in the Chippewa National Forest in Cass County, Minnesota, to the Secretary of the Interior to be held in trust by the United States for the benefit of the Leech Lake Band of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, referred to in the Act as the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe (LLBO or Tribe). A table containing the legal descriptions of the lands to which administrative jurisdiction is hereby transferred, along with accompanying Exhibit A, identifying existing public roads, and Exhibit B, identifying existing Forest roads and a Forest trail that the Forest Service will continue to operate pursuant to the terms of reserved easement rights approved by the Tribe, are provided at the end of this notice. DATES: The transfer of administrative jurisdiction will be effective upon the publication of this Notice. ADDRESSES: The boundaries of the Federal land are depicted on maps and in legal descriptions available for inspection at the Chippewa National Forest Supervisor’s Office and at the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Minnesota Agency. Chippewa National Forest Supervisor’s Office: Chippewa National Forest 200 Ash Avenue NW Cass Lake, MN 56633 BIA Minnesota Agency: Mailing/Physical Address: Bureau of Indian Affairs 2225 Cooperative Court NW, Room 300 Bemidji, MN 56601 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Michael Stansberry, Forest Supervisor, Chippewa National Forest, 200 Ash Avenue NW, Cass Lake, MN 56633, 218-335-8600 (ph), 218-335-8637 (fax), or email at SM.FS.ChipNFpublic@usda.gov. Heidi Gordon, Superintendent, BIA Minnesota Agency, 2225 Cooperative Court NW, Room 300 Bemidji, MN 56601, 218-751-2011 Ext. 1401 (ph), 218-751-4367 (fax), or email at Minnesota_Agency@bia.gov. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Transfer of Administrative Jurisdiction: The right, title, and interest of the United States to the approximately 11,760 acres of Federal land described below in this notice, including improvements and appurtenances, subject to valid existing rights, is transferred as provided in the Act (Pub. L. 116-255, 134 Stat. 1139) from the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of the Interior upon the publication of this Notice. After transfer, the land will be held in trust by the United States for the benefit of the LLBO. The Act provides that the LLBO will respect existing utility easements, rights of way for roads, and flowage and reservoir rights. Existing public roads, and the Forest roads and Forest trail that the Forest Service will continue to operate, are further discussed later in this Notice at Exhibit A and Exhibit B, respectively. This Notice does not undertake to specifically list currently existing public utility easements, flowage or reservoir rights, or other valid existing rights to which the transfer of jurisdiction is subject. National Environmental Policy Act Analysis: The Forest Service, Chippewa National Forest, has undertaken environmental review of this transfer pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and found that the transfer of administrative jurisdiction falls under the Categorical Exclusion (CE) in 36 C.F.R. § 220.6(7), “Sale or exchange of land or interest in land where resulting land uses remain essentially the same.†Although not required for actions under this CE, the Chippewa National Forest elected to document its decision in a Decision Memo, available at https://www.fs.usda.gov/project/?project=64623 or by contacting the Chippewa Forest Supervisor as listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section above. Legal Description & Ongoing Surveys: The legal description of the Federal land to which administrative jurisdiction is hereby transferred is provided in the Table below, under the heading “Legal Descriptions of Federal Land Transferred.†A small percentage of the Federal land (approximately 4 percent) is currently being surveyed by the Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The Federal lands still being surveyed are identified below by a notation of “Estimated Acreage†in the below Table. The transfer of administrative jurisdiction of all the Federal land in the Table is effective upon the date of publication of this Notice; however, to the extent any updates to the acreage of any parcels being surveyed are needed, they will be published by the Forest Service in a supplementary Federal Register Notice upon approval and the official filing of the surveys with the BLM, Eastern States Office. Existing Public Roads and Forest Easement Roads: Existing public roads and Forest Service roads will continue to be respected after transfer as provided in the Act. As to the existing public roads, Federal law defines a “public road†as “any road or street under the jurisdiction of and maintained by a public authority and open to public travel.†23 U.S.C. 101(a)(23). A “public authority†is defined by Federal law as “Federal, State, county, town, or township, Indian tribe, municipal or other local government or instrumentality with authority to finance, build, operate, or maintain toll or toll-free facilities.†23 U.S.C. 101(a)(22). Existing public roads that are the responsibility of public authorities other than the Forest Service, such as the BIA, the State of Minnesota, and Town, County, and municipal entities, are listed in Exhibit A. The list of existing public roads is not exhaustive. As to Forest Service roads, after transfer of the Federal land, the Forest Service will continue to operate the Forest roads and Forest trail identified in Exhibit B pursuant to the terms of reserved easement rights enumerated below, as approved by the Tribe (Forest Easement Roads). Forest road or trail is defined by federal regulations as “[a] road or trail wholly or partly within or adjacent to and serving the National Forest System that the Forest Service determines is necessary for the protection, administration, and utilization of the National Forest System and the use and development of its resources.†36 CFR 212.1. All Forest Easement Roads and the terms under which the Forest Service will operate them are identified in Exhibit B. LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS OF FEDERAL LAND TRANSFERRED Fifth Principal Meridian, Minnesota Acres Twp. Acres T. 141 N., R 27 W., sec. 29, Lots 8 and 10 37.85 Total Twp. Acres 37.85 T. 142 N., R 27 W., sec. 16, Lot 3 sec. 17, Lot 1, SE¼NE¼, NE¼SE¼ sec. 28, Lot 6 and 13, the West 20 Acres of Lot 7, NE¼SW¼, NE¼NW¼, NW¼NW¼ sec. 30, Lot 13 29.5 112.34 192.75 23.65 Total Twp. Acres 358.24 T. 144 N., R 27 W., sec. 5, Lots 13 thru 17 sec. 6, Lots 10 thru 12 sec. 8, Lot 7 204.81 94.57 34.69 Total Twp. Acres T. 146 N., R 27 W., sec. 21, NE¼SW¼, SE¼SW¼ 38.80 334.07 Submerged Lands Attached sec. 29, Lots 4 and 5 Partition Lands – Estimated Acreage sec. 31, Lot 1 sec. 32, Lot 1, SW¼NW¼ 62.45 32.30 79.60 Total Twp. Acres 213.15 sec. 4, Lot 1, E½SW¼SE¼, W½SW¼SE¼, SE¼SW¼, E½SW¼SW¼ 149.53 sec. 8, Lots 1 and 2, NE¼NW¼, NW¼NW¼ 157.92 sec. 9, NW¼NE¼ 41.77 sec. 10, NE¼NW¼, NW¼NW¼ 85.65 sec. 11, W½NE¼NW¼, NW¼NW¼ 64.56 sec. 14, Lots 8 and 9, S½SE¼NE¼ 93.17 sec. 23, Lot 1 40.72 sec. 24, Lots 3 and 4, NW¼SE¼, SE¼SW¼, SW¼SW¼ 184.24 sec. 27, Lot 3, N½NW¼SW¼ 52.84 Total Twp. Acres 870.40 T. 141 N., R 28 W., T. 142 N., R 28 W., sec. 24, Lot 4 sec. 27, SE¼SW¼ sec. 34, Lot 2, NE¼NW¼, N½SE¼NW¼ sec. 35, Lots 1 and 2, NE¼SE¼ 38.83 42.33 95.79 123.57 Total Twp. Acres 300.52 11.60 Total Twp. Acres 11.60 T. 143 N., R 28 W., sec. 32, Lot 2 Less the North 200 feet T. 145 N., R 28 W., sec. 18, SE¼SE¼, SW¼SE¼ Submerged Lands Attached sec. 19, Lots 1 and 2, NE¼NE¼, SE¼NE¼, SW¼NE¼, NW¼NE¼, SE¼SE¼, SW¼SE¼, SE¼SW¼, NE¼NW¼, SE¼NW¼ 61.82 440.24 sec. 20, NW¼SW¼, SW¼NW¼, NW¼NW¼ 113.79 Submerged Lands Attached sec. 21, SW¼SE¼, SE¼SW¼, SW¼SW¼ 120 sec. 28, SE¼NE¼, SW¼NE¼, NW¼NE¼, NE¼NW¼, SE¼NW¼ 200 sec. 34, NW¼SE¼, NE¼SW¼ 80 Total Twp. Acres T. 141 N., R 29 W., sec. 3, Lots 7 thru 9, N½NE¼SE¼, NW¼SE¼ sec. 8, Lot 3 sec. 10, Lots 1 and 3 sec. 17, N½SE¼NE¼ sec. 23, Lot 3 160.27 48.32 33.31 19.28 34.4 1,015.85 Total Twp. Acres 295.58 61.75 53.53 31.54 Total Twp. Acres 146.82 T. 142 N., R 29 W., sec. 2, Lots 8, 11, and 14, SE¼SE¼SW¼, W½NE¼SE¼SW¼ sec. 11, Lot 3, SW¼NE¼ sec. 14, Lot 8 T. 144 N., R 29 W., sec. 1, SE¼NE¼, SW¼NE¼, NE¼SE¼, SE¼SE¼, SW¼SE¼, NW¼SE¼, SE¼NW¼ sec. 12, Lots 2 and 6 sec. 27, Lots 1 thru 5, including the attached lands to Lots 1, 2, and 4 between the original meander line and the actual shoreline of Leech Lake. sec. 28, Lot 1, including the attached lands to Lot 1 between the original meander line and the actual shoreline of Leech Lake. 280 42.05 429.15 92.94 sec. 30, South 962 feet of Lot 3, Lot 4, SW¼SE¼, NW¼SE¼, 80.41 SE¼NW¼ sec. 31, Lot 2, except that part of Lot 14 of Ottertail Homesite as portrayed on Certificate of Survey No. 7704, recorded in Cass County on August 6, 2001, Lot 3, and the NW¼NW¼ of Lot 4 71.71 sec. 33, Lots 1 thru 4, including the attached lands to Lots 1 thru 4 between original meander line and the actual meander shoreline of Leech Lake. 333.63 Total Twp. Acres 1329.89 T. 145 N., R 29 W., sec. 2, SE¼SE¼ Submerged Lands Attached sec. 11, NE¼NE¼ Submerged Lands Attached sec. 12, Lot 2, Lot 5, NW¼SW¼, SW¼NW¼, NW¼NW¼ Partition Lands – Estimated Acreage sec. 23, Lot 2, SE¼SW¼ sec. 24, SW¼NE¼, NW¼NE¼ sec. 25, NW¼NW¼ sec. 26, Lots 1 thru 3, NE¼NE¼ 12.99 38.13 132.06 70.75 80 40.88 125.20 Total Twp. Acres 500.01 T. 146 N., R 29 W., sec. 29, Lots 17 and 18 sec. 31, Lot 5 sec. 32, Lots 2, 3, and 7, SE¼NE¼, SW¼NE¼, NW¼NE¼ sec. 33, Lots 5 thru 7, SW¼NW¼ sec. 34, Lots 5, 7, and 13, NW¼SW¼ Partition Lands – Estimated Acreage 49.43 35.42 215.32 151.03 139.16 Total Twp. Acres T. 141 N., R 30 W., 590.36 sec. 1, SW¼SW¼ sec. 4, Lot 4, N½SW¼SW¼, NW¼SW¼, SW¼NW¼ sec. 5, SW¼SE¼, SE¼SW¼, SW¼SW¼ sec. 6, Lots 4 thru 6 sec. 8, NW¼NE¼, NE¼NW¼, NW¼NW¼ sec. 12, S½NE¼SE¼ 38.99 138.27 119.7 120.46 121.94 20.57 Total Twp. Acres 559.93 sec. 17, NE¼NE¼, N½SE¼NE¼, S½SE¼NE¼, N½SW¼NE¼, 137.2 NW¼NE¼ sec. 19, Lot 5 1.74 sec. 20, Lot 1 and 5, N½SW¼SE¼ 36.97 sec. 29, SE¼SW¼, SW¼SW¼ 80.47 sec. 31, Lots 3 and 4, NE¼NE¼, SE¼NE¼, S½SW¼NE¼, N½SW¼NE¼, E½NW¼NE¼, W½NE¼SE¼, NW¼SE¼, S½SE¼NW¼ 301.73 sec. 32, SW¼SE¼ EXCEPT the South 208.71 feet of the West 208.71 feet thereof, NW¼NW¼ 77.64 sec. 35, Lots 4 and 14 70.01 sec. 36, S½NE¼SW¼, S½NW¼SW¼, S½S½N½NW¼SW¼ 44.86 Total Twp. Acres 750.62 T. 142 N., R 30 W., T. 143 N., R 30 W., sec. 1, Lot 5, SE¼SW¼ sec. 7, Lots 9 and 10 sec. 12, Lots 3 and 4, NE¼NW¼ sec. 18, Lots 2 thru 5 and 7 thru 9, SE¼NW¼, NE¼NW¼ 61.9 78.17 94.61 365.01 Total Twp. Acres 599.69 sec. 1, Lots 2 and 3 58.33 sec. 36, Lot 1, EXCEPT the lands of the Plat of Hedin Habor on Leech Lake recorded Cass County in Vol. H of Plats, Page 51 on May 13, 1960 and also the lands of Hedin Harbor on Leech Lake First Addition recorded in Cass County in Vol. J of Plats, Page 41 on December 31, 1970. Including, however, those portions of said Lot 1 described as Lots 2, 3, and 4 in the Plat of Hedin Harbor on Leech Lake First 18.19 Addition. Total Twp. Acres 76.52 T. 144 N., R 30 W., T. 145 N., R 30 W., sec. 1, Lots 5 and 6 sec. 8, Lot 2 sec. 12, Lots 1 and 2, SW¼NE¼ sec. 19, Lots 1 thru 3 sec. 36, Lot 8 64.92 39.65 129.98 104.61 5.63 Total Twp. Acres 344.79 T. 141 N., R 31 W., sec. 13, Lots 1 and 2 75.58 Total Twp. Acres 75.58 T. 142 N., R 31 W., sec. 1, SE¼SW¼ sec. 3, Lot 1 sec. 4, Lots 3 thru Lot 4, Lot 5 EXCEPT the right of way of the Great Northern Railway Company 39.46 6.37 77.34 sec. 5, SE¼NE¼, NE¼SE¼, EXCEPT the right of way of the Great Northern Railway Company 78.67 sec. 6, Lot 8 39.75 sec. 10, Lot 1 22.22 sec. 11, Lot 1, EXCEPT that part depicted in the Plat of Survey by R.F. Schneider, amended June 7, 1984, recorded in the offices of the U.S. Forest Service, more particularly described as: Commencing at the southeast corner of said Government Lot 1, said corner being a U.S. G. L. O. brass cap monument; thence on an assumed bearing of North 88 degrees 30 minutes 16 seconds West, 445.46 feet along the south line of said Government Lot 1 to the point of beginning of the tract to be described; thence North 35 degrees 02 minutes 33 seconds West, 73.43 feet; thence North 88 degrees 30 minutes 16 seconds West, 315 feet more or less to the water's edge of Leech Lake; thence Southerly 60 feet more or less along said water's edge to the intersection with the south line of said Government Lot 1; thence South 88 degrees 30 minutes 16 seconds East, 339 feet more or less, along the south line of said Government Lot 1 to the point of beginning. NE¼NE¼, SE¼NE¼, E½SW¼NE¼, NW¼NE¼, NE¼SE¼, SE¼SE¼, 421.38 SW¼SE¼, NW¼SE¼, NE¼NW¼, S½SE¼NW¼, NW¼NW¼ sec. 12, Lots 2 and 4 and 9 thru 11, SW¼SW¼, N½NW¼SW¼, W½NE¼NW¼, SW¼NW¼ 236.53 sec. 14, Lots 4 thru 5 and 8 thru 9, NE¼NE¼, SE¼NE¼ 194.80 Partition Lands – Estimated Acreage sec. 23, Lot 1 0.27 sec. 24, Lot 2 31.57 Total Twp. Acres 1,148.36 T. 143 N., R 31 W., sec. 11, Lots 3 and 4, NE¼SE¼, SE¼SE¼ 146.01 sec. 12, SW¼SW¼, NW¼SW¼ 78.91 sec. 14, Lot 1, NE¼NE¼, SE¼NE¼ Except the S½SW¼SE¼NE¼, NE¼SE¼, SW¼SE¼ 210.35 sec. 23, NE¼NE¼, SE¼NE¼, SW¼NE¼, NW¼NE¼, NE¼SE¼, SE¼SE¼, SW¼SE¼, NW¼SE¼, NE¼SW¼, SE¼SW¼, SE¼NW¼ 439.73 sec. 25, Lot 2, NW¼NE¼, NE¼NW¼ 103 sec. 26, Lot 6 and 9, NE¼NE¼, SW¼NE¼, NW¼NE¼, NE¼NW¼, SE¼NW¼ 279.76 Partition Lands – Estimated Acreage Total Twp. Acres 1,257.76 T. 144 N., R 31 W., sec. 12, Lots 6 and 7 sec. 13, Lots 1 thru 3, NE¼SE¼ sec. 36, Lot 1, NW¼NE¼, NE¼NW¼ 78.26 152.53 116.31 Total Twp. Acres 347.1 T. 145 N., R 31 W., sec. 2, Lots 3 and 4 sec. 12, Lot 1 sec. 13, Lots 1 thru 5, and 7 Partition Lands – Estimated Acreage 75.63 8 209.25 sec. 14, Lot 6, NE¼NE¼ sec. 22, Lots 2 and 5, SW¼SW¼, NW¼SW¼, SW¼NW¼, NW¼NW¼ Partition Lands – Estimated Acreage sec. 36, Lot 2 Partition Lands – Estimated Acreage 60.5 202.1 57.96 Total Twp. Acres 613.44 Legal descriptions of the Federal land are based on the Land Description Review Certificate prepared for the purposes of implementing this transfer by the U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Eastern States for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Midwest Region, relying in part on research provided by the U.S. Forest Service, Eastern Region, said Certificate to be retained in the official case file by each agency. Exhibit A Existing Public Roads Operated by Public Authorities other than the Forest Service Certain existing public roads are identified in the following table. Township Range Section Legal SubDivision Road ID Road Name T146N R27W T141N R28W 29 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 FR-2163 CAS-127 MN-200 MN-200 MN-200 MN-200 FR-2311 FR-2311 MN-200 MN-200 CAS-126 Tamarack Point Drive Northeast 72nd St NE Minnesota State Highway 200 Minnesota State Highway 200 Minnesota State Highway 200 Minnesota State Highway 200 Cass Co. 125 - Three Island Cass Co. 125 - Three Island Minnesota State Highway 200 Minnesota State Highway 200 County 126 NE Gov't Lot 5 Gov't Lot 1 E½SW¼SE¼ E½SW¼SW¼ SE¼SW¼ W½SW¼SE¼ Gov't Lot 2 NE¼NW¼ NE¼NW¼ NW¼NW¼ NW¼NW¼ 11 14 14 24 24 24 24 27 34 34 19 19 19 19 19 28 28 28 34 3 3 NW¼NW¼ Gov't Lot 9 S½SE¼NE¼ Gov't Lot 3 NW¼SE¼ SE¼SW¼ SW¼SW¼ SE¼SW¼ N½SE¼NW¼ NE¼NW¼ Gov't Lot 1 NE¼NW¼ SE¼NW¼ SE¼SE¼ SW¼NE¼ SE¼NE¼ SE¼NW¼ SW¼NE¼ NE¼SW¼ Gov't Lot 7 Gov't Lot 8 Gov't Lot 9 MN-200 CAS-126 FR-2894 FR-2894 FR-2894 FR-2894 FR-2894 CAS-8 CAS-8 CAS-8 FR-2167 FR-2167 FR-2167 FR-2167 FR-2167 US-2 US-2 US-2 CAS-8 MN-200 MN-200 TWP-Pine Lake FR2485 Minnesota State Highway 200 County 126 NE Haskell Road Northeast Fahrenholz Road Northeast Fahrenholz Road Northeast Fahrenholz Road Northeast Fahrenholz Road Northeast Cass County 8 Cass County 8 Cass County 8 Cass Co. 91 Beltrami Co. 54 Cass Co. 91 Beltrami Co. 54 Cass Co. 91 Beltrami Co. 54 Cass Co. 91 Beltrami Co. 54 Cass Co. 91 Beltrami Co. 54 US Highway 2 US Highway 2 US Highway 2 Cass County 8 Minnesota State Highway 200 Minnesota State Highway 200 Fairbanks Drive Northwest 3 Gov't Lot 9 N½NE¼SE¼ MN-200 TWP-Pine Lake FR2485 Minnesota State Highway 200 Fairbanks Drive Northwest 8 Gov't Lot 3 Gov't Lot 3 MN-200 TWP-Pine Lake Unk3 Minnesota State Highway 200 Whipholt Beach Rd T144N R29W 1 30 30 31 31 SE¼NW¼ SE¼NW¼ NW¼SE¼ Gov't Lot 2 Gov't Lot 3 NW¼NW¼ of Gov't Lot 4 FR-2131 FR-2132F FR-2132G FR-2917 FR-2917 FR-2917 Sunset Beach Road Northwest Bay Shore Senecs Road West Shores Road Northwest West Shores Road Northwest West Shores Road Northwest T145N R29W 12 23 32 32 33 NW¼SW¼ SE¼SW¼ SE¼NE¼ SW¼NE¼ Gov't Lot 6 Gov't Lot 7 FR-2167 US-2 FR-2167 FR-2167 FR-2167 FR-2167 Cass Co. 91 Beltrami Co. 54 US Highway 2 Cass Co. 91 Beltrami Co. 54 Cass Co. 91 Beltrami Co. 54 Cass Co. 91 Beltrami Co. 54 Cass Co. 91 Beltrami Co. 54 T142N R28W T145N R28W T141N R29W T146N R29W T141N R30W T142N R30W T143N R30W 33 34 34 1 4 4 4 4 SW¼NW¼ Gov't Lot 7 NW¼SW¼ SW¼SW¼ Gov't Lot 4 Gov't Lot 4 N½SW¼SW¼ N½SW¼SW¼ N½SW¼SW¼ FR-2167 FR-2167 FR-2167 MN-200 FR-3782 FR-3782A FR-3782 MN-200 TWPTurtle Lake 50 FR-3782 FR-3782 CAS-13 MN-200 MN-200 MN-200 TWPShingobee Cass Co. 91 Beltrami Co. 54 Cass Co. 91 Beltrami Co. 54 Cass Co. 91 Beltrami Co. 54 Minnesota State Highway 200 39Th Avenue Northwest Fr 3782 Spur A 39Th Avenue Northwest Minnesota State Highway 200 Township Rd 50 4 4 5 5 5 5 NW¼SW¼ SW¼NW¼ SW¼SE¼ SE¼SW¼ SW¼SE¼ SW¼SW¼ Gov't Lot 4 Gov't Lot 5 TWPShingobee Breezy Point Road Northwest Gov't Lot 6 TWPShingobee Breezy Point Road Northwest 17 17 17 20 20 29 32 35 35 36 1 12 12 12 N½SE¼NE¼ N½SW¼NE¼ NE¼NE¼ Gov't Lot 1 Gov't Lot 5 SE¼SW¼ SW¼SE¼ Gov't Lot 4 Gov't Lot 14 S½NE¼SW¼ Gov't Lot 5 Gov't Lot 3 Gov't Lot 4 NE¼NW¼ Gov't Lot 2 BIA-1002 BIA-1002 BIA-1002 CAS-13 CAS-13 CAS-13 FR-2461 FR-2657C FR-2657C FR-2657B FR-2917 FR-2132 FR-2132 FR-2132 FR-3743 Traders Bay Road Northwest Traders Bay Road Northwest Traders Bay Road Northwest Onigum Road - Cass County 13 Onigum Road - Cass County 13 Onigum Road - Cass County 13 North Turtle Lake-Twp #24 East Rocky Point Road Northwest Rocky Point Road Northwest Bluewater Beach Road NW West Shores Road Northwest Sucker Bay Road Sucker Bay Road Sucker Bay Road Camper Landing Road Northwest Gov't Lot 3 FR-3136 Oak Point Road IRR 4 39Th Avenue Northwest 39Th Avenue Northwest Onigum Road - Cass County 13 Minnesota State Highway 200 Minnesota State Highway 200 Minnesota State Highway 200 Breezy Point Road Northwest T144N R30W T141N R31W T142N R31W T143N R31W T144N R31W T145N R31W Gov't Lot 3 FR-3743 Camper Landing Road Northwest 18 18 Gov't Lot 4 Gov't Lot 9 NE¼NW¼ FR-3136 FR-3136 FR-3743 Oak Point Road IRR 4 Oak Point Road IRR 4 Camper Landing Road Northwest 1 1 36 13 13 4 5 Gov't Lot 2 Gov't Lot 3 Gov't Lot 1 Gov't Lot 1 Gov't Lot 2 Gov't Lot 5 NE¼SE¼ NE¼SE¼ FR-2135 FR-2135 FR-2917 FR-3764 MN-371 MN-371 MN-371 TWPShingobee Unk7 Ketchum Road Ketchum Road West Shores Road Northwest 64Th Street Northwest Minnesota State Highway 371 Minnesota State Highway 371 Minnesota State Highway 371 N Kabekona Dr NW 6 12 12 12 24 24 12 14 14 23 23 23 23 25 25 26 26 26 26 36 13 13 13 13 14 14 14 Gov't Lot 8 Gov't Lot 2 Gov't Lot 9 Gov't Lot 11 Gov't Lot 2 Gov't Lot 2 SW¼SW¼ NE¼NE¼ SE¼NE¼ Gov't Lot 3 Gov't Lot 4 NE¼SW¼ SE¼NW¼ NE¼NW¼ NW¼NE¼ Gov't Lot 6 Gov't Lot 9 SE¼NW¼ SW¼NE¼ NW¼NE¼ Gov't Lot 3 Gov't Lot 4 Gov't Lot 5 Gov't Lot 6 Gov't Lot 6 Gov't Lot 6 NE¼NE¼ NE¼NE¼ MN-200 CAS-72 CAS-72 CAS-72 BIA-22 CAS-13 FR-3136 FR-3136 FR-3136 FR-3136 FR-3136 FR-3136 FR-3136 FR-3136 FR-3136 FR-3136 FR-3136 FR-3136 FR-3136 FR-3136 US-2 US-2 US-2 US-2 FR-2073 US-2 FR-2073 US-2 Minnesota State Highway 200 Pine Point Drive NW Pine Point Drive NW Pine Point Drive NW Onigum Marina Dr NW Onigum Road - Cass County 13 Oak Point Road IRR 4 Oak Point Road IRR 4 Oak Point Road IRR 4 Oak Point Road IRR 4 Oak Point Road IRR 4 Oak Point Road IRR 4 Oak Point Road IRR 4 Oak Point Road IRR 4 Oak Point Road IRR 4 Oak Point Road IRR 4 Oak Point Road IRR 4 Oak Point Road IRR 4 Oak Point Road IRR 4 Oak Point Road IRR 4 US Highway 2 US Highway 2 US Highway 2 US Highway 2 IRR 1014 - Stony Point Cass Lk US Highway 2 IRR 1014 - Stony Point Cass Lk US Highway 2 Exhibit B Reserved Easement Rights for Forest Easement Roads The Forest Service and the Tribe have executed an agreement that the below reserved easement rights would be published in this Notice and govern ongoing Forest Service access to and maintenance of the Forest Easement Roads after the transfer of administrative jurisdiction of the Federal land containing those road and trail segments. Reserved Forest Service Easement Rights Approved by Tribe Pursuant to the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe Reservation Restoration Act (Pub. L. 116-255, 134 Stat. 1139) (“the Actâ€), the Secretary of Agriculture, acting by and through the Forest Service (“Forest Serviceâ€), is publishing this Notice of Transfer (“Noticeâ€) transferring administrative jurisdiction to the Federal land, as defined by the Act, to the Secretary of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs to hold in Trust for the benefit of the Leech Lake Band of the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, also known as the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe (“LLBO†or “Tribeâ€). This Easement is reserved by the Forest Service, with agreement by the Tribe, for the below-indicated Forest road and Forest trail sections pursuant to federal authorities under the Act. Upon publication of the Notice affecting the Federal land containing the below-identified roads and trail (“Forest Easement Roadsâ€), the Forest Service will continue to operate such roads and trail pursuant to the terms herein. The Forest Service or the Tribe may record this Easement in the Office of the County Recorder for Cass County. The Tribe shall ensure this Easement is recorded or processed as necessary to establish its effectiveness in the land records maintained by the Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs. The locations of the Forest Easement Roads are listed in the table below and shown approximately on the maps available for inspection at the Chippewa National Forest Supervisor’s Office. If a conflict arises between the table below and the maps available for inspection, the table below shall control. Unless agreed to by the Forest Service and the Tribe in writing for a particular road, the Easement shall be 33 feet on each side of the centerline with such additional width as required for accommodation and protection of cuts and fills. The centerline of the roads and trail as present on the ground shall be considered the true centerline of the Easement reserved. This Easement includes the following terms and conditions to be held by the Forest Service: A. Except as hereinafter limited, the Forest Service reserves the right to utilize, reconstruct, and maintain the Forest Easement Roads within the easement without further consideration for all purposes deemed necessary or desirable by the Forest Service. The Forest Service reserves the right to extend rights and privileges for use of the Forest Easement Roads to other Federal, State, and local authorities, as well as other users including contractors, purchasers of forest products, and others including the public. The Forest Service shall manage, control and maintain the Forest Easement Roads subject to applicable law and regulation including but not limited to the Forest Roads and Trails Act of 1964 (16 U.S.C. 532-538), 23 U.S.C. 204-205, the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1715), and applicable federal regulations, including 36 CFR part 212, all as amended, which management shall include required consultation with the Tribe. Such maintenance shall be to the specifications of the Forest Easement Roads at the time of the publication of the Notice of Transfer for the Federal lands containing the below Forest Easement Roads, or to such changed specifications later set by Forest Service management decisions pursuant to applicable law, including increasing or decreasing maintenance schedules or levels. Pursuant to such management decisions under applicable law, the Forest Service may, following consultation with the Tribe, reconstruct or maintain the Forest Easement Roads to higher specifications. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, all maintenance or reconstruction shall be performed consistent with Forest Service needs and funding, and nothing herein shall be construed to constitute a promise of payment in advance of or in excess of appropriations in violation of the Anti-Deficiency Act, 31 U.S.C. 1341. Public access to the Forest Easement Roads listed in this Exhibit B shall be determined by the Forest Service in accordance with its regulations, including consultation with the LLBO, unless and until the Regional Forester determines in writing that the easement or any segment thereof are no longer needed as provided below. After such termination, access to the affected easement segments shall be determined solely by the LLBO. B. The Forest Service may cut timber and remove obstructions within the easement to the extent the Forest Service deems necessary for utilizing, reconstructing, and maintaining the roads and trail. Timber so cut shall, unless otherwise agreed to, be decked along the road or trail for disposal by the Tribe. This easement is reserved subject to the following rights of the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe: 1. The right to use the Forest Easement Roads for all purposes deemed necessary or desirable by the LLBO. LLBO use shall be subject to construction, reconstruction, and maintenance costs commensurate with such use to the extent changes in its use of the below road and trail segments after the date of this Notice contribute to increased maintenance needs. 2. The right to access and cross the easement at any place by any means and manner that complies with the traffic-control regulations of the Forest Service and does not interfere unreasonably with the Forest Service use of the Forest Easement Roads. 3. The right to all timber now or hereafter growing on the easement subject to the Forest Service’s right to cut such timber as hereinbefore provided. This easement shall continue for the duration of time the below road segments remain Forest roads or, for the purposes of the Forest trail, a Forest trail, as defined under 36 CFR part 212, as amended. If the Regional Forester determines in writing that the easement or any segment thereof is no longer needed, the easement traversed thereby shall immediately terminate by operation of law, but shall be evidenced by a statement in recordable form furnished by the Regional Forester to the LLBO and the BIA. Township Range Section Legal SubDivision Road ID Road Name T144N R27W 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 8 21 21 Gov't Lot 14 Gov't Lot 14 Gov't Lot 15 Gov't Lot 16 Gov't Lot 17 Gov't Lot 17 Gov't Lot 10 Gov't Lot 11 Gov't Lot 12 Gov't Lot 7 NE¼SW¼ SE¼SW¼ Gov't Lot 4 FR-2102 FR-2127 FR-2102 FR-2127 FR-2127 FR-3013 FR-2102 FR-2102 FR-2102 FR-2127 FR-2163 FR-2163 FR-3001 Old Six Mile Lake Road NE Six Mile Lake Road Northeast Old Six Mile Lake Road NE Six Mile Lake Road Northeast Six Mile Lake Road Northeast Mud Lake Spur 3013 Old Six Mile Lake Road NE Old Six Mile Lake Road NE Old Six Mile Lake Road NE Six Mile Lake Road Northeast Tamarack Point Drive Northeast Tamarack Point Drive Northeast South Highbanks Road Northeast 29 29 Gov't Lot 5 Gov't Lot 5 Gov't Lot 1 FR-2163 FR-2219 FR-3001 Tamarack Point Drive Northeast North Highbanks Road NE South Highbanks Road Northeast Gov't Lot 1 FR-3001 South Highbanks Road Northeast 32 4 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 9 10 14 24 27 34 34 35 SW¼NW¼ E½SW¼SW¼ SE¼SW¼ E½SW¼SE¼ SE¼SW¼ W½SW¼SE¼ Gov't Lot 1 Gov't Lot 1 Gov't Lot 2 Gov't Lot 2 NW¼NE¼ NE¼NW¼ S½SE¼NE¼ NW¼SE¼ SE¼SW¼ NE¼NW¼ NE¼NW¼ Gov't Lot 2 NE¼SE¼ FR-3001A FR-2868 FR-2868 FR-2872 FR-2868A FR-2868A FR-2876 FR-2876A FR-2876 FR-2876A FR-2872 FR-2599 FR-2875C FR-2884B FR-3099 FR-3098 FR-3100 FR-3102 FR-3102 South Highbanks Spur A MN 200 Spur 2868 MN 200 Spur 2868 Grazing Study Road FR 2868 Spur A FR 2868 Spur A Erwin Hills Drive Northeast Erwin Hills Drive Spur A Erwin Hills Drive Northeast Erwin Hills Drive Spur A Grazing Study Road West Football Lake Road 64Th Street Northeast Fahrenholz Road Spur B Cass Co. 8 Spur 3099 Cass Co. 8 Spur 3098 Cass Co. 8 Spur 3100 Grouse Pines Lane Northeast Grouse Pines Lane Northeast T146N R27W T141N R28W T142N R28W T145N R28W T141N R29W T144N R29W T145N R29W T146N R29W T141N R30W T142N R30W T143N R30W T144N R30W T145N R30W 19 19 19 20 20 28 28 34 34 10 17 23 1 1 1 12 23 23 24 24 24 33 1 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 8 8 8 31 32 18 1 1 1 1 12 12 12 Gov't Lot 1 SE¼SE¼ NE¼NW¼ NW¼SW¼ SW¼NW¼ SE¼NW¼ SE¼NW¼ NE¼SW¼ NW¼SE¼ Gov't Lot 3 N½SE¼NE¼ Gov't Lot 3 NW¼SE¼ SE¼NW¼ SW¼SE¼ NE¼SW¼ Gov't Lot 2 SE¼SW¼ NW¼NE¼ SW¼NE¼ NW¼NE¼ SW¼NW¼ SW¼SW¼ SE¼SW¼ SW¼SE¼ SW¼SE¼ Gov't Lot 4 Gov't Lot 4 Gov't Lot 5 Gov't Lot 6 NE¼NW¼ NW¼NW¼ NW¼NE¼ Gov't Lot 4 SW¼SE¼ Gov't Lot 4 Gov't Lot 2 Gov't Lot 3 Gov't Lot 5 Gov't Lot 6 Gov't Lot 1 SW¼NE¼ SW¼NE¼ Gov't Lot 1 FR-3025 FR-2074 FR-3025 FR-2074 FR-2074 FR-2129 FR-3033 FR-3032 FR-3032 FR-2834 FR-2108 FR-2835 FR-2941 FR-2941 FR-2941 FR-2010 FR-2175A FR-2175A FR-2972 FR-2972 FR-3024A FR-2348 FR-2657F FR-3780 FR-3781 FR-3992 FR-2658C FR-2658D FR-2658B FR-2658A FR-3780 FR-3780 FR-3781 FR-2658D FR-2461A FR-3136O FR-2135Z FR-2135Z FR-2958 FR-2958 FR-2958 FR-2352 FR-2958 FR-2137 West Winnie Spur 3025 Richards Drive Northeast West Winnie Spur 3025 Richards Drive Northeast Richards Drive Northeast Boulder Hill Bena Old Dump Canadien John Canadien John Lauer Road Northwest Whipholt Tower Road NW West Mud Lake Road Rabbits Cemetery Rabbits Cemetery Rabbits Cemetery Snapping Turtle Lane Northwest Portage Lake Drive Spur A Portage Lake Drive Spur A Converse Road Converse Road Alimi Road Spur A Finn Smokey Point Road Spur F MN 200 Spur 3780 MN 200 Spur 3781 Onigum Gravel Pit Breezy Point Road Spur C Breezy Point Road Spur D Breezy Point Road Spur B Breezy Point Road Spur A MN 200 Spur 3780 MN 200 Spur 3780 MN 200 Spur 3781 Breezy Point Road Spur D North Turtle Lake Spur A East Oak Point Road Spur O Elmers Trail Elmers Trail Lydick Road Lydick Road Lydick Road Norich Lydick Road Pike Bay Loop Northwest T142N R31W T143N R31W T144N R31W T145N R31W Township Range T145N R30W T145N R31W 19 19 1 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 24 14 23 25 25 36 13 13 13 22 22 22 Gov't Lot 2 Gov't Lot 3 SE¼SW¼ NE¼NE¼ NE¼NW¼ NW¼NE¼ NW¼NW¼ SE¼NE¼ Gov't Lot 4 Gov't Lot 10 Gov't Lot 11 N½NW¼SW¼ SW¼NW¼ W½NE¼NW¼ N½NW¼SW¼ SW¼NW¼ Gov't Lot 4 Gov't Lot 5 Gov't Lot 8 Gov't Lot 9 Gov't Lot 2 SW¼SE¼ NE¼NE¼ NE¼NW¼ NW¼NE¼ NW¼NE¼ Gov't Lot 4 Gov't Lot 5 Gov't Lot 6 Gov't Lot 2 Gov't Lot 3 NW¼NW¼ SW¼NW¼ FR-2137 FR-2137 FR-2639 FR-2644 FR-2644 FR-2644 FR-2644 FR-2644 FR-2639 FR-2639 FR-2639 FR-2639 FR-2639 FR-2639 FR-2644 FR-2644 FR-2123 FR-2123 FR-2123 FR-2123 FR-2123 FR-3600 FR-3600 FR-3136C FR-3136C FR-3734 FR-2174 FR-2174 FR-2174 FR-2138 FR-2138 FR-2138 FR-2138 Pike Bay Loop Northwest Pike Bay Loop Northwest Pine Point Cedar Point/ IRR 1715 Cedar Point/ IRR 1715 Cedar Point/ IRR 1715 Cedar Point/ IRR 1715 Cedar Point/ IRR 1715 Pine Point Pine Point Pine Point Pine Point Pine Point Pine Point Cedar Point/ IRR 1715 Cedar Point/ IRR 1715 Cedar Point Road Northwest Cedar Point Road Northwest Cedar Point Road Northwest Cedar Point Road Northwest Cedar Point Road Northwest Beartrap Beartrap Oak Point Road Spur C Oak Point Road Spur C Crooked Lake Road Northwest Strawberry Point Road NW Strawberry Point Road NW Strawberry Point Road NW Bayview Loop Northwest Bayview Loop Northwest Bayview Loop Northwest Bayview Loop Northwest Section Legal SubDivision Gov't Lot 1 Gov't Lot 2 Gov't Lot 3 Gov't Lot 3 Gov't Lot 4 Gov't Lot 5 Gov't Lot 7 Gov't Lot 6 Trail ID Trail Name 34674A 34674A 34674A 34674 34674 34674 34674 Migizi Bike - Spur A Migizi Bike - Spur A Migizi Bike - Spur A Migizi Bike Trail Migizi Bike Trail Migizi Bike Trail Migizi Bike Trail Migizi Bike Trail 19 19 19 13 13 13 13 36 Gov't Lot 2 34674A Migizi Bike - Spur A Dated: June 21, 2024. Antoine L. Dixon, Regional Forester. [FR Doc. 2024-14086 Filed: 6/27/2024 8:45 am; Publication Date: 6/28/2024]