Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
[Docket No. RM01-5-000]
Electronic Tariff Filings; Notice of Revisions To eTariff
Take notice that on September 30, 2024, the Commission will implement revisions
to the eTariff program to enhance the capabilities of the system by enabling filing
pipelines and utilities to identify the correct lead applicants for a proceeding and to have
more flexibility in the programs used to create and file tariffs by filing tariff records in
Microsoft Word or Excel format.
As a result of adding the capability to file in Word or Excel, certain changes will
be made in the way eTariff is displayed on the eTariff Public Viewer and eLibrary. The
tariff files will be converted to .pdf using print-to-pdf for display. The Public Viewer
display should appear as it does today for .pdf filings. The tariff files in eLibrary will
display in a FERC Generated PDF document. The metadata for each tariff record will
display on one page (rather than at the top of the page) and the tariff text will follow on
the next page.
Along with this document, the Commission also is posting, under the same
eLibrary Accession Number, a marked version of the revised XML schema and the
revised validation codes that will be associated with these revisions.
Starting on June 28, 2024, a sandbox will be made available for pipeline and
utility companies to make test filings under the new XML schema.
In addition, pursuant to the Commission’s previous practice in developing eTariff
standards,1 the North American Standards Organization (NAESB) will be hosting a
virtual meeting with Commission staff on July 23, 2024, starting at 10 am EST to discuss
these issues. People wishing to attend the meeting should contact NAESB at: (713) 3560060 or to register and obtain log-on information.

Lead Applicant Identification

The eTariff XML schema will add a mandatory lead applicant field. The lead
applicant field will determine the lead party making the filing and will be added to the
Commission’s service list. This change will require the filing pipeline or utility to add
the Company Identifier (CID) for the lead applicant to the XML schema. Filings without
a lead applicant CID will be rejected. Filers also must continue to include the company
id field to identify the company whose tariff is being revised. If pipelines and utilities are

Electronic Tariff Filings, Order No. 714, 124 FERC ¶ 61,270 (2008).

filing with themselves as the lead applicant, they will include their own CID in both the
lead_applicant_id field and the company_id field if they are filing for themselves.
The Commission also will post on the eTariff website,, a CSV file with CID numbers and will endeavor to update that file
Pipelines and utilities will continue to make the eTariff filings through the eFiling
webpage at The contact information associated
with the CID of the lead applicant will be added to the Commission’s service list. Filers
need to be aware that although the filing pipeline or utility will be presented with the
following screen and will have to enter an email address as signer, the company and
email will not be added to the service list.

If the pipeline or utility wants to be considered a co-applicant, or enter additional email
addresses, they must enter that information on a subsequent screen in the eFiling process
along with information about any other co-applicants.


Flexibility to Include Microsoft Word and Excel Files as Tariff Records

Filing pipelines and utilities will be able to include tariff records in Microsoft
Word and Excel as well as submitting tariff records as RTF or PDF. The Commission
wants to provide as much flexibility in making these filings as possible, particularly in
Excel, but to assure that tariff records can be read easily, certain formatting requirements
are necessary.

Word Files

Word files may be in portrait or landscape format with a format no larger than
11"x17" ledger size.


Excel Files

The following are the formatting requirements for Excel files.


Filings may be in portrait or landscape.
Page size may be no larger than 11"x17" ledger size.
Excel file must properly define the print range, including print titles and
print page order, so the document can render properly in PDF. Filers
need to be careful to ensure that their print range does not result in
generating numerous blank pages.
If columns or rows roll over to subsequent pages, columns or row
headers need to be repeated so that subsequent pages are easily
An accurate marked version of the tariff record still must be filed as an

Questions on these changes should be directed to: Michael Goldenberg at or James Sarikas at
Dated: June 11, 2024.
Debbie-Anne A. Reese,
Acting Secretary.
[FR Doc. 2024-13284 Filed: 6/14/2024 8:45 am; Publication Date: 6/17/2024]