6712-01 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 47 CFR Part 2 [GN Docket No. 23-65, IB Docket No. 22- 271; FCC 24-28; FR ID 226526] Single Network Future: Supplemental Coverage From Space; Space Innovation; Correction AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Final rule; correcting amendments. SUMMARY: The Federal Communications Commission (Commission) is correcting a final rule that appeared in the Federal Register on April 30, 2024. DATES: This correction is effective [INSERT DATE OF PUBLICATION IN THE FEDERAL REGISTER]. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Jon Markman, Mobility Division, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau, Jonathan.Markman@fcc.gov or (202) 418-7090, or Merissa Velez, Space Bureau Satellite Programs and Policy Division, Merissa.Velez@fcc.gov or (202) 418-0751. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The FCC is correcting the Table of Allocations in 47 CFR 2.106. A rule the FCC published April 30, 2024, at 89 FR 34148 contained errors in the table formatting. List of Subjects in 47 CFR part 2 Communications, Satellites, Telecommunications. Accordingly, 47 CFR part 2 is corrected by making the following correcting amendments: PART 2—FREQUENCY ALLOCATIONS AND RADIO TREATY MATTERS; GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. The authority citation for part 2 continues to read as follows: Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 302a, 303, and 336, unless otherwise noted. 2. In § 2.106(a), revise pages 30, 36, 37, and 38 of the table to read as follows: § 2.106 Table of Frequency Allocations. (a) * * * ***** ***** Federal Communications Commission. Marlene Dortch, Secretary. [FR Doc. 2024-13641 Filed: 6/24/2024 8:45 am; Publication Date: 6/25/2024]