39 CFR Part 111
Parcel Processing Categories Simplification
AGENCY: Postal Serviceâ„¢.
ACTION: Proposed rule.
SUMMARY: The Postal Service is proposing to amend Mailing Standards of the United
States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM®) in various sections to simplify the
parcel processing categories.
DATES: Submit comments on or before [INSERT DATE 30 DAYS AFTER DATE OF
ADDRESSES: Mail or deliver written comments to the manager, Product Classification,
U.S. Postal Service, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Room 4446, Washington, DC 20260-5015.
If sending comments by email, include the name and address of the commenter and
send to, with a subject line of “Parcel Processing
Categories”. Faxed comments are not accepted.
You may inspect and photocopy all written comments, by appointment only, at
USPS® Headquarters Library, 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW, 11th Floor North, Washington,
DC, 20260. These records are available for review on Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. 4 p.m., by calling 202-268-2906.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Steven Jarboe at (202) 268-7690, or
Garry Rodriguez at (202) 268-7281.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: All submitted comments and attachments are part
of the public record and subject to disclosure. Do not enclose any material in your
comments that you consider to be confidential or inappropriate for public disclosure.
Currently, the Postal Service has three parcel processing categories:
machinable, irregular, and nonmachinable. The Postal Service is proposing to simplify
the parcel processing categories by making revisions to the physical standards of the
machinable processing category and consolidating the irregular and nonmachinable
processing categories and renaming it “Nonstandard Parcels”.
The Postal Service is proposing to revise the “machinable” processing category
by removing the minimum size dimensions requirement and, except for USPS
Marketing Mail parcels, the minimum weight requirement. Except for cylindrical tubes
and rolls or similar shaped pieces, and for labeling requirements in Publication 52,
Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail, the minimum size of a machinable parcel
will be determined by if it is large enough to hold the required delivery address, return
address, mailing labels, postage, barcode, endorsements, and other mail markings on a
single optical plane without bending, folding, or overlapping. All labels and markings
must meet the applicable specifications (e.g., DMM, Publication 199, Parcel Labeling
Guide). A parcel that does not meet this requirement will be considered nonmailable.
Except for USPS Marketing Mail parcels, which will continue to have the 3.5 ounce
minimum to be a machinable parcel, the minimum weight requirement for other parcels
will no longer be a factor in determining machinability.
The proposed “Nonstandard Parcels” processing category will continue to have a
size and weight component that will consist of parcels that exceed the maximum
dimensions of a machinable parcel, parcels that weigh less than the 3.5-ounce
minimum weight for USPS Marketing Mail parcels only, and parcels that exceed the 25

pound maximum weight for a machinable parcel. The “Nonstandard Parcels” processing
category will also have a “Characteristics” component that will define the criteria that will
be used to determine if a parcel is nonstandard (e.g., cylindrical tubes and rolls,
packaging). The “Characteristics” component of “Nonstandard Parcels” will be
supported by DMM sections 601.3.0, Packaging, and 601.4.0, Acceptable Mailing
Containers. The packaging criteria in DMM section 601.7.0, Packaging Standards for
Mail Processed at Network Distribution Centers, will be consolidated into DMM section
601.3.0. The Postal Service is also proposing to revise the packaging standards under
DMM section 601.3.0 to include that except for hazardous, restricted, and perishable
items as provided in Publication 52, all other parcel priced pieces must be packaged in
a box or other acceptable container that meets the applicable standards under DMM
sections 601.3.0 and 601.4.0.
The proposed revisions to parcel processing categories will not affect the Priority
Mail Express®, Priority Mail®, USPS Ground Advantage®, or USPS Connect® Local,
products. The proposed revisions will result in no minimum size dimensions
requirement, except for USPS Marketing Mail no minimum weight requirements, and a
nomenclature change, for parcel preparation under the Parcel Select® Destination
Entry, Library Mail, Media Mail®, Bound Printed Matter, Periodicals, and USPS
Marketing Mail parcels (regular and nonprofit) products.
In addition, the Postal Service is also proposing to make minor revisions to the
“Additional Physical Standards” subsections under DMM 101 and 201 to remove
The Postal Service intends to notify the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) of
these revisions for updates to the Mail Classification Schedule in a future filing. The
Postal Service also intends to revise all collateral material (e.g., Notice 123, Price List)
in a future update.

Proposed Effective Date
The Postal Service is proposing to have November 1, 2024, as the effective date.
However, sack, tray, and pallet, label compliance would not be in effect until January
19, 2025.
We believe these proposed revisions will simplify the parcel processing
categories providing mailers with a more efficient process for shipping.
Although exempt from the notice and comment requirements of the
Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 553(b), (c)) regarding proposed rulemaking by
39 U.S.C. 410(a), the Postal Service invites public comment on the proposed revisions
to Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM),
incorporated by reference in the Code of Federal Regulations.
We will publish an appropriate amendment to 39 CFR part 111 to reflect these
List of Subjects in 39 CFR Part 111
Administrative practice and procedure, Postal Service
Accordingly, the Postal Service proposes the following changes to Mailing
Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM),
incorporated by reference in the Code of Federal Regulations (see 39 CFR 111.1):
1. The authority citation for 39 CFR part 111 continues to read as follows:
Authority: 5 U.S.C. 552(a); 13 U.S.C. 301-307; 18 U.S.C. 1692-1737; 39 U.S.C. 101,
401, 403, 404, 414, 416, 3001-3011, 3201-3219, 3403-3406, 3621, 3622, 3626, 3632,
3633, and 5001.
2. Revise the Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic
Mail Manual (DMM) as follows:

Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual





100 Retail Mail Letters, Cards, Flats, and Parcels
101 Physical Standards





3.0 Physical Standards for Parcels
3.1 Processing Categories
[Revise the text of 3.1 to read as follows:]
USPS categorizes parcels into one of two mail processing categories: machinable or
nonstandard parcel. These categories are based on the physical dimensions of the
parcel, and the placement of the delivery address and all required labels on the parcel
(see 601.1.1.5 for mailabilty). For additional information on the machinable and
nonstandard processing categories see 201.7.0.
[Revise the heading and text of 3.2 to read as follows:]
3.2 Size and Weight
3.2.1 Size
Parcel sizes are as follows:
a. Minimum size: Except for cylindrical tubes and rolls or similar shaped pieces and
labeling exceptions in Publication 52, all parcels must be large enough to hold the
required delivery address, return address, mailing labels, postage, barcode,
endorsements, and other mail markings on a single optical plane without bending,
folding, or overlapping (see 601.1.1.5). All labels and markings must meet the
applicable specifications (e.g., DMM, Publication 199, Parcel Labeling Guide).
b. Maximum size: Except for USPS Ground Advantage – Retail, which may not
measure more than 130 inches in length and girth combined, no mailpiece may

measure more than 108 inches in length and girth combined. For parcels, length is
the distance of the longest dimension and girth is the distance around the thickest
3.2.2 Weight
Except as provided under 4.0 through 7.0, no mailpiece may weigh more than 70





4.0 Additional Physical Standards for Priority Mail Express
[Revise the text of 4.0 to read as follows:]
Lower size and weight standards than provided under 3.2 may apply to Priority Mail
Express addressed to certain APO/FPO and DPO mail subject to 703.2.0, and 703.4.0,
and for Department of State mail subject to 703.3.0.
5.0 Additional Physical Standards for Priority Mail
[Revise the text of 5.0 to read as follows:]
Lower size and weight standards than provided under 3.2 may apply to Priority Mail
addressed to certain APO/FPO and DPO mail subject to 703.2.0, and 703.4.0, and for
Department of State mail subject to 703.3.0.
6.0 Additional Physical Standards for First-Class Mail and USPS Ground
Advantage — Retail
6.1 Maximum Weight
[Delete the heading 6.1.1 and move revised text under 6.1 to read as follows:]
First-Class Mail (letters and flats} must not exceed 13 ounces.
[Delete 6.1.2, USPS Ground Advantage — Retail, in its entirety.]





6.4 Parcels
[Revise the introductory text of 6.4 to read as follows;]

A USPS Ground Advantage — Retail parcel is the following:





[Delete item d in its entirety.]
7.0 Additional Physical Standards for Media Mail and Library Mail
[Delete the introductory text and items a and b. Move the text of item c under 7.0 and
revise as follows:]
Lower size and weight standards than provided under 3.2 may apply to Library Mail and
Media Mail addressed to certain APOs and FPOs, subject to 703.2.0 and 703.4.0 and
for Department of State mail, subject to 703.3.0.





120 Retail Mail Priority Mail
123 Prices and Eligibility





2.0 Basic Eligibility Standards for Priority Mail
2.1 Description of Service
[Revise the last sentence of 2.1 to read as follows:]
*** Certain Priority Mail mailpieces, such as pieces containing hazardous material or
considered nonstandard (e.g., oversized priced pieces and nonstandard fee-priced
pieces), may receive deferred handling.





130 Retail Mail First-Class Mail and USPS Ground Advantage — Retail
133 Prices and Eligibility





2.0 Basic Eligibility Standards for First-Class Mail and USPS Ground Advantage
— Retail
2.1 Description of Service

[Revise the last sentence of 2.1 to read as follows:]
*** Certain USPS Ground Advantage – Retail mailpieces, such as pieces containing
hazardous material or considered nonstandard (e.g., oversized priced pieces and
nonstandard fee-priced pieces), may receive deferred handling.





200 Commercial Letters, Cards, Flats, and Parcels
201 Physical Standards





7.0 Physical Standards for Parcels
7.1 Processing Categories
[Revise the text of 7.1 to read as follows:]
USPS categorizes parcels into one of two mail processing categories: machinable or
nonstandard. These categories are based on the physical dimensions of the piece, and
the placement of the delivery address and other required labels on the piece (see
601.1.1.5 for mailability).
7.2 Minimum Size
[Revise the text of 7.2 to read as follows:]
Pieces are subject to the minimum standards in 7.5, and may be subject to other
minimum dimensions, based on the standards for specific prices. Except for cylindrical
tubes and rolls or similar shaped pieces and labeling exceptions in Publication 52,
generally the minimum size of a parcel is any piece that is not a letter or a flat and must
be large enough to hold the required delivery address, return address, mailing labels,
postage, barcode, endorsements, and other mail markings on a single optical plane
without bending, folding, or overlapping (see 601.1.1.5). All labels and markings must
meet the applicable specifications (e.g., DMM, Publication 199, Parcel Labeling Guide).
7.3 Maximum Weight and Size

7.3.1 Maximum Weight
[Revise the text of 7.3.1 to read as follows:]
Except as provided under 8.0, no mailpiece may weigh more than 70 pounds.





7.5 Machinable Parcels
7.5.1 Criteria
[Delete the heading 7.5.1, Criteria, and move the text under 7.5. Revise the text of
renumbered 7.5 to read as follows:]
A machinable parcel is any piece that is not a letter or a flat and that meets the size and
weight standards as follows:
a. Minimum size: Except for cylindrical tubes and rolls or similar shaped pieces and
labeling exceptions in Publication 52, a piece must be large enough to hold the
required delivery address, return address, mailing labels, postage, barcode,
endorsements, and other mail markings on a single optical plane without bending,
folding, or overlapping (see 601.1.1.5). All labels and markings must meet the
applicable specifications.
b. Maximum size: Not more than, 22 inches long, or 18 inches wide, or 15 inches
high (see Exhibit 7.5.1b).
c. Minimum Weight: USPS Marketing Mail parcels must weigh 3.5 ounces, all other
parcel products no minimum weight.
d. Maximum weight: Not more than 25 pounds.
[Revise Exhibit 7.5.1b reference number to read as follows:]
Exhibit 7.5 Machinable Parcel Dimensions
[Revise the graphic in renumbered Exhibit 7.5 by removing the image of the minimum
size parcel.]

[Delete 7.5.2, Criteria for Lightweight Machinable Parcels, 7.5.3, Soft Goods and
Enveloped Printed Matter, and 7.5.4, Exception, in their entirety.]





[Revise the heading and text of 7.6 to read as follows:]
7.6 Nonstandard Parcels
7.6.1 Dimensions and Weight
A parcel is considered nonstandard by dimensions or weight as follows:
a. Dimensions: A parcel that measures more than 22 inches in length or 18 inches in
width or 15 inches in height.
b. Weight: A USPS Marketing Mail parcel that weighs less than 3.5 ounces or any
parcel that weighs more than 25 pounds.
7.6.2 Characteristics
A parcel is considered nonstandard by the following characteristics:
a. Cylindrical tubes or rolls.
b. A can, or wooden or metal box.
c. A parcel containing more than 24 ounces of liquid in glass containers, or 1 gallon
or more of liquid in metal or plastic containers (see 601.3.4).
d. An insecurely wrapped or inadequately prepared parcel as provided under
601.3.0 and 601.4.0.
[Delete 7.7, Nonmachinable Parcel, in its entirety.]





8.0 Additional Physical Standards by Class of Mail
Revise the text of 8.1 and 8.2 to read as follows:]
8.1 Priority Mail Express

Lower size and weight standards than provided under 7.3 may apply to Priority Mail
Express addressed to certain APO/FPO and DPO mail subject to 703.2.0 and 703.4.0,
and for Department of State mail subject to 703.3.0.
8.2 Priority Mail
[Revise the text of 8.2 to read as follows:]
8.2.1 Weight and Size
Lower weight and size standards than provided under 7.3 may apply to Priority Mail
addressed to certain APO/FPO and DPO mail subject to 703.2.0 and 703.4.0, and for
Department of State mail subject to 703.3.0.
8.2.2 Priority Mail Cubic
Priority Mail Cubic must not weigh more than 20 pounds. See 223.1.3 for additional
information on size and characteristics.
8.3 USPS Ground Advantage — Commercial Parcels
[Delete 8.3.1, Weight, in its entirety and renumber 8.3.2 as 8.3.1.]
8.3.1 Size
[Revise the text of renumbered 8.3.1 to read as follows:]
A USPS Ground Advantage — Commercial parcel is:





[Delete item d in its entirety.]
[Add new 8.3.2 to read as follows:]
8.3.2 USPS Ground Advantage Commercial Cubic
USPS Ground Advantage Commercial Cubic must not weigh more than 20 pounds. See
285.1.3 for additional information on size and characteristics.
8.4 USPS Marketing Mail Parcels


8.4.2 Size




[Revise the text of 8.4.2 to read as follows:]
USPS Marketing Mail parcel dimensions are as follows:
a. Regular Marketing parcels and Nonprofit Marketing parcels do not meet flatsize physical standards and must have the following characteristics:
1. Length: Not more than 12 inches. Minimum length must be 5 inches if the
parcel is 1/4 inch thick or less.
2. Height: Not more than 9 inches. Minimum height must be 3-1/2 inches if
the parcel is 1/4 inch thick or less.
3. Thickness: At least 0.009 inches and not more than 2 inches.
4. An alternative addressing format, according to 602.3.0.
b. Nonprofit Machinable Parcels and Nonprofit Nonstandard Parcels dimensions
are as follows:
1. Large enough to hold the required delivery address, return address,
mailing labels, postage, barcode, endorsements, and other mail markings
on the address side of the parcel.
2. Not exceed 108 inches in length and girth.
3. A Nonprofit Nonstandard Parcel is a parcel not meeting the criteria for
machinable parcels as provided under 7.6.
8.5 Parcel Select
[Delete 8.5.1 and 8.5.2 and renumber 8.5.3 as 8.5.1.]
8.5.1 USPS Connect Local
[Revise the text of renumbered 8.5.1 to read as follows:]
Pieces mailed at USPS Connect Local prices may not weigh more than 25 pounds.






203 Basic Postage Statement, Documentation, and Preparation Standards





3.0 Standardized Documentation for First-Class Mail, Periodicals, USPS Marketing
Mail, and Flat-Size Bound Printed Matter





3.3 Price Level Column Headings
The actual name of the price level (or abbreviation) is used for column headings
required by 3.2 and shown below:





[Revise the introductory text of item b to read as follows:]
b. Presorted First-Class Mail, barcoded and nonbarcoded Periodicals flats,
nonbarcoded Periodicals letters, and machinable, nonmachinable, and nonstandard,
USPS Marketing Mail:





[Revise the “ADC” line item in the “Price” column under item b to read as follows:]
ADC/RP&DC [USPS Marketing Mail nonmachinable letters, flats, and nonstandard
parcels, and all Periodicals]





[Revise the “Mixed ADC” line item in the “Price” column under item b to read as follows:]
Mixed ADC [USPS Marketing Mail nonmachinable letters, flats, nonstandard parcels;
and all Periodicals]





c. Carrier Route Periodicals and Enhanced Carrier Route USPS Marketing Mail:






[Revise the “Saturation” and “High Density” line items to read as follows:]
Saturation [letters, flats, and nonstandard parcels]
High Density [letters, flats, and nonstandard parcels]





[Revise the “Basic” line item to read as follows:]
Basic [letters, flats, and nonstandard parcels]





3.4 Sortation Level
The actual sortation level (or corresponding abbreviation) is used for the bundle, tray,
sack, or pallet levels required by 3.2 and shown below:





[Revise the “5-Digit Scheme Carrier Routes” line item to read as follows:]
5–Digit Scheme Carrier Routes [sacks/flat trays and pallets (Periodicals and USPS
Marketing Mail flats); sacks and pallets (nonstandard parcels)]





[Revise the “5-Digit Scheme Carrier Routes” line item to read as follows:]
5–Digit Scheme [pallets, Periodicals flats and nonstandard parcels,
USPS Marketing Mail flats, Bound Printed Matter flats]





[Revise the “Merged 5-Digit Scheme” line item to read as follows:]
Merged 5–Digit Scheme [flat trays and pallets (Periodicals and USPS Marketing Mail
flats); sacks and pallets (nonstandard parcels)]






[Revise the “Merged 3-Digit” line item to read as follows:]
Merged 3-Digit [flat trays (Periodicals flats); sacks (nonstandard parcels)]





[Revise the “SCF” line item to read as follows:]
SCF [flat trays and pallets (Periodicals flats and USPS Marketing Mail); sacks and
pallets (Bound Printed Matter and nonstandard parcels)]








4.0 Bundles


4.10 Additional Standards for Unsacked/Untrayed Bundles Entered at DDU or
S&DC Facilities
[Revise the introductory text of 4.10 to read as follows:]
Mailers may enter unsacked, untrayed, or nonpalletized bundles of carrier route,
Periodicals, or USPS Marketing Mail flats and unsacked Bound Printed Matter (BPM)
flats or nonstandard parcels (BPM only) at destination delivery units (DDUs) or sorting
and delivery centers (DS&DC) if all the following conditions are met:





5.0 Letter and Flat Trays





5.12 Line 2 (Content Line)
Line 2 (content line) must meet these standards:





b. Codes: The codes shown below must be used as appropriate on Line 2 of tray,
sack, and pallet labels.






[Delete the “Irregular Parcels” line item.]





[Revise the “Mixed Machinable and Irregular Parcels” line item to read as follows:]
Mixed Machinable and Nonstandard Parcels


[Revise the “Nonmachinable” line item to read as follows:]





7.0 Optional Endorsement Lines (OELs)





7.2.5 ZIP Code Information





Exhibit 7.2.5 OEL Labeling Lists








Periodicals 1


[Revise the “Irregular parcels” line item under “Periodicals” in the “Processing Category
and Presort Type” column to read as follows:]
Nonstandard parcels





Bound Printed Matter 1





[Revise the “Irregular parcels” line item under “Bound Printed Matter” in the “Processing
Category and Presort Type” column to read as follows:]
Nonstandard parcels
Media Mail





[Revise the “Irregular parcels” line item in the “Processing Category and Presort Type”
column under “Media Mail” to read as follows:]
Nonstandard parcels
Library Mail





[Revise the “Irregular parcels” line item in the “Processing Category and Presort Type”
column under “Media Mail” to read as follows:]
Nonstandard parcels





204 Barcode Standards





3.2.4 3-Digit Content Identifier Numbers





Exhibit 3.2.4 [1-21-24] 3-Digit Content Identifier Numbers










All Other Classes, Parcels





[Revise the “ASF/NDC/RPDC irregular parcels” line item under “All other Classes,
Parcels, to read as follows:]
ASF/NDC nonstandard parcels






[Revise the heading of “PER Irregular Parcels…” to read as follows:]
PER Nonstandard Parcels —
Merged Carrier Route and Presorted
[Revise the text in the “Human-Readable Content Line” column to read as follows:]
merged 5-digit sacks


merged 3-digit sacks


merged 5-digit scheme sacks


[Revise the heading of “PER Irregular Parcels – Carrier Route” to read as follows:]
PER Nonstandard Parcels — Carrier Route
[Revise the text in the “Human-Readable Content Line” column to read as follows:]
saturation price sacks


high density price sacks


basic price sacks


5-digit carrier routes sacks


5-digit scheme car. rts. sacks


3-digit carrier routes sacks


[Revise the heading of “PER Irregular Parcels – Presorted” to read as follows:]
PER Nonstandard Parcels — Presorted
[Revise the text in the “Human-Readable Content Line” column to read as follows:]
5-digit sacks


3-digit sacks


SCF sacks


ADC sacks or trays


mixed ADC sacks or trays


origin mixed ADC sacks or trays







[Revise the heading of “NEWS Irregular Parcels…” to read as follows:]
NEWS Nonstandard Parcels —
Merged Carrier Route and Presorted
[Revise the text in the “Human-Readable Content Line” column to read as follows:]
merged 5-digit


merged 5-digit scheme


merged 3-digit sacks


[Revise the heading of “NEWS Irregular Parcels – Carrier Route” to read as follows:]
NEWS Nonstandard Parcels — Carrier Route
[Revise the text in the “Human-Readable Content Line” column to read as follows:]
saturation price sacks


high density price sacks


basic price sacks


5-digit carrier routes sacks


5-digit scheme car. rts. sacks


3-digit carrier routes sacks


[Revise the heading of “NEWS Irregular Parcels – Carrier Route” to read as follows:]
NEWS Nonstandard Parcels — Presorted
[Revise the text in the “Human-Readable Content Line” column to read as follows:]
5-digit sacks


3-digit sacks


SCF sacks


ADC sacks or trays


mixed ADC sacks or trays


origin mixed ADC sacks or trays







[Revise the heading of “MKT Marketing Parcels less than 6 oz. and Irregular Parcels” to
read as follows:]
MKT Marketing Parcels (Nonstandard) and Nonprofit Nonstandard Priced Parcels
[Revise the text in the “Human-Readable Content Line” column to read as follows:]
5-digit scheme sacks


5-digit sacks


SCF sacks


ASF sacks


NDC sacks


mixed NDC sacks
[Revise the heading of “MKT Marketing Parcels 6 oz. or more and “Machinable Parcels”
to read as follows:]
MKT Marketing Parcels (Machinable) and Nonprofit Machinable Priced Parcels





[Revise the heading of “MKT Machinable and Irregular Parcels — Presorted” to read as
MKT Machinable and Nonstandard Parcels — Presorted





[Revise the heading of “Carrier Route BPM – Irregular Parcels” to read as follows:]
Carrier Route BPM — Nonstandard Parcels
[Revise the text in the “Human-Readable Content Line” column to read as follows:]

carrier route sacks


5-digit carrier routes sacks


5-digit scheme car. rt. sacks


[Revise the heading of “Presorted BPM – Irregular Parcels” to read as follows:]
Presorted BPM — Nonstandard Parcels
[Revise the text in the “Human-Readable Content Line” column to read as follows:]
5-digit sacks


5-digit scheme sacks


3-digit sacks


SCF sacks


ADC sacks


mixed ADC sacks







[Revise the heading of “Media Mail and Library Mail Irregular Parcels - Presorted” to
read as follows:]
Media Mail and Library Mail Nonstandard Parcels — Presorted
[Revise the text in the “Human-Readable Content Line” column to read as follows:]
5-digit scheme sacks


5-digit sacks


3-digit sacks


ADC sacks


mixed ADC sacks












[Revise the heading of “Parcel Select Irregular (Nonmachinable) Parcels - Presorted” to
read as follows:]
Parcel Select — Nonstandard Parcels
[Revise the text in the “Human-Readable Content Line” column to read as follows:]
3-digit sacks






[Delete the Combined Package Services, Parcel Select, and USPS Marketing –
Irregular Parcels 2 up to 6 oz (APPS – machinable) line item in its entirety.]
[Revise the of Combined PSVC & MKT – Irregular Parcels less than 2 oz, and tubes
and rolls (not APPS – machinable) to read as follows:]
Combined PSVC & MKT—Nonstandard Parcels cylindrical tubes and rolls
[Revise the text in the “Human-Readable Content Line” column to read as follows:]
3-digit sacks


ADC sacks


Mixed ADC sacks









207 Periodicals



22.0 Preparing Nonbarcoded (Presorted) Periodicals





22.6 Sack Preparation
*** For other mailing jobs, preparation sequence, sack size, and labeling:
a. 5-digit, required at 72 pieces, optional at 24 pieces minimum.





[Revise the text of item a2 to read as follows:]

2. Line 2: use “PER” or NEWS” as applicable; followed by “FLTS” or “NONSTD”
as applicable; followed by “5D”.
b. 3-digit, required at 72 pieces, optional at 24 pieces minimum.





[Revise the text of item b2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: use “PER” or “NEWS” as applicable; followed by “FLTS” or “NONSTD”
as applicable; followed by “3D”; followed by “NON BC” for flats.
c. SCF, required at 72 pieces, optional at 24 pieces minimum.





[Revise the text of item c2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PER” or “NEWS” as applicable; followed by “FLTS” or “NONSTD” as
applicable; followed by “SCF”; followed by “NON BC” for flats.
d. Origin/entry SCF, required for the SCF of the origin (verification) office, optional
for the SCF of an entry office other than the origin office, (no minimum).





[Revise the text of item d2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: usen “PER” or “NEWS” as applicable; followed by “FLTS” or
“NONSTD” as applicable; followed by “SCF”; followed by “NON BC” for flats..
e. ADC, required at 72 pieces, optional at 24 pieces minimum.





[Revise the text of item e2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PER” or “NEWS” as applicable; followed by “NONSTD” as applicable;
followed by “ADC”.
f. Origin mixed ADC, required; no minimum; for any remaining bundles for
destinations in L201, Column B, corresponding to the origin ZIP Code in Column A.





[Revise the text of item f2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PER” or “NEWS” as applicable, followed by “NONSTD” as applicable,
followed by “WKG W FCM.”
g. Mixed ADC, required (no minimum).





[Revise the text of item g2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PER” or “NEWS” as applicable; followed by “NONSTD” as applicable;
followed by “WKG” for nonstandard parcels.





23.0 Preparing Carrier Route Periodicals





[Revise the heading of 23.4 to read as follows:]
23.4 Preparation—Flat-Size Pieces and Nonstandard Parcels
23.4.1 Flat Tray and Sacking Preparation and Labeling
*** Preparation sequence, sack/tray size, and labeling:
a. Carrier route, required at 72 pieces, optional at 24 pieces, fewer pieces not





[Revise the text of item a2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PER” or “NEWS” as applicable; followed by “FLTS” or “NONSTD” as
applicable; followed by “WSS” for saturation price mail, or “WSH” for high density
price mail, or “CR” for basic price mail; followed by the route type and number.
b. 5-digit scheme carrier routes, required at 72 pieces, optional at 24 pieces, fewer
pieces not permitted.





[Revise the text of item b2 to read as follows:]

2. Line 2: “PER” or “NEWS” as applicable; followed by “FLTS” or “NONSTD” as
applicable; followed by “CR-RTS SCH.”
c. 5-digit carrier routes, required at 72 pieces, optional at 24 pieces, fewer pieces not





[Revise the text of item c2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PER” or “NEWS” as applicable; followed by “FLTS” or “NONSTD” as
applicable; followed by “CR-RTS.”
d. 3-digit carrier routes, required with one 6-piece bundle. Flat-sized pieces must be
prepared in flat trays (see 203.5.6).





[Revise the text of item d2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PER” or “NEWS” as applicable, followed by “FLTS 3D” or “NONSTD
3D” as applicable, followed by “CR-RTS.”





240 Commercial Mail USPS Marketing Mail
243 Prices and Eligibility
1.0 Prices and Fees





1.2 USPS Marketing Mail Prices
USPS Marketing Mail prices are applied as follows:





[Revise the text of item b to read as follows:]
b. A price determined by adding the per piece charge and the corresponding per
pound charge applies to any USPS Marketing Mail piece that weighs more than the
following: Nonmachinable letters and flats that weigh more than 4.0 ounces,

presorted Marketing Parcels, Nonprofit Machinable and Nonprofit Nonstandard
parcels that weigh more than 3.3 ounces and machinable parcels 3.5 ounces or





3.0 Basic Eligibility Standards for USPS Marketing Mail





3.2 Defining Characteristics





[Revise the heading and text of 3.2.3 to read as follows:]
3.2.3 Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail Machinable and Nonstandard Parcels
Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail parcels that do not qualify as Marketing parcels may be
prepared and mailed as machinable or nonstandard parcels.





3.3 Additional Basic Standards for USPS Marketing Mail
Each USPS Marketing Mail mailing is subject to these general standards:
[Revise the text of item a to read as follows:]
a. All pieces in a mailing must be of the same processing category, except
that nonstandard and machinable parcels may be combined in 5-digit scheme and 5digit sacks or on 5-digit scheme and 5-digit pallets.





[Revise the last sentence of item f to read as follows:]
f. *** Nonprofit USPS Marketing Mail machinable or nonstandard parcels must bear
the addressee‘s name and complete delivery address, or may use an alternative
addressing format. DALS or DMLs may be used subject to 602.4.0.





4.0 Price Eligibility for USPS Marketing Mail






4.2 Minimum Per Piece Prices
The minimum per piece prices (the minimum postage that must be paid for each piece)
apply as follows:





[Revise the fifth sentence of item c to read as follows:]
c. Individual prices. *** There are also separate prices for Marketing Parcels,
Nonprofit Machinable priced parcels, and Nonprofit Nonstandard priced parcels. ***





5.0 Additional Eligibility Standards for Nonautomation USPS Marketing Mail
Letters, Flats, and Presorted USPS Marketing Mail Parcels





5.3 Price Application
[Revise the second sentence of 5.3 to read as follows:]
*** Prices for Nonprofit parcels not qualifying as Marketing Parcels apply separately to
Nonprofit Machinable parcels and Nonprofit Nonstandard parcels. ***





[Revise the heading of 5.8 to read as follows:]
5.8 Prices for Nonstandard Parcels and Marketing Parcels
5.8.1 5-Digit Price
[Revise the introductory text of 5.8.1 to read as follows:]
5-digit prices apply to nonstandard parcels and to Marketing parcels that are
dropshipped to a DNDC/RPDC (or ASF/RPDC when claiming DNDC prices),
DSCF/DRPDC, or DDU or DS&DC and presented:



5.8.2 SCF Price



[Revise the introductory text of 5.8.2 to read as follows:]
SCF prices apply to nonstandard parcels and to Marketing parcels that are dropshipped
and presented to a DSCF/DRPDC or DNDC/DRPDC:





5.8.3 NDC Price
[Revise the introductory text of 5.8.3 to read as follows:]
NDC prices apply to nonstandard parcels and to Marketing parcels as follows under
either of the following conditions:





5.8.4 Mixed NDC Price
[Revise the first sentence of 5.8.4 to read as follows:]
Mixed NDC prices apply to nonstandard parcels and to Marketing parcels in origin
NDC/RPDC or mixed NDC/RPDC containers that are not eligible for 5-digit, SCF, or
NDC prices. ***





245 Mail Preparation
1.0 General Information for Mail Preparation





1.2 Definition of Mailings
Mailings are defined as:





b. USPS Marketing Mail. Except as provided in 243.3.6, the types of USPS
Marketing Mail listed below may not be part of the same mailing.





[Revise the text of item b6 to read as follows:]
6. Machinable and nonmachinable or nonstandard pieces.






1.4 Preparation Definitions and Instructions
For purposes of preparing mail:





[Revise the fifth sentence of item j to read as follows:]
j. *** The 5-digit scheme sort may not be used for other mail prepared on pallets,
except for 5-digit bundles of USPS Marketing Mail nonstandard parcels that are part
of a mailing job that is prepared in part as palletized flats at automation prices. ***





11.0 Preparing Presorted Parcels
11.1 Basic Standards
All mailings and all pieces in each mailing at USPS Marketing Mail and Nonprofit USPS
Marketing Mail parcel prices are subject to preparation standards in 11.3 or 11.4, and to
these general standards:





[Revise the text of item b to read as follows:]
b. Marketing Parcels, Nonprofit Machinable priced parcels, and Nonprofit
Nonstandard priced parcels must each be prepared as separate mailings, except
under 11.3.1.





[Revise the heading of 11.3 to read as follows:]
11.3 Preparing Marketing Parcels (6 Ounces or More) and Nonprofit Machinable
11.3.1 Sacking
[Revise the text of 11.3.1 to read as follows:]

Prepare mailings of machinable Marketing Parcels weighing 6 ounces or more and
mailings of Nonprofit Machinable priced parcels under 11.3. Prepare 5-digit sacks only
for parcels dropshipped to a DNDC/RPDC (or ASF/RPDC when claiming DNDC prices),
DSCF/DSCF, or DDU or DS&DC. Prepare ASF/RPDC or NDC/RPDC sacks only for
parcels dropshipped to a DNDC/RPDC (or ASF/RPDC when claiming DNDC prices).
There is no minimum for parcels in 5-digit/scheme sacks entered at a DDU or DS&DC.
Mailers combining nonstandard parcels with machinable parcels placed in 5digit/scheme sacks must prepare those sacks under 11.3.2a. Mailers combining
machinable Marketing Parcels weighing 6 ounces or more with Nonprofit Machinable
priced parcels placed in ASF/RPDC, NDC/RPDC, or mixed NDC/RPDC sacks must
prepare the sacks under 11.3.2.





[Revise the heading of 11.4 to read as follows:]
11.4 Preparing Marketing Parcels (Less Than 6 Ounces) and Nonprofit
Nonstandard Parcels





11.4.2 Sacking
[Revise the text of 11.4.2 to read as follows:]
Prepare mailings of nonstandard Marketing Parcels weighing less than 6 ounces and
mailings of Nonprofit Nonstandard priced parcels under 11.4. Prepare 5-digit sacks only
for parcels dropshipped to a DNDC/RP&DC (or ASF/RP&DC when claiming DNDC
prices), DSCF/RP&DC, or DDU or S&DC. See 11.4.3 for restrictions on SCF/RP&DC,
ASF/RP&DC, and NDC/RP&DC sacks. Mailers must prepare a sack when the mail for a
required presort destination reaches 10 pounds of pieces. There is no minimum for
parcels prepared in 5-digit/scheme sacks entered at a DDU or S&DC. Mailers
combining Nonprofit Nonstandard priced parcels with Nonprofit Machinable priced

parcels and machinable Marketing Parcels weighing 6 ounces or more in 5-digit/scheme
sacks must prepare those sacks under 11.3.2. Mailers may not prepare sacks
containing nonstandard and machinable parcels to other presort levels. Mailers may
combine Nonprofit Nonstandard priced parcels with nonstandard Marketing Parcels in
sacks under 11.4.3.
11.4.3 Sacking and Labeling
Preparation sequence, sack size, and labeling:
a. *** Sacks must contain a 10-pound minimum except at DDU or S&DC entry which
has no minimum; labeling:





[Revise the text of item a2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: For 5-digit scheme sacks, “STD NONSTD 5D SCH.” For 5-digit sacks,
b. SCF/RP&DC, allowed only for mail deposited at a DSCF/RP&DC or a
DNDC/RP&DC to claim SCF price; 10-pound minimum; labeling:





[Revise the text of item b2 to read as follows:]
2. For Line 2, “STD NONSTD SCF.”
c. ASF/RP&DC (optional), allowed only for mail deposited at an ASF/RP&DC to
claim DNDC price; 10-pound minimum; labeling:





[Revise the text of item c2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “STD NONSTD ASF.”
d. NDC/RP&DC, allowed only for mail deposited at a DNDC/RP&DC to claim the
NDC price; 10-pound minimum; labeling:





[Revise the text of item d2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “STD NONSTD NDC.”
e. Origin NDC/RPDC (required); no minimum; labeling:





[Revise the text of item e2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “STD NONSTD NDC.”
f. Mixed NDC/RP&DC (required); no minimum; labeling:





[Revise the text of item f2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “STD NONSTD WKG.”





250 Commercial Mail Parcel Select





255 Mail Preparation





4.0 Preparing Destination Entry Parcel Select
4.1 Preparing Destination Delivery Unit (DDU) or Sorting and Delivery Center
(S&DC) Parcel Select





4.1.3 Sacking and Labeling
[Revise the last sentence of 4.1.3 to read as follows:]
*** Machinable and nonstandard pieces may be combined in the same sack or on the
same pallet (including pallet boxes on pallets).





4.2 Preparing Destination Hub (DHub) Parcel Select





4.2.3 Sacking and Labeling
Sacking requirements for DHub entry include the following:





[Revise the second sentence of item b to read as follows:]
b. *** Machinable and nonstandard pieces may be combined in the same sack to
meet this requirement. ***





4.3 Preparing Destination SCF (DSCF)/RP&DC (DRP&DC) Parcel Select





4.3.2 Basic Standards
Pieces must meet the applicable standards in 4.0 and the following criteria:





[Revise the first sentence of item d to read as follows:]
d. Any remaining nonstandard parcels (as defined in 201.7.6) sorted to 3-digit ZIP
Code prefixes in L002, Column C. ***
4.3.3 Sacking and Labeling
Sacking requirements for DSCF/DRP&DC entry:





[Revise the second sentence of item b to read as follows:]
b. *** Machinable and nonstandard pieces may be combined in the same sack to
meet this requirement. ***





[Revise the text of items g and h to read as follows:]
g. 3-digit nonstandard sack labeling: Line 1, use L051; for Line 2, “PSVC NONSTD

h, See 705.8.0 for option to place 5-digit scheme and 5-digit DSCF/DRP&DC sacks,
SCF/RP&DC sacks, and 3-digit nonstandard sacks on an SCF/RP&DC pallet.
4.4 Preparing Destination NDC (DNDC)/RP&DC (DRP&DC) Parcel Select





4.4.3 Sacking and Labeling
DNDC/DRP&DC mailing (if not bedloaded), must be prepared as follows:





[Revise the text of item b to read as follows:]
b. DNDC/DRP&DC nonstandard parcels that each weigh 25 pounds or less must be
sacked under 5.0 if the parcels do not contain perishables and the size of the
parcels allows a sack to hold at least two pieces. DNDC/DRP&DC nonstandard
parcels that cannot be sacked in this manner or that weigh more than 25 pounds
must be transported as outside (unsacked) pieces. If authorized in advance by the
USPS, DNDC/DRP&DC nonstandard parcels may be palletized.





256 Enter and Deposit








2.0 Deposit


2.2 Containers
DNDC/DRP&DC mailings (if not bedloaded), DDU or S&DC mailings (if not bedloaded),
and all DHub, and DSCF/DRP&DC mailings must be prepared as follows:





[Revise the text of item b to read as follows:]
b. For DNDC price, nonstandard parcels that each weigh 25 pounds or less must be
sacked under 255.4.0 if the parcels do not contain perishables and the size of the

parcels allows a sack to hold at least two pieces. DNDC/DRPDC nonstandard
parcels that cannot be sacked in this manner or that weigh more than 25 pounds
must be transported as outside (unsacked) pieces. If authorized in advance by the
USPS, DNDC/DRPDC nonstandard parcels may be palletized.
[Revise the last sentence of item c to read as follows:]
c. *** Machinable and nonstandard pieces may be included in the same sack.





[Revise the text of item e to read as follows:]
e. For DSCF/DRP&DC and DDU or DS&DC, nonstandard parcels may be palletized
(including pallet boxes on pallets). Nonstandard parcels may be combined with
machinable parcels on 5-digit scheme, 5-digit, and 3-digit pallets (including pallet
boxes on pallets) claimed at DSCF or DDU prices under 705.8.0.
[Revise the last sentence of item f to read as follows:]
f. *** Machinable and nonstandard pieces may be combined in 5-digit scheme and 5digit sacks or on 5-digit scheme and 5-digit pallets (including pallet boxes).





2.17 DNDC/DRP&DC Parcel Select—Acceptance at Designated SCF/RP&DC-USPS
A mailing that is otherwise eligible for DNDC prices may be deposited, and accepted, at
an SCF/RP&DC designated by the USPS when it benefits the USPS and:
[Revise the text of item a to read as follows:]
a. The mailing contains only machinable parcels prepared in 5-digit scheme and 5digit sacks, pallets, or containers and nonstandard parcels prepared under 2.2.





260 Commercial Mail Bound Printed Matter





265 Mail Preparation








2.0 Bundles


[Revise the heading and text of 2.4 to read as follows:]
2.4 Bundle Sizes for Nonstandard Parcels
Mailers must prepare unsacked, nonpalletized bundles of nonstandard parcels for DDU
or DS&DC entry according to 203.4.10, and as follows:
a. For Presorted nonstandard parcels, under 8.2 for parcels weighing less than 10
pounds and 8.3 for parcels weighing 10 pounds or more.
b. For carrier route nonstandard parcels, under 9.2 for parcels weighing less than
10 pounds and 9.3 for parcels weighing 10 pounds or more.





8.0 Preparing Presorted Parcels
8.1 Basic Standards
All mailings of Presorted Bound Printed Matter (BPM) are subject to the standards in
5.2, and 5.3, and to these general standards:





[Revise the second sentence of item b to read as follows:]
b. *** See 201.7.0 for definitions of machinable and nonstandard parcels.





[Revise the heading of 8.2 to read as follows:]
8.2 Preparing Nonstandard Parcels Weighing Less than 10 Pounds





8.2.4 Sacking and Labeling
Preparation sequence and labeling:

a. 5-digit/scheme (required); labeling:





[Revise the text of item a2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: For 5-digit scheme sacks, “PSVC NONSTD 5D SCH.” For 5-digit
sacks, “PSVC NONSTD 5D.”
b. 3-digit (required); labeling:





[Revise the text of item b2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD 3D.”
c. SCF/RPDC (optional); labeling:





[Revise the text of item c2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD SCF.”
d. ADC/RPDC (required); labeling:





[Revise the text of item d2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD ADC.”
e. Mixed ADC/RPDC (required); labeling:





[Revise the text of item d2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD WKG.”





[Revise the heading of 8.3 to read as follows:]
8.3 Preparing Nonstandard Parcels Weighing 10 Pounds or More





8.3.3 Sacking and Labeling

Preparation sequence and labeling:
a. 5-digit/scheme (required); labeling:





[Revise the text of item a2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: For 5-digit scheme sacks, “PSVC NONSTD 5D SCH.” For 5-digit
sacks, “PSVC NONSTD 5D.”
b. 3-digit (required); labeling:





[Revise the text of item b2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD 3D.”
c. SCF/RPDC (optional); labeling:
[Revise the text of item c2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD SCF.”
d. ADC (required); labeling:
[Revise the text of item d2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD ADC.”
e. Mixed ADC/RPDC (required); labeling:
[Revise the text of item e2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD WKG.”





9.0 Preparing Carrier Route Parcels
9.1 Basic Standards
9.1.1 General Standards for Carrier Route Preparation
All mailings of Carrier Route Bound Printed Matter (BPM) are subject to the standards in
9.2 through 9.4 and to these general standards:





[Revise the second and last sentence of item b to read as follows:]
b. *** A BPM nonstandard parcel is a piece that is not a machinable parcel as
defined in Nonstandard parcels also are pieces that meet the size and
weight standards for a machinable parcel but are not individually boxed or packaged
to withstand processing on parcel sorters under 601.3.0 and 601.4.0.





[Revise the heading of 9.2 to read as follows:]
9.2 Preparing Nonstandard Parcels Weighing Less Than 10 Pounds





9.2.2 Required Sacking
[Revise the first sentence in the introductory text of 9.2.2 to read as follows:]
Mailers may prepare nonstandard parcels as unsacked bundles under 203.4.10 or in
bundles on pallets. ***





9.2.4 Sack Label Line 2
Line 2 information:
[Revise the text of items a through c to read as follows:]
a. Carrier route: “PSVC NONSTD CR,” followed by the route type and number.
b. 5-digit scheme carrier routes: “PSVC NONSTD CR-RTS SCH.”
c. 5-digit carrier routes: “PSVC NONSTD CR-RTS.”
[Revise the heading of 9.3 to read as follows:]
9.3 Preparing Nonstandard Parcels Weighing 10 Pounds or More
[Revise the first and second sentence in the introductory text of 9.2.2 to read as

Mailers may prepare nonstandard parcels as unsacked bundles under 2.2 or in bundles
on pallets. When preparing nonstandard parcels in sacks, place parcels only in direct
carrier route sacks. *** *** Required preparation:





[Revise the text of item b to read as follows:]
b. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD CR,” followed by the route type and number.





266 Enter and Deposit





3.0 Destination Entry





3.6 Mailings of Unsacked Bundles
[Revise the first sentence of 3.6 to read as follows:]
Mailers may present unsacked, nonpalletized bundles of BPM flats
or nonstandard parcels that are properly prepared for and entered at DDU prices and
unloaded according to standards in 3.8.9. ***





4.0 Destination Network Distribution Center (DNDC)/Regional Processing and
Distribution Center (DRP&DC) Entry





[Revise the heading of 4.5 to read as follows:]
4.5 Presorted Nonstandard Parcels
[Revise the first sentence of 4.5 to read as follows:]
Presorted nonstandard parcels in sacks or on pallets at all sort levels may claim DNDC
prices. ***





[Revise the heading of 4.7 to read as follows:]
4.7 Carrier Route Nonstandard Parcels
[Revise the first sentence of 4.7 to read as follows:]
Carrier Route nonstandard parcels in sacks at all sort levels or on pallets at all sort
levels may claim DNDC prices. ***





6.0 Destination Delivery Unit (DDU) or Sorting and Delivery Center (DS&DC) Entry





[Revise the heading of 6,5 to read as follows:]
6.5 Presorted Nonstandard Parcels
[Revise the first sentence of 6.5 to read as follows:]
Presorted nonstandard parcels in 5-digit scheme sacks and 5-digit sacks, on 5-digit
scheme or 5-digit pallets, or prepared as unsacked 5-digit bundles may claim DDU
prices. ***





[Revise the heading of 6.7 to read as follows:]
6.7 Carrier Route Nonstandard Parcels
[Revise the first sentence of 6.7 to read as follows:]
Carrier Route nonstandard parcels in sacks, on 5-digit scheme and 5-digit pallets, or
prepared as unsacked carrier route bundles may claim DDU prices. ***





270 Commercial Mail Media Mail and Library Mail
273 Prices and Eligibility





7.0 Price Eligibility for Media Mail and Library Mail





7.3 Price Categories for Media Mail and Library Mail





7.3.2 Parcels
The price categories for parcels are as follows:
[Revise the last sentence of item a to read as follows:]
a. *** Nonstandard parcels may qualify for the 5-digit price if prepared to preserve
sortation by 5-digit ZIP Code as prescribed by the postmaster of the mailing office.
[Revise the last sentence of item b to read as follows:]
b. *** Nonstandard parcels may qualify for the basic price if prepared to preserve
sortation by NDC/RP&DC as prescribed by the postmaster of the mailing office.





275 Mail Preparation





4.0 Basic Standards for Preparing Media Mail and Library Mail
All mailings of Presorted Media Mail and Presorted Library Mail are subject to these
general requirements:





[Revise the last sentence of item d to read as follows:]
d. *** See 201.7.0 for definitions of machinable and nonstandard parcels.





6.0 Preparing Media Mail and Library Mail Parcels
6.1 Basic Standards
All mailings of Presorted Media Mail and Presorted Library Mail parcels are subject to
these general requirements:





[Revise the text of item b to read as follows:]

b. All parcels in a mailing must be within the same processing category. See 201.7.0
for definitions of machinable and nonstandard parcels.





[Revise the heading of 6.3 to read as follows:]
6.3 Preparing Nonstandard Parcels





6.3.4 Sacking and Labeling
Preparation sequence and labeling:
a. 5-digit/scheme (optional, but required for 5-digit price); labeling:





[Revise the text of item a2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: For 5-digit scheme sacks, “PSVC NONSTD 5D SCH.” For 5-digit
sacks, “PSVC NONSTD 5D.”
b. 3-digit: required.





[Revise the text of item b2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD 3D.”
c. ADC/RPDC: required.





[Revise the text of item c2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD ADC.”
d. Mixed ADC/RPDC: required (no minimum).





[Revise the text of item d2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD WKG.”





500 Additional Mailing Services
503 Extra Services
1.0 Basic Standards for All Extra Services





1.4.1 Eligibility—Domestic Mail





Exhibit 1.4.1 Eligibility—Domestic Mail





[Revise footnote 7 to read as follows:]
7. USPS Marketing Mail, Nonprofit Machinable and Nonprofit Nonstandard priced
parcels only.





600 Basic Standards for All Mailing Services
601 Mailability
1.0 General Standards
1.1 Determining Mail Processing Categories
1.1.1 Processing Categories
[Revise the first sentence of 1.1.1 to read as follows:]
There are four mail processing categories for mailpieces: letter, flat, machinable parcel,
and nonstandard parcel. ***





[Add new 1.1.5 to read as follows:]
1.1.5 Nonmailable Placement of Address on Parcel-Size Pieces
The placement of the address on a parcel-size mailpiece may render a piece
nonmailable. Except for cylindrical tubes or similar shaped pieces and labeling
exceptions in Publication 52, if the address, return address, mailing labels, postage,

barcode, endorsements, and other mail markings are not all placed on a single optical
plane without bending, folding, or overlapping, it is nonmailable.





3.0 Packaging
[Renumber 3.1 as 3.1.1 and revise the title of new 3.1.1 to read as follows:]
3.1.1 Basic Standards





[Add new 3.1.2 to read as follows:]
3.1.2 Parcels
In addition to 3.1.1, except for hazardous, restricted, and perishable items as provided
in Publication 52, all other parcel priced pieces must be packaged in a box or other
acceptable container that meet the applicable standards under 3.0 and 4.0.





3.7 High-Density Items
[Revise the text of 3.7 to read as follows:]
High-density items (such as tools, hardware, and machine and auto parts) weighing
from 20 to 45 pounds must be packaged in fiberboard boxes constructed of a minimum
200-pound test board or equivalent wood, metal, or plastic containers. Plastic, metal,
and similar hard containers must be packaged, treated, or otherwise prepared so that
their coefficient of friction or ability to slide on a smooth, hard surface is similar to that of
a domestic-class fiberboard box of the same approximate size and weight. Closure
must be done by staples, heat-shrinking, adhesives, or tape. Boxes without inner
packing or containing loose material must be reinforced or banded with reinforced paper
or plastic tape, pressure-sensitive filament tape, or firmly applied nonmetallic banding.
Internal blocking and bracing, including the use of interior containers, cut forms,
partitions, dunnage, and liners, must be used as required so that packages can

maintain their integrity without damage to the contents if dropped once on one of their
smallest sides on a solid surface from a height of 3 feet. These items from 45 to 70
pounds must be similarly packaged, closed, and reinforced, except that exterior
containers must be a minimum of 275-pound test fiberboard or equivalent.
[Revise the heading and text of 3.8 to read as follows:]
3.8 Books
Books and similarly produced printed matter (such as catalogs) fastened together along
one edge between hardback, paperback, or self-covers, that are more than one inch
thick or one pound must not be accepted in letter-style non-reinforced flat envelopes or
without packaging. Envelopes or other appropriate packaging must meet the standards
in 3.0. Void spaces within containers must be filled with dunnage, or otherwise
stabilized to prevent shifting or damage to the contents or container. Shipments are
packaged according to the following weight categories:
a. Up to five pounds, sealing must be by multiple friction closures, completely
clinched staples, heat-sealing, adhesives, tape, or nonmetallic banding. Although
shrinkwrap is not acceptable as the only packaging for hardback books and similarly
produced printed matter exceeding one pound or one inch thick, it may be used on
the exterior of otherwise acceptable containers. Shrinkwrap (under 3.6) may be used
as the only method of packaging for paperback books and similarly produced printed
matter up to three pounds.
b. From 5 to 10 pounds, closure must be by tape, nonmetallic banding, or adhesives.
Reinforced tape or nonmetallic banding is adequate for both closure and
reinforcement. Nonmetallic banding must be firmly applied to the point that the
straps must be tightened until they depress the carton at the edges.

c. From 10 to 25 pounds, reinforced tape or nonmetallic banding is adequate for
closure and reinforcement. Nonmetallic banding must be firmly applied to the point
that the straps tighten until they depress the carton at the edges.
d. From 25 to 50 pounds, hardbound books and similarly produced printed matter
must be packaged in 275-pound test fiberboard boxes and paperback books and
similarly produced printed matter must be packaged in 200-pound test fiberboard
e. From 50 to 70 pounds, hardbound books and similarly produced printed matter
must be packaged in 350-pound test fiberboard boxes and paperback books and
similarly produced printed matter must be packaged in 275-pound test fiberboard
[Renumber 3.9 through 3.13 as 3.13 through 3.17 and add new 3.9 through 3.12 to read
as follows:]
3.9 Soft Goods
Boxes containing soft goods (e.g., textiles, clothing, linens, or draperies) weighing up to
5 pounds must be filled to capacity. Soft goods between the weight range of 5 to 20
pounds must be packaged in material with a minimum 70-pound outer ply basis weight.
Closure of bags must be by completely clinched staples, heat-sealing, adhesives,
sewing, or tape. Improperly clinched staples must be removed. Shrinkwrapping is not
acceptable as the only packaging. Fiberboard containers must be made of at least 200pound test board for soft goods weighing from 20 to 45 pounds and at least 275-pound
test board for soft goods weighing from 45 to 70 pounds.
3.10 Sound Recordings
Shipments of recordings (e.g., records and CDs in paper sleeves, paperboard, or
chipboard shells) weighing up to 10 pounds must be packed in 70-pound basis weight
envelopes for weights up to 3 pounds, or outer corrugated, fiberboard containers for

weights up to 10 pounds. When shipments weigh from 20 to 40 pounds, multiple shell
containers must be packaged in 175-pound test fiberboard containers or equivalent and
closed and reinforced by adhesives, kraft paper tape, equivalent plastic tape, or staples.
When shipments weigh from 40 to 65 pounds, multiple shell containers up to 65 pounds
must be packaged in 200-pound test fiberboard containers or equivalent and closed and
reinforced as described for 20- to 40-pound containers, except that containers must be
reinforced about every 8 inches around the package. Shipments weighing more than 65
pounds must be packaged in 275-pound test fiberboard containers or equivalent.
3.11 Film Cases
A film case weighing more than 5 pounds or with strap-type closures, except any film
case the USPS authorizes to be entered as a machinable parcel under 201.7.0 and to
be identified by the words “Machinable in United States Postal Service Equipment”
permanently attached as a nontransferable decal in the lower right corner of the case.
3.12 Coefficient of Friction
All parcels must have the coefficient of friction or ability to slide on a smooth, hard
surface, similar to that of a domestic-class fiberboard box of the same approximate size
and weight.





4.0 Acceptable Mailing Containers





4.2 Boxes
Boxes are acceptable, subject to these standards:
[Revise the text of items a through c to read as follows:]
a. Paperboard boxes may be used for loads to 10 pounds.
b. Metal-stayed paperboard boxes may be used for loads to 20 pounds.

c. Solid and corrugated fiberboard boxes may be used for loads to 70 pounds or
according to the limits in 3.0.
[Delete the table under item c in its entirety.]





[Delete item g in its entirety.]





[Revise the text of 4.4 and 4.5 to read as follows:]
4.4 Paper Bags and Wraps
For loads of up to 5 pounds, paper bags and wraps are acceptable when at least of a
50-pound basis weight (the strength of an average large grocery bag) and the items are
immune from impact or pressure damage. A combination of plies adding up to or
exceeding 50-pound basis weight is not acceptable. For loads of up to 20 pounds,
reinforced bags or bags with a minimum of 70-pound basis weight are acceptable.
Nonreinforced loose-fill padded bags are not acceptable as exterior containers, unless
the exterior ply is at least 60-pound basis weight.
4.5 Plastic Bags
Plastic bags must be at least 2 mil thick polyethylene or equivalent for loads up to 5
pounds; 4 mil thick for loads up to 10 pounds.
4.6 Plastic Film
Heat-shrinkable plastic film—either irradiated polyethylene, linear low-density polyolefin,
or copolymer—may be used as packaging for mailpieces under the following conditions
[Delete item a and renumber items b and c as items a and b. Revise the text of
renumbered items a and b to read as follows:]
a. Film must be at least 1-1/4 (1.25) mil thick for a load up to 5 pounds.

b. Film must be at least 1-1/2 (1.5) mil thick for a load up to 10 pounds, only when
mailers prepare the parcels on 5-digit/scheme, merged 5-digit/scheme, or finer level





[Revise the heading of 7.0 and delete the text in its entirety to read as follows:]
7.0 Reserved







602 Addressing



3.0 Use of Alternative Addressing





3.2 Simplified Address
3.2.1 Conditions for General Use
The following conditions must be met when using a simplified address on commercial





[Revise the introductory text of item b to read as follows:]
b. USPS Marketing Mail, Periodicals, and Bound Printed Matter flat-size mailpieces
(including USPS Marketing Mail pieces allowed as flats under 3.2.1c), USPS
Marketing Mail Product Samples mailed at saturation (Every Door) prices, and
Periodicals nonstandard parcels for distribution to a city route or to Post Office boxes
in offices with city carrier service may bear a simplified address, but only when
complete distribution is made under the following conditions:





3.2.3 Mail Preparation
[Revise the third sentence in the introductory text of 3.2.3 to read as follows:]

*** Mailers must prepare nonstandard parcels in carrier route bundles in sacks or
directly on pallets. ***





604 Postage Payment Methods and Refunds





5.0 Permit Imprint (Indicia)





5.3 Indicia Design, Placement, and Content





5.3.9 Use of a Company Permit Imprint
*** The following standards apply:
[Revise the last sentence of item a to read as follows:]
a. *** Sample pieces are not required for nonidentical-piece USPS Marketing Mail
and Package Services machinable or nonstandard parcel mailings (e.g.,
merchandise and other fulfillment mailings).





700 Special Standards





705 Advanced Preparation and Special Postage Payment Systems





6.0 Combining Mailings of USPS Marketing Mail, Package Services, and Parcel
Select Parcels





6.4 Combining Package Services, Parcel Select, and USPS Marketing Mail—
Optional 3-Digit SCF Entry





6.4.2 Qualification and Preparation
Parcel Select and Bound Printed Matter machinable parcels, and USPS Marketing Mail
parcels may be prepared for entry at designated SCFs under these standards:





[Revise the text of item d to read as follows:]
d. USPS Marketing Mail, machinable Marketing Parcels (regular and nonprofit) and
Nonprofit Machinable priced parcels are eligible for the NDC/RPDC presort-level
DNDC price. USPS Marketing Mail, nonstandard Marketing Parcels (regular and
nonprofit) and Nonprofit Nonstandard priced parcels are eligible for the 3-digit
presort-level DSCF price.





7.0 Combining Package Services and Parcel Select Parcels for Destination Entry
7.1 Combining Parcels—DSCF/RP&DC and DDU or S&DC Entry





7.1.2 Basic Standards
[Revise the introductory text of 7.1.2 to read as follows:]
Package Services and Parcel Select parcels that qualify as machinable and
nonstandard under 201 and meet the following conditions may be combined in 5-digit
scheme and 5-digit sacks or 5-digit scheme and 5-digit pallets under these conditions:





8.0 Preparing Pallets





8.5 General Preparation
8.5.1 Presort
[Revise the seventh sentence of 8.5.1 to read as follows:]

*** These standards may result in some bundles of Periodicals flats
and nonstandard parcels and USPS Marketing Mail flats that are part of a mailing job
prepared in part as palletized flats at automation prices not being placed on the finest
level of pallet possible. ***





8.5.2 Required Preparation
The following standards apply to Periodicals, USPS Marketing Mail, Parcel Select, and
Package Services, except Parcel Select mailed at DSCF and DDU prices:





[Revise the first sentence of item b to read as follows:]
b. For bundles of flat-size mailpieces or bundles of nonstandard parcels on pallets,
after preparing all possible pallets under 8.5.2a, when 250 or more pounds of
bundles remain for an ADC/RPDC (Periodicals) or for a NDC/ASF/RPDC (USPS
Marketing Mail, Parcel Select, and Package Services), mailers must prepare the
ADC/RPDC or NDC/ASF/RPDC pallet, as applicable for the class of mail. ***





8.5.4 Minimum Height of Mail
The definitions of the minimum height of mail used to qualify for DSCF/DRPDC Parcel
Select prices are as follows:





[Revise the first sentence of item b to read as follows:]
b. Nonstandard parcels. ***





8.5.6 Mail on Pallets
These standards apply to mail on pallets:





[Revise the text of items a and b to read as follows:]
a. For Bound Printed Matter nonstandard parcels, Presorted and Carrier Route price
mail may be combined on all levels of pallet. For Bound Printed Matter flats,
Presorted and Carrier Route price mail may be combined on all levels of pallet
except as provided in 8.5.6g.
b. For sacks or flat trays of Periodicals, USPS Marketing Mail, and Bound Printed
Matter flats or nonstandard parcels, carrier route price mail must be prepared on
separate 5-digit pallets from automation price and/or presorted price mail.





8.6.5 Line 2 (Content Line)
Line 2 (content line) must meet these standards:





b. Codes. The codes shown below must be used as appropriate on Line 2 of sack,
tray, and pallet labels.





[Delete the “Irregular Parcels” line item in its entirety.]





[Revise the “Content Type” text of the “Mixed Machinable and Irregular” line item to read
as follows:]
Mixed Machinable and Nonstandard Parcels

MACH & NONSTD (USPS Marketing Mail






[Revise the “Content Type” text of the “Nonmachinable Parcels” line item to read as

Nonstandard Parcels





8.8 Basic Uses
These types of mail may be palletized:





[Revise the text of item d to read as follows:]
d. Machinable or nonstandard parcels.





8.9 Bundles on Pallets
8.9.1 Applicability
[Revise the first sentence of 8.9.1 to read as follows:]
Presort destination bundles of Periodicals, USPS Marketing Mail, and Package Services
flats and nonstandard parcels may be placed directly on pallets under 8.9.2 through
8.9.5 and 8.10. ***





8.9.5 Bound Printed Matter
Bound Printed Matter on pallets must be bundled as follows:





b. Presorted and Carrier Route Bound Printed Matter:
[Revise the first sentence of item b1 to read as follows:]
1. Only individual pieces of flats or nonstandard parcels that weigh less than 10
pounds each may be prepared as bundles on pallets. ***





8.10.2 Periodicals—Bundles, Sacks, Letter or Flat Trays
[Revise the seventh sentence in the introductory text of 8.10.2 to read as follows:]

*** Bundles of Periodicals flats and nonstandard parcels may also be palletized under
10.0, 12.0, or 13.0. ***





[Revise the third sentence in the introductory text of item b to read as follows:]
b. *** Required for bundles containing all other flats or nonstandard parcels. ***





[Revise the third sentence in the introductory text of item c to read as follows:]
c. *** Pallet must contain only 5-digit bundles of automation price and/or Presorted
price mail for the same 5-digit scheme under L001. ***





[Revise the third sentence in the introductory text of item e to read as follows:]
e. *** Required for bundles containing all other flats or nonstandard parcels. ***





[Revise the first sentence in the introductory text of item f to read as follows:]
f. 5-digit, required, except for letter trays; permitted for bundles, trays, and sacks
(nonstandard parcels only). ***





[Revise the introductory text of item h to read as follows:]
h. SCF, required, permitted for bundles, trays, and sacks (nonstandard parcels only).
The pallet may contain carrier route, automation price, and/or Presorted price mail
for the 3-digit ZIP Code groups in L005. Mailers may place origin mixed ADC (OMX)
sacks (nonstandard parcels only) or flat trays on origin SCF pallets. Labeling:





[Revise the first sentence in the introductory text of item i to read as follows:]
i. ADC, required, permitted for bundles, trays, and sacks (nonstandard parcels only).






8.10.3 USPS Marketing Mail - Bundles, Sacks, or Trays
[Revise the fifth and sixth sentence of the introductory text of 8.10.3 to read as follows:]
*** For parcels, use this preparation only for nonstandard parcels in sacks. Palletize
unbundled or unsacked nonstandard parcels under 8.10.8. ***





d. 5-digit, required except for trays, permitted for bundles, trays, and sacks (when
applicable). *** *** Labeling:





[Revise the first sentence of item d2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: For flats and nonstandard parcels, use “STD” followed by “FLTS” or
“NONSTD,” as applicable; followed by “5D” followed by “BARCODED” (or “BC”) if
the pallet contains automation-price mail; followed by “NONBARCODED” (or
“NBC”) if the pallet contains Presorted-price mail. ***





[Revise the first sentence in the introductory text of item f to read as follows:]
f. SCF, required, permitted for bundles, trays, and sacks (nonstandard parcels only).





[Revise the first sentence in the text of item f2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: For flats and nonstandard parcels, “STD” followed by “FLTS” or
“NONSTD,” as applicable; followed by “SCF”; followed by “BARCODED” (or
“BC”) if pallet contains automation price mail; followed by “NONBARCODED” (or
“NBC”) if pallet contains carrier route and/or Presorted price mail. ***
g. ASF, required unless bundle reallocation is used under 8.13, permitted for
bundles, trays, and sacks (nonstandard parcels only). *** *** Labeling:






[Revise the first sentence in the text of item g2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: For flats and nonstandard parcels, “STD” followed by “FLTS” or
“NONSTD,” as applicable; followed by “ASF”; followed by “BARCODED” (or
“BC”) if pallet contains automation price mail; followed by “NONBARCODED” (or
“NBC”) if pallet contains carrier route and/or Presorted price mail. ***
[Revise the first sentence in the introductory text of item h to read as follows:]
h. NDC, required, permitted for bundles, trays, and sacks (nonstandard parcels
only). ***





[Revise the first sentence in the text of item h2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: For flats and nonstandard parcels, “STD” followed by “FLTS” or
“NONSTD,” as applicable; followed by “NDC”; followed by “BARCODED” (or
“BC”) if pallet contains automation price mail; followed by “NONBARCODED” (or
“NBC”) if pallet contains carrier route and/or Presorted price mail. ***
[Revise the introductory text of item i to read as follows:]
i. Mixed NDC, optional, permitted for bundles, trays, and sacks (nonstandard parcels
only); allowed with no minimum and required at 100 pounds of mail for bundles of
flats. Bundles of flats totaling less than 100 pounds in weight must be trayed if not
palletized. The pallet may contain carrier route, automation, and/or Presorted mail.
Mailers must place trays and sacks (nonstandard parcels only) containing pieces
paid at the single-piece price on the mixed NDC pallet (unless required to be
presented separately by special postage payment authorization). Labeling:





[Revise the first sentence in the text of item i2 to read as follows:]

2. Line 2: For flats and nonstandard parcels, “STD” followed by “FLTS” or
“NONSTD,” as applicable; followed by “BARCODED” (or “BC”) if pallet contains
automation price mail; followed by “NONBARCODED” (or “NBC”) if pallet
contains carrier route and/or Presorted price mail; followed by “WKG.” ***





[Revise the heading of 8.10.5 to read as follows:]
8.10.5 Package Services Nonstandard Parcels—Bundles and Sacks
[Revise the fifth sentence of 8.10.5 to read as follows:]
*** At the mailer’s option, all Package Services nonstandard parcels also may be
prepared for destination entry (see 7.0). ***
a. Merged 5-digit scheme, required, permitted for bundles only. *** *** Labeling:





[Revise the text of item a2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD CR/5D”; followed by “SCHEME” (or “SCH”).
b. 5-digit scheme carrier routes, required, permitted for bundles only. *** ***





[Revise the text of item b2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD”; followed by “CARRIER ROUTES” (or “CR-RTS”);
followed by “SCHEME” (or “SCH”).
c. 5-digit scheme, required, permitted for bundles only. *** *** Labeling:





[Revise the text of item c2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD 5D”; followed by “SCHEME” (or “SCH”).
d. Merged 5-digit, required, permitted for bundles only. *** *** Labeling:





[Revise the text of item d2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD CR/5D.”
e. 5-digit carrier routes, required, permitted for bundles and sacks. *** *** Labeling:





[Revise the text of item e2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD”; followed by “CARRIER ROUTES” (or “CR-RTS”).
f. 5-digit, required, permitted for bundles and sacks. *** *** Labeling:





[Revise the text of item f2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD 5D.”
g. 3-digit, optional, option not available for bundles for 3-digit ZIP Code prefixes
marked “N” in L002. *** *** Labeling:





[Revise the text of item g2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD 3D.”
h. SCF, required, permitted for bundles and sacks. *** *** Labeling:





[Revise the text of item h2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD SCF.”
i. ASF, required, permitted for bundles and sacks. *** *** Labeling:





[Revise the text of item i2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD ASF.”
j. NDC, required, permitted for bundles and sacks. *** *** Labeling:





[Revise the text of item j2 to read as follows:]

2. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD NDC.”
k. Mixed NDC, optional, permitted for sacks only. *** *** Labeling:





[Revise the text of item k2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “PSVC NONSTD WKG.”





[Revise the heading and introductory text of 8.10.8 to read as follows:]
8.10.8 Nonstandard Parcels Weighing 2 Ounces or More—USPS Marketing Mail,
Including Marketing Parcels
Mailers who palletize unbundled or unsacked nonstandard parcels must make pallets or
pallet boxes when there are 250 pounds or more for the destination levels below for
DNDC, DSCF, or DDU prices. When prepared at origin, a 200-pound minimum is
required for the NDC price. Prepare pallets or pallet boxes of nonstandard parcels
(except tubes, rolls, and similar pieces) weighing 2 ounces or more under 8.0 and in the
sequence listed below. Label pallets or pallet boxes according to the Line 1 and Line 2
information listed below and under 8.6. Mailers may not prepare tubes, rolls, and similar
pieces or pieces that weigh less than 2 ounces on pallets or in pallet boxes, except for
pieces in carrier route bundles or in sacks under 8.10.3. Preparation sequence and
a. 5-digit scheme, required. *** *** Labeling:





[Revise the text of item a2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “STD NONSTD 5D”; followed by “SCHEME” (or “SCH”).
b. 5-digit, required. *** ***Labeling:





[Revise the text of item b2 to read as follows:]

2. Line 2: “STD NONSTD 5D.”
c. SCF, required. Allowed only for mail deposited at a DSCF to claim SCF price;





[Revise the text of item c2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: Use “STD NONSTD SCF.”
d. ASF, optional, but required for DNDC prices. *** *** Labeling:





[Revise the text of item d2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “STD NONSTD ASF.”
e. NDC, required. *** *** Labeling:





[Revise the text of item e2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “STD NONSTD NDC.”
f. Origin NDC (required); no minimum; labeling:





[Revise the text of item f2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “STD NONSTD NDC.”
g. Mixed NDC, optional. Labeling:





[Revise the text of item g2 to read as follows:]
2. Line 2: “STD NONSTD WKG.”
[Revise the heading of 8.11 to read as follows:]
8.11 Bundle Reallocation to Protect SCF Pallet for Periodicals Flats
and Nonstandard Parcels and USPS Marketing Mail Flats on Pallets





8.11.3 Reallocation of Bundles If Optional 3-Digit Pallets Are Prepared
Reallocation rules are as follows:





[Revise the last sentence of item d to read as follows:]
d. *** Mail that falls beyond the SCF/RPDC pallet level must be placed on the next
appropriate pallet (ADC/RPDC, ASF/RPDC, NDC/RPDC or MNDC/MRPDC) or in
the next appropriate sack (nonstandard parcels) or flat tray.
8.11.4 Reallocation of Bundles If Optional 3-Digit Pallets Are Not Prepared
Reallocation rules are as follows:





[Revise the last sentence of item b to read as follows:]
b. *** Mail that falls beyond the SCF/RPDC pallet level must be placed on the next
appropriate pallet (ADC/RPDC, ASF/RPDC, NDC/RPDC, or MNDC/MRPDC) or in
the next appropriate sack (nonstandard parcels) or flat tray.





[Revise the heading of 8.12 to read as follows:]
8.12 Bundle Reallocation to Protect ADC Pallet for Periodicals Flats
and Nonstandard Parcels on Pallets





8.14 Pallets of Bundles, Sacks, and Trays





8.14.2 USPS Marketing Mail
Additional pallet preparation:
[Revise the last sentence of item a to read as follows:]
a. Combined mailings. *** *** Mailers may include machinable parcels and
nonstandard parcels on 5-digit pallets.






8.18 Parcel Select DSCF Prices—Parcels on Pallets
8.18.1 Basic Preparation, Parcels on Pallets
Unless prepared under 8.18.2, or in sacks, mail must be prepared for the DSCF price as
[Revise the third sentence of item a to read as follows:]
a. General. *** Nonstandard pieces under 201.7.6 may be combined on the same
pallet or in the same overflow sack when sorted to 5-digit scheme or 5-digit
destinations. ***





8.18.2 Alternate Preparation, Parcels on Pallets
DSCF price mailings not prepared under 8.18.1 may be prepared as follows:
[Revise the third sentence of item a to read as follows:]
a. General. *** Nonstandard pieces under 201.7.6 may be combined on the same
pallet. ***





8.20 Parcel Select and Bound Printed Matter DDU Prices
[Revise the fourth sentence in the introductory text of 8.20 to read as follows:]
*** Nonstandard pieces under 201.7.6 may be combined. ***





9.0 Combining Bundles of Automation and Nonautomation Flats in Flat Trays and







9.2 Periodicals



9.2.4 Optional Sack Preparation and Labeling

[Revise the fifth sentence in the introductory text of 9.2.4 to read as follows:]
*** If, due to the physical size of the mailpieces, the machinable barcoded price pieces
are considered flat-size under 201.6.0 and the machinable nonbarcoded price pieces
are considered nonstandard parcels under 201.7.6, the processing category shown on
the sack label must show “FLTS.” ***





10.0 Merging Bundles of Flats Using the City State Product





10.1.4 Sack and Flat-Tray Preparation and Labeling
[Revise the introductory text of 10.1.4 to read as follows:]
All carrier route bundles must be placed in sacks/flat trays under 10.1.4a through
10.1.4e and 10.1.4h as described below. When sorting is performed under this section,
mailers must prepare merged 5-digit scheme sacks (nonstandard parcels) or flat trays,
5-digit scheme carrier routes sacks/flat trays, and merged 5-digit sacks (nonstandard
parcels) or flat trays for all possible 5-digit schemes or 5-digit ZIP Codes as applicable,
using L001 (merged 5-digit scheme and 5-digit scheme carrier routes sort only) and the
Carrier Route Indicators field in the City State Product when there is enough volume for
the 5-digit scheme or 5-digit ZIP Code to prepare such sacks (nonstandard parcels) or
flat trays under 10.1.4. Mailers must label sacks/flat trays according to the Line 1 and
Line 2 information listed below and under 207.20.1. If, due to the physical size of the
mailpieces, the barcoded pieces are considered flat-size under 207.26.0, and the carrier
route pieces and nonbarcoded pieces are considered nonstandard parcels under
201.7.6, “FLTS” must be shown as the processing category on the sack/tray label. If a
mailing job does not contain barcoded price pieces and the carrier route pieces and the
nonbarcoded pieces are nonstandard parcel shaped, use “NONSTD” for the processing
category on the contents line of the label. Mailers must prepare sacks containing carrier

route and 5-digit bundles from the carrier route, barcoded, and nonbarcoded mailings in
the mailing job in the following manner and sequence:





[Revise the text of item h to read as follows:]
h. Merged 3-digit. Required for carrier route, 5-digit, and 5-digit scheme bundles
remaining after preparing sacks (nonstandard parcels only) or flat trays under
10.1.4a through 10.1.4g, and any 3-digit and 3-digit scheme bundles with a minimum
of 24 pieces for a 3-digit area. Labeling:





12.0 Merging Bundles of Flats on Pallets Using a 5 Percent Threshold





12.1.5 Pallet Preparation and Labeling
[Revise the text in the fourth and last sentence of 12.1.5 to read as follows:]
*** If, due to the physical size of the mailpieces, the barcoded price pieces are
considered flat size under 201.6.0 and the carrier route sorted pieces and nonbarcoded
price pieces are considered nonstandard parcels under 201.7.6, “FLTS” must be shown
as the processing category on the pallet label. If a mailing contains no barcoded price
pieces and the carrier route pieces and the nonbarcoded pieces are nonstandard
parcels, use “NONSTD for the processing category on the contents line of the pallet
label. Prepare and label pallets as follows:





[Revise the second sentence of item c to read as follows:]
c. *** Required for all other flats and nonstandard parcels. ***





13.0 Merging Bundles of Flats on Pallets Using the City State Product and a 5
Percent Threshold






13.1.5 Pallet Preparation and Labeling
[Revise the fourth and last sentence of 13.1.5 to read as follows:]
*** If, due to the physical size of the mailpieces, the barcoded price pieces are
considered flat-size under 201.6.0 and the carrier route sorted pieces and nonbarcoded
price pieces are considered nonstandard parcels under 201.7.6, “FLTS” must be shown
as the processing category on the pallet label. If a mailing contains no barcoded price
pieces and the carrier route pieces and the nonbarcoded of pieces
are nonstandard parcels, use “NONSTD” for the processing category on the contents
line of the pallet label. Prepare and label pallets as follows:





21.0 Optional Combined Parcel Mailings





21.3 Mail Preparation
21.3.1 Basic Standards
Prepare combined mailings as follows:
a. Different parcel types must be prepared separately for combined parcel mailings
as indicated below:





[Revise the text of items a2 and a3 to read as follows:]
2. USPS Marketing Mail, Parcel Select, and Package Services nonstandard parcels,
except for tubes, rolls, triangles, and other similarly nonstandard-shaped pieces: Use
“STD/PSVC” for line 2 content labeling.
3. USPS Marketing Mail, Parcel Select, and Package Services tubes, rolls, triangles,
and similarly nonstandard-shaped parcels: Use “STD/PSVC NONSTD” for line 2
content labeling.






21.3.3 Combining USPS Marketing Mail, Parcel Select, and Package Services
APPS-Machinable Parcels
[Revise the text of 21.3.3 to read as follows:]
Prepare and enter USPS Marketing Mail, Parcel Select, and Package Services
nonstandard parcels, that are not tubes, rolls, triangles, or similarly nonstandard-shaped
parcels) as combined APPS-machinable parcels as shown in the table below.














Bound Printed Matter, commercial parcels





[Revise the “carrier route irregular parcels” line item under “Bound Printed Matter,
Commercial Parcels” to read as follows:]
carrier route nonstandard parcels, 265.9.2, 265.9.3





[Revise the “presorted irregular parcels” line item under “Bound Printed Matter,
Commercial Parcels” to read as follows:]
presorted nonstandard parcels, 265.8.2, 265.8.3





[Revise the “nonmachinable parcels” line item under “Bound Printed Matter,
Commercial Parcels” to read as follows:]
nonstandard parcels, 201.7.6





[Revise the “bundles of irregular parcels on pallets” line item under “Bound Printed
Matter, Commercial Parcels” to read as follows:]
bundles of nonstandard parcels on pallets, 705.8.10.5





[Revise the “carrier route irregular parcels” line item under “Bound Printed Matter,
Commercial Parcels” to read as follows:]
carrier route nonstandard parcels, 265.9.2, 265.9.3





[Revise the “presorted irregular parcels” line item under “Bound Printed Matter,
Commercial Parcels” to read as follows:]
presorted nonstandard parcels, 265.8.2, 265.8.3





[Revise the “sacks of irregular parcels on pallets” line item under “Bound Printed Matter,
Commercial Parcels” to read as follows:]
sacks of nonstandard parcels on pallets, 705.8.10.5










[Delete the “Irregular parcels” line item under “I”.]










Library Mail, commercial parcels





[Revise the “irregular parcels” and “irregular parcels on pallets” line items under “Library
Mail, Commercial Parcels” to read as follows:]

nonstandard parcels, 275.6.3
nonstandard parcels on pallets, 705.8.10.5





[Delete the second duplicated line item “irregular parcels” after the “bundles” line item.]





[Revise the “nonmachinable parcels” line item under “Library Mail, Commercial Parcels”
to read as follows:]
nonstandard parcels, 201.7.6










Media Mail, commercial parcels





[Revise the “irregular parcels” and “irregular parcels on pallets” line items under “Media
Mail, Commercial Parcels” to read as follows:]
nonstandard parcels, 275.6.3
nonstandard parcels on pallets, 705.8.10.5





[Revise the “nonmachinable parcels” line item under “Media Mail, Commercial Parcels”
to read as follows:]
nonstandard parcels, 201.7.6










[Revise the “nonmachinable” line item under “N” to read as follows:]






[Revise the “Parcel Select” line item under the renamed “nonstandard” to read as
Parcel Select, 201.7.6












Parcel Select



[Revise the “irregular parcels on pallets” line item under “Parcel Select” to read as
nonstandard parcels on pallets, 705.8.10.5





[Revise the “nonmachinable parcels on pallets” line item under “Parcel Select” to read
as follows:]
nonstandard parcels on pallets, 705.8.18.2





[Revise the “nonmachinable parcels” line item under “Parcel Select” to read as follows:]
nonstandard parcels, 201.7.6





[Revise the “nonmachinable criteria” heading under “parcels” to read as follows:]
nonstandard criteria
[Revise the “commercial mail” line item under renamed “nonstandard criteria” to read as
commercial mail, 201.7.6











[Revise the “carrier route irregular parcels in sacks” line item under “Periodicals” to read
as follows:]
carrier route nonstandard parcels in sacks, 207.23.4





[Revise the “irregular parcels in sacks” line item under “Periodicals” to read as follows:]
nonstandard parcels in sacks, 207.22.6














[Revise the “nonmachinable parcels” line item under “Size” to read as follows:]
nonstandard parcels, 101.3.0, 201.7.0










USPS Marketing Mail, parcels





[Revise the “bundling for irregular parcels” line item under “USPS Marketing Mail,
parcels” to read as follows:]
bundling for nonstandard parcels, 245.11.4, 245.12.5





[Revise the “presorted irregular parcels” line item under “USPS Marketing Mail, parcels”
to read as follows:]
presorted nonstandard parcels, 245.11.4





Ruth Stevenson,
Attorney, Ethics and Legal Compliance.
[FR Doc. 2024-13924 Filed: 6/27/2024 8:45 am; Publication Date: 6/28/2024]