10 CFR Parts 2, 15, 37, 73, 110, 140, 170 and 171
RIN 3150-AK74
Fee Schedules; Fee Recovery for Fiscal Year 2024

AGENCY: Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

ACTION: Final rule.

SUMMARY: The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is amending the licensing,
inspection, special project, and annual fees charged to its applicants and licensees.
These amendments are necessary to comply with the Nuclear Energy Innovation and
Modernization Act, which requires the NRC to recover, to the maximum extent
practicable, approximately 100 percent of its annual budget less certain amounts
excluded from this fee-recovery requirement.

DATES: This final rule is effective on [INSERT DATE 60 DAYS AFTER DATE OF

ADDRESSES: Please refer to Docket ID NRC-2022-0046 when contacting the NRC
about the availability of information for this action. You may obtain publicly available
information related to this action by any of the following methods:

Federal rulemaking website: Go to https://www.regulations.gov and search

for Docket ID NRC-2022-0046. Address questions about NRC dockets to Dawn Forder;
telephone: 301-415-3407; email: Dawn.Forder@nrc.gov. For technical questions,

contact the individual listed in the FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT section of
this final rule.

NRC’s Agencywide Documents Access and Management System

(ADAMS): You may obtain publicly available documents online in the ADAMS Public
Documents collection at https://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/adams.html. To begin the
search, select “Begin Web-based ADAMS Search.” For problems with ADAMS, please
contact the NRC’s Public Document Room (PDR) reference staff at 1-800-397-4209 or
301-415-4737, or by email to PDR.Resource@nrc.gov. For the convenience of the
reader, the ADAMS accession numbers are provided in the “Availability of Documents”
section of this document.

NRC’s PDR: The PDR, where you may examine and order copies of publicly

available documents, is open by appointment. To make an appointment to visit the PDR,
please send an email to PDR.Resource@nrc.gov or call 1-800-397-4209 or 301-4154737, between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. eastern time, Monday through Friday, except Federal
For additional direction on obtaining information, see “Obtaining Information and
Submitting Comments” in the SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION section of this

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Anthony Rossi, Office of the Chief
Financial Officer, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-0001,
telephone: 301-415-7341; email: Anthony.Rossi@nrc.gov.

Table of Contents:
Background; Statutory Authority
Public Comment Analysis
Public Comments and NRC Responses
Regulatory Flexibility Certification
Regulatory Analysis
Backfitting and Issue Finality


Plain Writing
National Environmental Policy Act
Paperwork Reduction Act
Public Protection Notification
Congressional Review Act
Voluntary Consensus Standards
Availability of Guidance
Availability of Documents
I. Background; Statutory Authority
The NRC’s fee regulations are primarily governed by two laws: 1) the

Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1952 (IOAA) (31 U.S.C. 9701); and 2) the
Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act (NEIMA) (42 U.S.C. 2215). The IOAA
authorizes and encourages Federal agencies to recover, to the fullest extent possible,
costs attributable to services provided to identifiable recipients. Under NEIMA, the NRC
must recover, to the maximum extent practicable, approximately 100 percent of its
annual budget, less the budget authority for excluded activities. Under section
102(b)(1)(B) of NEIMA, “excluded activities” include any fee-relief activity as identified by
the Commission, generic homeland security activities, waste incidental to reprocessing
activities, Nuclear Waste Fund activities, advanced reactor regulatory infrastructure
activities, Inspector General (IG) services for the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety
Board, research and development at universities in areas relevant to the NRC’s mission,
and a nuclear science and engineering grant program. In fiscal year (FY) 2024, in
addition to the fee-relief activities identified by the Commission in prior fee rules, the
resources for the Minority Serving Institutions Grant Program are also identified as a feerelief activity to be excluded from the fee recovery requirement (see Table 1, “Excluded
Activities,” of this document for the list of all excluded activities).
Under NEIMA, the NRC must use its IOAA authority first to collect service fees
for NRC work that provides specific benefits to identifiable recipients (such as licensing
work, inspections, and special projects). The NRC’s regulations in part 170 of title 10 of
the Code of Federal Regulations (10 CFR), “Fees for Facilities, Materials, Import and
Export Licenses, and Other Regulatory Services Under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954,

as Amended,” explain how the agency collects service fees from specific beneficiaries.
Because the NRC’s fee recovery under the IOAA (10 CFR part 170) will not equal
100 percent of the agency’s total budget authority for the FY (less the budget authority
for excluded activities), the NRC also assesses “annual fees” under 10 CFR part 171,
“Annual Fees for Reactor Licenses and Fuel Cycle Licenses and Materials Licenses,
Including Holders of Certificates of Compliance, Registrations, and Quality Assurance
Program Approvals and Government Agencies Licensed by the NRC,” to recover the
remaining amount necessary to comply with NEIMA.

II. Discussion
FY 2024 Fee Collection—Overview
The NRC is issuing this FY 2024 final fee rule based on the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2024 (the enacted budget). The final fee rule reflects a total budget
authority in the amount of $944.1 million, an increase of $16.9 million from FY 2023.
As explained previously, certain portions of the NRC’s total budget authority are
excluded from NEIMA’s fee recovery requirement under section 102(b)(1)(B) of NEIMA.
Based on the enacted budget, these exclusions total $137.1 million, which is a decrease
of $18.9 million from the FY 2024 budget request, and an increase of $0.1 million from
FY 2023. These excluded activities consist of $96.8 million for fee-relief activities,
$23.8 million for advanced reactor regulatory infrastructure activities, $14.0 million for
generic homeland security activities, $1.0 million for waste incidental to reprocessing
activities, and $1.5 million for IG services for the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety
Board. Table I summarizes the excluded activities for the FY 2024 final fee rule. The
FY 2023 amounts are provided for comparison purposes.

[Dollars in millions]
FY 2023

FY 2024

Fee-Relief Activities:
International activities
Agreement State oversight
Medical isotope production infrastructure
Fee exemption for nonprofit educational institutions
Costs not recovered from small entities under 10 CFR 171.16(c)
Regulatory support to Agreement States
Generic decommissioning/reclamation activities (not related to
the operating power reactors and spent fuel storage fee classes)
Uranium recovery program and unregistered general licensees
Potential Department of Defense remediation program
Memorandum of Understanding activities
Non-military radium sites
Minority Serving Institutions Grant Program
Subtotal Fee-Relief Activities
Activities under section 102(b)(1)(B)(ii) of NEIMA (Generic
Homeland Security activities, Waste Incidental to Reprocessing
activities, and the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board)
Advanced reactor regulatory infrastructure activities
Total Excluded Activities











After accounting for the exclusions from the fee recovery requirement and net
billing adjustments (i.e., for FY 2024 invoices that the NRC estimates will not be paid
during the FY, less payments received in FY 2024 for prior-year invoices), the NRC must
recover approximately $808.3 million in fees in FY 2024. Of this amount, the NRC
estimates that $202.2 million will be recovered through 10 CFR part 170 service fees
and approximately $606.1 million will be recovered through 10 CFR part 171 annual
fees. Table II summarizes the fee recovery amounts for the FY 2024 final fee rule using
the FY 2024 enacted budget and takes into account the budget authority for excluded
activities and net billing adjustments. For all information presented in this final rule,
individual values may not sum to totals due to rounding. Please see the work papers,
available as indicated in the “Availability of Documents” section of this document, for
more precise amounts.
In FY 2024, the explanatory statement associated with the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2024 included direction for the NRC to use $62.0 million of prior-year
unobligated balances (carryover). The explanatory statement allocates $16.0 million for
the University Nuclear Leadership Program (UNLP), and consistent with language in the

Senate Report, the UNLP is funded in FY 2024 using carryover. The direction to use the
$62.0 million in carryover also reflects the $27.1 million proposed in the FY 2024 budget
request to offset the Nuclear Reactor Safety budget and an additional $18.9 million in
carryover, which offsets the $18.9 million reduction in the estimated net budget authority
specified in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, for the NRC’s “Salaries and
Expenses” account. Consistent with the requirements of NEIMA, the NRC does not
assess fees in the current fiscal year for any carryover because fees are calculated
based on the budget authority enacted for the current fiscal year. Fees were already
assessed in the fiscal year in which the carryover was appropriated. The FY 2023
amounts are provided for comparison purposes.

[Dollars in millions]

Total Budget Authority
Less Budget Authority for Excluded Activities:
Fee Recovery Percent
Total Amount to be Recovered:
Less Estimated Amount to be Recovered through 10 CFR part
170 Fees
Estimated Amount to be Recovered through 10 CFR part 171
10 CFR part 171 Billing Adjustments:
Unpaid Current Year Invoices (estimated)
Less Payments Received in Current Year for Previous Year
Invoices (estimated)
Adjusted 10 CFR part 171 Annual Fee Collections Required
Adjusted Amount to be Recovered through 10 CFR parts 170
and 171 Fees

FY 2023

FY 2024











FY 2024 Fee Collection—Professional Hourly Rate
The NRC uses a professional hourly rate to assess fees under 10 CFR part 170
for specific services it provides. The professional hourly rate also helps determine flat
fees (which are used for the review of certain types of license applications). This rate is

applicable to all activities for which fees are assessed under §§ 170.21, “Schedule of
fees for production and utilization facilities, review of standard referenced design
approvals, special projects, inspections and import and export licenses,” and 170.31,
‘‘Schedule of fees for materials licenses and other regulatory services, including
inspections, and import and export licenses.’’ The NRC’s professional hourly rate is
derived by adding budgeted resources for: 1) mission-direct program salaries and
benefits; 2) mission-indirect program support; and 3) agency support (corporate support
and the IG). The NRC then subtracts certain offsetting receipts and divides this total by
the mission-direct full-time equivalent (FTE) converted to hours (the mission-direct FTE
converted to hours is the product of the mission-direct FTE multiplied by the estimated
annual mission-direct FTE productive hours). The only budgeted resources excluded
from the professional hourly rate are those for mission-direct contract resources, which
are billed to licensees separately. The following shows the professional hourly rate

Hourly Rate


Budgeted Resources
Mission-Direct FTE Converted to


$816.9 million
1,720.3 x 1,500



For FY 2024, the NRC is increasing the professional hourly rate from $300 to
$317. The approximately 5.7 percent increase in the professional hourly rate is primarily
due to an increase in the total budgeted resources of approximately $39.4 million. The
increase in budgeted resources is primarily due to the following: 1) an increase in
mission-direct FTE; and 2) an increase in the fully-costed FTE rate compared to
FY 2023 due to an increase in salaries and benefits to support Federal pay raises for
NRC employees.
In addition, the NRC anticipates an increase in mission-direct FTE to support the
increase in licensing and decommissioning activities. This anticipated increase in the
number of mission-direct FTE compared to FY 2023 partially offsets the increase in the
professional hourly rate caused by the overall increase in budgeted resources. The

professional hourly rate is inversely related to the mission-direct FTE amount; therefore,
as the number of mission-direct FTE increase, the professional hourly rate may
decrease. Based on the FY 2024 enacted budget, the number of mission-direct FTE is
expected to increase by approximately 48, primarily to support the following: 1) the
review of new reactor licensing activities, including the review of standard design
approvals, pre-application activities, and construction permits; 2) licensing and oversight
activities for the reactor decommissioning program, which includes both power and nonpower reactors in various stages of decommissioning; 3) the review of licensing actions
related to enrichment and manufacturing of high assay low-enrichment uranium
(HALEU) fuel and accident tolerant fuel (ATF); and 4) the review of one new fuel facility
license application.
The FY 2024 estimate for annual mission-direct FTE productive hours is 1,500
hours, which is a decrease from 1,551 hours in FY 2023. This estimate reflects the
average number of hours that a mission-direct employee spends on mission-direct work
annually. This estimate, therefore, excludes hours charged to annual leave, sick leave,
holidays, training, and general administrative tasks. Table III shows the professional
hourly rate calculation methodology. The FY 2023 amounts are provided for comparison

[Dollars in millions, except as noted]

Mission-Direct Program Salaries & Benefits
Mission-Indirect Program Support
Agency Support (Corporate Support and the IG)
Less Offsetting Receipts1
1 The

FY 2023

FY 2024

fees collected by the NRC for Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) services and indemnity fees
(financial protection required of all licensees for public liability claims at 10 CFR part 140) are subtracted
from the budgeted resources amount when calculating the 10 CFR part 170 professional hourly rate, per the
guidance in OMB Circular A-25, “User Charges.” The budgeted resources for FOIA activities are allocated
under the product for Information Services within the Corporate Support business line. The budgeted
resources for indemnity activities are allocated under the Licensing Actions and Research and Test
Reactors products within the Operating Reactors business line.

Total Budgeted Resources Included in Professional Hourly
Mission-Direct FTE
Annual Mission-Direct FTE Productive Hours (Whole
Mission-Direct FTE Converted to Hours (Mission-Direct FTE
multiplied by Annual Mission-Direct FTE Productive Hours)
Professional Hourly Rate (Total Budgeted Resources
Included in Professional Hourly Rate Divided by MissionDirect FTE Converted to Hours) (Whole Numbers)









FY 2024 Fee Collection—Flat Application Fee Changes
The NRC is amending the flat application fees it charges in its schedule of fees in
§ 170.31 to reflect the revised professional hourly rate of $317. The NRC charges these
fees to applicants for materials licenses and other regulatory services, as well as to
holders of materials licenses. The NRC calculates these flat fees by multiplying the
average professional staff hours needed to process the licensing actions by the
professional hourly rate for FY 2024. As part of its calculations, the NRC analyzes the
actual hours spent performing licensing actions and estimates the five-year average of
professional staff hours that are needed to process licensing actions as part of its
biennial review of fees. These actions are required by section 205(a) of the Chief
Financial Officers Act of 1990 (31 U.S.C. 902(a)(8)). The NRC performed this review for
the FY 2023 proposed fee rule and will perform this review again for the FY 2025
proposed fee rule. The higher professional hourly rate of $317 is the primary reason for
the increase in flat application fees (see the work papers).
To simplify billing, the NRC rounds these flat fees to a minimal degree.
Specifically, the NRC rounds these flat fees (up or down) in such a way that ensures
both convenience for its stakeholders and minimal effects due to rounding. Accordingly,
fees under $1,000 are rounded to the nearest $10, fees between $1,000 and $100,000
are rounded to the nearest $100, and fees greater than $100,000 are rounded to the
nearest $1,000.
The flat fees are applicable for certain materials licensing actions (see fee
categories 1.C. through 1.D., 2.B. through 2.F., 3.A. through 3.S., 4.B. through 5.A., 6.A.

through 9.D., 10.B., 15.A. through 15.L., 15.R., and 16 of § 170.31). Applications filed on
or after the effective date of the FY 2024 final fee rule will be subject to the revised fees
in the final rule. Since international activities are excluded from the fee recovery
requirement, fees are not assessed for import and export licensing actions under
10 CFR parts 170 and 171.
FY 2024 Fee Collection—Low-Level Waste Surcharge
The NRC is assessing a generic low-level waste (LLW) surcharge of
$3.769 million. Disposal of LLW occurs at commercially-operated LLW disposal facilities
that are licensed by either the NRC or an Agreement State. Four existing LLW disposal
facilities in the United States accept various types of LLW. All are located in Agreement
States and, therefore, are regulated by an Agreement State, rather than the NRC. The
NRC allocates this surcharge to its licensees based on data available in the U.S.
Department of Energy’s (DOE) Manifest Information Management System (MIMS). This
database contains information on total LLW volumes disposed of by four generator
classes: academic, industrial, medical, and utility. The ratio of waste volumes disposed
of by these generator classes to total LLW volumes disposed over a period of time is
used to estimate the portion of this surcharge that will be allocated to the power reactors,
fuel facilities, and the materials users fee classes. The materials users fee class portion
is adjusted to account for the large percentage of materials licensees that are licensed
by the Agreement States rather than the NRC.
The LLW surcharge amounts have changed since publication of the proposed
fee rule. The DOE updated MIMS with 2024 data; because of the update, the LLW
surcharge for the operating power reactors fee class decreased from 3.496 million to
3.204 million; the LLW surcharged increased from 0.418 million to 0.449 million for the
fuel facilities fee class; and the LLW surcharge increased from $0.109 million to $0.117
million for the materials users fee class compared to the FY 2023 final fee rule.
Table IV shows the allocation of the LLW surcharge and its allocation across the
various fee classes.

[Dollars in millions]
Fee Classes
Operating Power Reactors
Spent Fuel Storage/Reactor Decommissioning
Non-Power Production or Utilization Facilities
Fuel Facilities
Materials Users
Rare Earth Facilities
Uranium Recovery

LLW Surcharge

FY 2024 Fee Collection—Revised Annual Fees
In accordance with SECY-05-0164, “Annual Fee Calculation Method,” the NRC
rebaselines its annual fees every year. “Rebaselining” entails analyzing the budget in
detail and then allocating the FY 2024 budgeted resources to various classes or
subclasses of licensees. It also includes updating the number of NRC licensees in its fee
calculation methodology.
The NRC is revising its annual fees in §§ 171.15 and 171.16 to recover
approximately 100 percent of the FY 2024 enacted budget less the budget authority for
excluded activities, the estimated amount to be recovered through 10 CFR part 170
fees. The FY 2024 final fee rule reflects the utilization of $27.1 million in carryover to
offset the Nuclear Reactor Safety budget.
Table V shows the rebaselined fees for FY 2024 for a sample of licensee
categories. The FY 2023 amounts are provided for comparison purposes.

[Actual dollars]

Class/Category of Licenses

FY 2023

FY 2024

Operating Power Reactors

$5,492,000 $5,336,000

+ Spent Fuel Storage/Reactor Decommissioning
Total, Combined Fee
Spent Fuel Storage/Reactor Decommissioning
Non-Power Production or Utilization Facilities
High Enriched Uranium Fuel Facility (Category 1.A.(1)(a))
Low Enriched Uranium Fuel Facility (Category 1.A.(1)(b))
Uranium Enrichment (Category 1.E)
UF6 Conversion and Deconversion Facility (Category
Basic In Situ Recovery Facilities (Category 2.A.(2)(b))
Typical Users:
Radiographers (Category 3O)
All Other Specific Byproduct Material Licensees
(Category 3P)
Medical Other (Category 7C)
Device/Product Safety Evaluation - Broad (Category 9A)





$1,095,000 $1,361,000






The work papers that support this final rule show in detail how the NRC allocates
the budgeted resources for each class of licensees and calculates the fees.
Paragraphs a. through h. of this section describe the budgeted resources
allocated to each class of licensees and the calculations of the rebaselined fees. For
more information about detailed fee calculations for each class, please consult the
accompanying work papers for this final rule.
a. Operating Power Reactors
The NRC will collect $501.6 million in annual fees from the operating power
reactors fee class in FY 2024, as shown in Table VI. The FY 2023 operating power
reactors fees are shown for comparison purposes.

[Dollars in millions]
Summary Fee Calculations
Total budgeted resources
Less estimated 10 CFR part 170 receipts
Net 10 CFR part 171 resources

FY 2023

FY 2024

Allocated generic transportation
Allocated LLW surcharge
Billing adjustment
Total required annual fee recovery
Total operating reactors
Annual fee per operating reactor



In comparison to FY 2023, the FY 2024 annual fee for the operating power
reactors fee class is decreasing primarily due to the following: 1) an anticipated increase
in 10 CFR part 170 estimated billings; 2) an increase in the total number of operating
power reactors from 93 to 94; and 3) a reduction in the budgeted resources primarily due
to the utilization of $27.1 million in carryover to offset the Nuclear Reactor Safety budget.
As discussed further below, the utilization of carryover mitigates the increase in the
budgeted resources for the operating power reactors fee class. The decrease in the
annual fee for the operating power reactors fee class is partially offset due to the
following: 1) an increase in the 10 CFR part 171 billing adjustment; and 2) an increase in
the generic transportation surcharge.
The 10 CFR part 170 estimated billings increased primarily due to the following:
1) an anticipated increase in hours associated with the review of an increasing number
of license renewal applications; and 2) an anticipated increase in new reactor licensing
activities, including the review of standard design approvals, pre-application activities,
and construction permits. This increase is partially offset by an expected decline in the
submission of topical reports. As explained above, because the NRC’s fee recovery
under 10 CFR part 170 will not equal approximately 100 percent of the agency’s budget
authority for the fiscal year, the NRC also assesses 10 CFR part 171 annual fees.
Estimated 10 CFR part 170 billings, therefore, are inversely related to the projected
annual fee for a fee class. The more the NRC estimates to collect in 10 CFR part 170
billings, the less it assesses to collect in annual fees.
The decrease in the budgeted resources for the operating power reactors fee
class is primarily due to the following: 1) the utilization of $27.1 million in carryover to
offset the Nuclear Reactor Safety budget; 2) an expected decline in topical report

submissions, guidance development, and process improvement activities; 3) a reduction
in construction inspection activities due to the transition of the Vogtle Electric Generating
Plant (Vogtle Unit 3) and the transition of Vogtle Unit 4 from construction into operation;
and 4) a reduction in rulemaking activities. The decrease in the budgeted resources is
offset by an increase primarily due to the following: 1) an increase to support new
reactor licensing activities, including the review of standard design approvals, preapplication activities, and construction permits; 2) an increase to support the review of
license renewal applications; and 3) an increase in the fully-costed FTE rate compared
to FY 2023 due to an increase in salaries and benefits.
The annual fee is also affected by: 1) an increase in the 10 CFR part 171 billing
adjustment due to the timing of invoices issued in FY 2023; and 2) an increase in the
generic transportation surcharge due to an increase in the overall budgeted resources
for certificates of compliance (CoCs) for the operating power reactors fee class.
The fee-recoverable budgeted resources are divided equally among the 94
licensed operating power reactors, an increase of one operating power reactor
compared to FY 2023 due the assessment of annual fees for Vogtle Unit 4, resulting in
an annual fee of $5,336,000 per operating power reactor. Additionally, each licensed
operating power reactor will be assessed the FY 2024 spent fuel storage/reactor
decommissioning annual fee of $326,000 (see Table VII and the discussion that follows).
The combined FY 2024 annual fee for each operating power reactor will be $5,662,000.
Section 102(b)(3)(B)(i) of NEIMA established a cap for the annual fees charged
to operating reactor licensees; under this provision, the annual fee for an operating
reactor licensee, to the maximum extent practicable, shall not exceed the annual fee
amount per operating reactor licensee established in the FY 2015 final fee rule
(80 FR 37432; June 30, 2015), adjusted for inflation. The NRC included an estimate of
the operating power reactors fee class annual fee in Appendix C, “Estimated Operating
Power Reactors Annual Fee,” of the FY 2024 Congressional Budget Justification (CBJ)
to increase transparency for stakeholders. The NRC developed this estimate based on

the allocation of the FY 2024 CBJ to fee classes under 10 CFR part 170, and allocations
within the operating power reactors fee class under 10 CFR part 171. The fee estimate
included in the FY 2024 CBJ assumed 94 operating power reactors in FY 2024 and
applied various data assumptions from the FY 2022 final fee rule. Based on these
allocations and assumptions, the operating power reactors fee class annual fee included
in the FY 2024 CBJ was estimated to be $5.3 million, approximately $0.6 million below
the FY 2015 operating power reactors annual fee amount adjusted for inflation of
$5.9 million. The assumptions made between budget formulation and the development
of this final rule have changed. The FY 2024 annual fee of $5,336,000 nonetheless
remains below the FY 2015 operating power reactors fee class annual fee amount, as
adjusted for inflation.
In FY 2016, the NRC amended § 171.15 to establish a variable annual fee
structure for light-water reactor (LWR) small modular reactors (SMRs) (81 FR 32617;
May 24, 2016). In FY 2023, the NRC further amended § 171.5 to: 1) expand the
applicability of the SMR variable fee structure to include non-LWR SMRs; and
2) establish an additional minimum fee and variable rate applicable to SMRs with a
licensed thermal power rating of less than or equal to 250 megawatts-thermal (MWt)
(88 FR 39120; June 15, 2023). This revision to the SMR variable annual fee structure
retained the bundled unit concept for SMRs and the approach for calculating fees for
reactors, or bundled units, with licensed thermal power ratings greater than 250 MWt.
Currently, there are no operating SMRs; therefore, the NRC will not assess an
annual fee in FY 2024 for this type of licensee.
b. Spent Fuel Storage/Reactor Decommissioning
The NRC will collect $40.4 million in annual fees from 10 CFR part 50 and
10 CFR part 52 power reactor licensees, and from 10 CFR part 72 licensees that do not
hold a 10 CFR part 50 license or a 10 CFR part 52 combined license, to recover the
budgeted resources for the spent fuel storage/reactor decommissioning fee class in

FY 2024, as shown in table VII. The FY 2023 spent fuel storage/reactor
decommissioning fees are shown for comparison purposes.

[Dollars in millions]
Summary Fee Calculations
Total budgeted resources
Less estimated 10 CFR part 170 receipts
Net 10 CFR part 171 resources
Allocated generic transportation costs
Billing adjustments
Total required annual fee recovery
Total spent fuel storage facilities
Annual fee per facility

FY 2023

FY 2024

In comparison to FY 2023, the FY 2024 annual fee for the spent fuel
storage/reactor decommissioning fee class is increasing primarily due to the following: a
1) rise in the budgeted resources; 2) an increase in generic transportation costs; and
3) an expected decrease in 10 CFR part 170 estimated billings. The annual fee is
partially offset by an increase in the number of licensees increasing from 123 to 124.
The budgeted resources increased primarily to support the following: 1) an
increase in FTEs to support licensing and oversight activities for the reactor
decommissioning program, which includes both power and non-power reactors in
various stages of decommissioning; and 2) an increase in the fully-costed FTE rate
compared to FY 2023 due to an increase in salaries and benefits.
The increase in the annual fee is also affected by these contributing factors:
1) an increase in the generic transportation surcharge due to an increase in the generic
transportation budgeted resources for the spent fuel storage/reactor decommissioning
fee class; and 2) an increase in the 10 CFR part 171 billing adjustment due to the timing
of invoices in FY 2023.

The annual fee is also increasing due to a decrease in the 10 CFR part 170
estimated billings, which in turn is primarily due to the following: 1) the completion of the
safety and environmental review of the Holtec HI-STORE consolidated interim storage
facility application; 2) the termination of the license for the La Crosse Boiling Water
Reactor; and 3) a decrease in decommissioning licensing and inspection activities at
multiple sites. This decrease is expected to be partially offset by the following: 1) an
increase in hours to support the review of a new fuel storage system; and 2) an increase
to support the review of applications for renewals, amendments, exemptions, and
inspections for independent spent fuel storage installation and dry cask storage CoCs at
multiple sites.
The required annual fee recovery amount is divided equally among
124 licensees, an increase of one licensee compared to FY 2023 due to the assessment
of annual fees for Vogtle Unit 4, resulting in a FY 2024 annual fee of $326,000 per
c. Fuel Facilities
The NRC will collect $25.3 million in annual fees from the fuel facilities fee class
in FY 2024, as shown in table VIII. The FY 2023 fuel facilities fees are shown for
comparison purposes.

[Dollars in millions]
Summary Fee Calculations
Total budgeted resources
Less estimated 10 CFR part 170 receipts
Net 10 CFR part 171 resources
Allocated generic transportation
Allocated LLW surcharge
Billing adjustments
Total remaining required annual fee recovery

FY 2023

FY 2024

In comparison to FY 2023, the FY 2024 annual fee for the fuel facilities fee class
is increasing primarily due to the following: 1) a rise in budgeted resources; 2) an
increase in the 10 CFR part 171 billing adjustment; and 3) a decrease in
10 CFR part 170 estimated billings.
The budgeted resources increased primarily to support the following: 1) the
review of licensing actions related to enrichment and manufacturing of HALEU fuel and
ATF; 2) the continued review of the TRISO-X, LLC fuel facility license application,
though as discussed below, the review has been slowed; 3) the development and
maintenance of licensing guidance; 4) emergency preparedness and physical security
reviews for license amendments and renewals; 5) programmatic oversight activities for
Category II fuel facilities and an anticipated new fuel facility; 6) associated fuel facilities
rulemaking activities; and 7) an increase in the fully-costed FTE rate compared to
FY 2023 due to an increase in salaries and benefits. The increase in budgetary
resources is partially offset due to a decline in information technology (IT) services and a
reduction in resources due to the delay of a new fuel facility application.
Finally, the annual fee is also increasing due to the decrease in the
10 CFR part 170 estimated billings. The 10 CFR part 170 estimated billings are
decreasing in comparison to FY 2023 primarily due to the following: 1) the slowing of the
TRISO-X, LLC, fuel fabrication facility application review activities, including the
development of environmental impact statement and the safety review while the NRC
awaits the applicant’s submittal of a major design change in December of 2024; 2) the
completion of the review of Westinghouse Electric Company, LLC’s license transfer
application; 3) the completion of the review of the Global Nuclear Fuel Americas, LLC,
amendment for an increase in enrichment activities up to 8 weight percent uranium-235;
4) the delay of the submittal of Global Nuclear Fuel Americas, LLC, amendment for an
increase in enrichment activities up to 20 weight percent uranium-235; 5) a reduction in
hours needed to support license amendment requests; and 6) the delay of the Niowave
new medical isotope production facility application. This decrease in 10 CFR part 170

estimated billings is partially offset by increased hours to support the review of the
National Institute of Standards and Technology’s license renewal application for
possession and use of its special nuclear material.
Finally, the increase in the annual fee is also affected by these contributing
factors: 1) a rise in the generic transportation surcharge due to a new CoC within the fuel
facilities fee class; and 2) a surcharge in the 10 CFR part 171 billing adjustment due to
the timing of invoices in FY 2023.
The NRC will continue allocating annual fees to individual fuel facility licensees
based on the effort/fee determination matrix developed in the FY 1999 final fee rule
(64 FR 31448; June 10, 1999). To briefly recap, the matrix groups licensees within this
fee class into various fee categories. The matrix lists processes that are conducted at
licensed sites and assigns effort factors for the safety and safeguards activities
associated with each process (these effort levels are reflected in table IX). The annual
fees are then distributed across the fee class based on the regulatory effort assigned by
the matrix. The effort factors in the matrix represent regulatory effort that is not
recovered through 10 CFR part 170 fees (e.g., rulemaking, guidance). Regulatory effort
for activities that are subject to 10 CFR part 170 fees, such as the number of
inspections, is not applicable to the effort factor.
NRC authorized the Centrus American Centrifuge Plant to begin its HALEU
demonstration program operations at the Category II level on September 21, 2023. As
discussed in the FY 2024 proposed fee rule, this change in operations caused the
safeguard effort factors for "scrap/waste" to increase from 0 (no effort) to 1 (low effort),
"enrichment" to increase from 5 (moderate effort) to 10 (high effort) and "sensitive
information” to increase from 5 (moderate effort) to 10 (high effort), resulting in an
increase of the safeguards efforts factors from 11 to 22 compared to the FY 2023 final
fee rule.


Facility Type (fee category)


Effort Factors


High Enriched Uranium Fuel (1.A.(1)(a))


Low Enriched Uranium Fuel (1.A.(1)(b))


Limited Operations (1.A.(2)(a))






Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Demonstration
Hot Cell (and others) (1.A.(2)(c))
Uranium Enrichment (1.E.)
UF6 Conversion and Deconversion (2.A.(1))

In FY 2024, the total remaining amount of the annual fees that the NRC
estimates to be recovered, $25.3 million, is attributable to safety activities, safeguards
activities, and the LLW surcharge. For FY 2024, the total budgeted resources to be
recovered as annual fees for safety activities are approximately $13.3 million. To
calculate the annual fee, the NRC allocates this amount to each fee category based on
its percentage of the total regulatory effort for safety activities. Similarly, the NRC
allocates the budgeted resources that the NRC estimates to be recovered as annual
fees for safeguards activities, $11.6 million, to each fee category based on its
percentage of the total regulatory effort for safeguards activities. Finally, the fuel facilities
fee class portion of the LLW surcharge—$0.4 million—is allocated to each fee category
based on its percentage of the total regulatory effort for both safety and safeguards
activities. The annual fee per licensee is then calculated by dividing the estimated total
allocated budgeted resources for the fee category by the number of licensees in that fee
category. The annual fee for each facility is summarized in table X.

[Actual dollars]
Facility Type (fee category)
High Enriched Uranium Fuel (1.A.(1)(a))
Low Enriched Uranium Fuel (1.A.(1)(b))

FY 2023
Annual Fee

FY 2024
Annual Fee

Facilities with limited operations (1.A.(2)(a))
Gas Centrifuge Enrichment Demonstration (1.A.(2)(b))
Hot Cell (and others) (1.A.(2)(c))
Uranium Enrichment (1.E.)
UF6 Conversion and Deconversion (2.A.(1))



d. Uranium Recovery Facilities
The NRC will collect $0.3 million in annual fees from the uranium recovery
facilities fee class in FY 2024, as shown in table XI. The FY 2023 uranium recovery
facilities fees are shown for comparison purposes.

[Dollars in millions]
Summary fee calculations
Total budgeted resources
Less estimated 10 CFR part 170 receipts
Net 10 CFR part 171 resources
Allocated generic transportation
Billing adjustments
Total required annual fee recovery

FY 2023

FY 2024

In comparison to FY 2023, the FY 2024 annual fee for the non-DOE licensee in
the uranium recovery facilities fee class is increasing primarily due to a rise in budgeted
resources attributed to licensing reviews associated with one licensed uranium recovery
facility and two licensed, but not yet constructed, uranium recovery facilities.
The NRC regulates DOE’s Title I and Title II activities under the Uranium Mill
Tailings Radiation Control Act (UMTRCA).2 The annual fee assessed to DOE includes
the resources specifically budgeted for the NRC’s UMTRCA Title I and Title II activities,
as well as 10 percent of the remaining budgeted resources for this fee class. The NRC

Congress established the two programs, Title I and Title II, under UMTRCA to protect the public and the
environment from hazards associated with uranium milling. The UMTRCA Title I program is for remedial
action at abandoned mill tailings sites where tailings resulted largely from production of uranium for weapons
programs. The NRC also regulates DOE’s UMTRCA Title II program, which is directed toward uranium mill
sites licensed by the NRC or Agreement States in or after 1978.

described the overall methodology for determining fees for UMTRCA in the FY 2002 fee
rule (67 FR 42612; June 24, 2002), and the NRC continues to use this methodology.
The DOE’s UMTRCA annual fee is increasing compared to FY 2023 primarily due to a
rise in budgeted resources needed to conduct generic work that the NRC will be
performing to resolve the following: 1) issues associated with abandoned uranium mine
waste cleanups and the potential waste disposal on or near uranium mill tailings sites
including existing DOE sites under NRC oversight; 2) coordination on license termination
strategies for sites; and 3) performance issues relating to existing cover systems at mill
tailings sites. The annual fee is partially offset by a rise in the 10 CFR part 170 estimated
billings for the anticipated workload increases at various DOE UMTRCA sites. The NRC
assesses the remaining 90 percent of its budgeted resources to the remaining licensee
in this fee class, as described in the work papers, which is reflected in table XII.

[Actual dollars]
Summary of Costs:
DOE Annual Fee Amount (UMTRCA Title I and Title II)
General Licenses:
UMTRCA Title I and Title II budgeted resources less
10 CFR part 170 receipts
10 percent of generic/other uranium recovery
budgeted resources
10 percent of uranium recovery fee-relief adjustment
Total Annual Fee Amount for DOE (rounded)
Annual Fee Amount for Other Uranium Recovery
90 percent of generic/other uranium recovery budgeted
resources less the amounts specifically budgeted for
UMTRCA Title I and Title II activities
90 percent of uranium recovery fee-relief adjustment
Total Annual Fee Amount for Other Uranium Recovery

FY 2023
Annual Fee

FY 2024
Annual Fee









Further, for any non-DOE licensees, the NRC will continue using a matrix to
determine the effort levels associated with conducting generic regulatory actions for the

different licensees in the uranium recovery facilities fee class; this is similar to the NRC’s
approach for fuel facilities, described previously. The matrix methodology for uranium
recovery licensees first identifies the licensee categories included within this fee class
(excluding DOE). These categories are conventional uranium mills and heap leach
facilities, uranium in situ recovery (ISR) and resin ISR facilities, and mill tailings disposal
facilities. The matrix identifies the types of operating activities that support and benefit
these licensees, along with each activity’s relative weight (see the work papers).
Currently, there is only one remaining non-DOE licensee, which is a basic ISR facility.
Table XIII displays the benefit factors for the non-DOE licensee in that fee category.


Fee Category
Conventional and Heap Leach mills
Basic In Situ Recovery facilities
Expanded In Situ Recovery facilities
Section 11e.(2) disposal incidental to
existing tailings sites (2.A.(4))









The FY 2024 annual fee for the remaining non-DOE licensee is calculated by
allocating 100 percent of the budgeted resources, as summarized in table XIV.

(Other than DOE)
[Actual dollars]
Facility Type (fee category)
Conventional and Heap Leach mills (2.A.(2)(a))
Basic In Situ Recovery facilities (2.A.(2)(b))

FY 2023
Annual Fee

FY 2024
Annual Fee

Expanded In Situ Recovery facilities (2.A.(2)(c))
Section 11e.(2) disposal incidental to existing tailings
sites (2.A.(4))





e. Non-Power Production or Utilization Facilities
The NRC will collect $0.292 million in annual fees from the non-power production
or utilization facilities fee class in FY 2024, as shown in table XV. The FY 2023 nonpower production or utilization facilities fees are shown for comparison purposes.

[Dollars in millions]
Summary Fee Calculations
Total budgeted resources
Less estimated 10 CFR part 170 receipts
Net 10 CFR part 171 resources
Allocated generic transportation
Billing adjustments
Total required annual fee recovery
Total non-power production or utilization facilities
Total annual fee per license (rounded)

FY 2023

FY 2024




In comparison to FY 2023, the FY 2024 annual fee for the non-power production
or utilization facilities fee class is increasing, as discussed in the following paragraphs.
In FY 2024, the budgeted resources decreased primarily due to a reduction in
medical radioisotope production facilities workload primarily due to a delay with the
SHINE Technologies LLC’s (SHINE) operating license application for a medical
radioisotope production facility and a delay in the construction schedule. The offset to
the decline in budgetary resources is the rise in the fully-costed FTE rate compared to
FY 2023 due to an increase in salaries and benefits.
The 10 CFR part 170 estimated billings associated with the current fleet of
operating non-power production or utilization facilities licensees subject to annual fees
have declined compared to FY 2023 due to a reduction in workload for license

amendment activities associated with the shutdown of the General Electric Hitachi
Vallecitos Nuclear Center in FY 2024. The 10 CFR part 170 estimated billings with
respect to medical radioisotope production facilities and advanced research and test
reactors have declined when compared with FY 2023 primarily due to the following: 1) a
reduction in staff hours due to the delay with SHINE’s operating license application and
a delay in the construction schedule; and 2) the completion of the safety review of the
Kairos Power, LLC’s (Kairos) application for a permit to construct the Hermes 1 test
reactor. This decline in 10 CFR part 170 estimated billings is offset due to the following:
1) the review of the Kairos Hermes 2 application for a permit to construct two test
reactors; and 2) conducting pre-application meetings due to the anticipated submission
of several license applications.
Furthermore, the increase in the annual fee is also affected by these contributing
factors: 1) an increase in the 10 CFR part 171 billing adjustment due to the timing of
invoices in FY 2023; and 2) an increase in the generic transportation surcharge due to
an increase in the generic transportation budgeted resources for the non-power
production or utilization facilities fee class.
The annual fee recovery amount is divided equally among the three non-power
production or utilization facilities licensees subject to annual fees and results in an
FY 2024 annual fee of $97,200 for each licensee.

Rare Earth
In FY 2024, the NRC has allocated approximately $0.2 million in budgeted

resources to this fee class; however, because all the budgeted resources will be
recovered through service fees assessed under 10 CFR part 170, the NRC will not
assess or collect annual fees in FY 2024 for this fee class.
g. Materials Users
The NRC will collect $46.3 million in annual fees from materials users licensed
under 10 CFR parts 30, 40, and 70 in FY 2023, as shown in Table XVI. The FY 2024
materials users fees are shown for comparison purposes.

[Dollars in millions]
Summary Fee Calculations
Total budgeted resources for licensees not regulated by
Agreement States
Less estimated 10 CFR part 170 receipts
Net 10 CFR part 171 resources
Allocated generic transportation
LLW surcharge
Billing adjustments
Total required annual fee recovery

FY 2023

FY 2024



The formula for calculating 10 CFR part 171 annual fees for the various
categories of materials users is described in detail in the work papers. Generally, the
calculation results in a single annual fee that includes 10 CFR part 170 costs, such as
amendments, renewals, inspections, and other licensing actions specific to individual fee
The total annual fee recovery of $46.3 million for FY 2024 shown in table XVI
consists of $36.6 million for general costs, $9.5 million for inspection costs, and
$0.1 million for LLW costs. To equitably and fairly allocate the $46.3 million required to
be collected among approximately 2,400 diverse materials users licensees, the NRC
continues to calculate the annual fees for each fee category within this class based on
the 10 CFR part 170 application fees and estimated inspection costs for each fee
category. Because the application fees and inspection costs are indicative of the
complexity of the materials license, this approach is the methodology for allocating the
generic and other regulatory costs to the diverse fee categories. This fee calculation
method also considers the inspection frequency (priority), which is indicative of the
safety risk and resulting regulatory costs associated with the categories of licenses.
In comparison to FY 2023, the FY 2024 annual fees are increasing for all fee
categories within the materials users fee class, ranging from 14 percent to 25 percent

primarily due to an increase in the budgeted resources. The budgeted resources
increased due to the following: 1) an increase in licensing and oversight workload,
including the expected reviews of exempt distribution and sealed source device
applications, updating licensing guidance, and the development of a regulatory guide on
veterinary issues; 2) hiring actions to double encumber and train health physics staff to
ensure an appropriate pipeline and knowledge management for future agency mission
related activities; 3) support for rulemaking activities; 4) support for materials research
activities; and 5) an increase in the fully-costed FTE rate compared to FY 2023 due to an
increase in salaries and benefits.
In addition, the FY 2024 annual fees are increasing due to the following: 1) an
increase in generic transportation costs for materials users; 2) a decrease in the
10 CFR part 170 estimated billings for new licensing applications; 3) a decrease of 53
materials users licensees from FY 2023; and 4) an increase in the 10 CFR part 171
billing adjustment due to the timing of invoices issued in FY 2023.
A constant multiplier is established to recover the total general costs (including
allocated generic transportation costs) of $36.6 million. To derive the constant multiplier,
the general cost amount is divided by the sum of all fee categories (application fee plus
the inspection fee divided by inspection priority) then multiplied by the number of
licensees. This calculation results in a constant multiplier of 1.29 for FY 2024. The
average inspection cost is the average inspection hours for each fee category multiplied
by the professional hourly rate of $317. The inspection priority is the interval between
routine inspections, expressed in years. The inspection multiplier is established to
recover the $9.5 million in inspection costs. To derive the inspection multiplier, the
inspection costs amount is divided by the sum of all fee categories (inspection fee
divided by inspection priority) then multiplied by the number of licensees. This
calculation results in an inspection multiplier of 1.72 for FY 2024. The unique category
costs are any special costs that the NRC has budgeted for a specific category of
licenses. Please see the work papers for more detail about this classification.

The annual fee being assessed to each licensee also takes into account a share
of approximately $0.1 million in LLW surcharge costs allocated to the materials users fee
class (see Table IV, “Allocation of LLW Surcharge, FY 2024,” of this document). The
annual fee for each fee category is shown in the revision to § 171.16(d).
h. Transportation
The NRC will collect $2.3 million in annual fees to recover generic transportation
budgeted resources in FY 2024, as shown in table XVII. The FY 2023 fees are shown for
comparison purposes.

[Dollars in millions]
Summary Fee Calculations
Total budgeted resources
Less estimated 10 CFR part 170 receipts
Net 10 CFR part 171 resources
Less generic transportation resources
Billing adjustments
Total required annual fee recovery

FY 2023

FY 2024

In comparison to FY 2023, the FY 2024 annual fee for the transportation fee
class is increasing primarily due to an increase in the budgeted resources; 2) a rise in
the distribution of the generic transportation resources allocated to other fee classes;
and 3) a decrease in the 10 CFR part 170 estimated billings.
In FY 2024, the budgeted resources increased primarily to support the following:
1) rulemaking activities; 2) environmental reviews and licensing of transportation
packages for ATF, the anticipated licensing review of one transportable microreactor
application, other advanced reactors fuels, and microreactors; and 3) a rise in the fullycosted FTE rate compared to FY 2023 due to an increase in salaries and benefits.

The increase in the annual fee is partially offset by a rise in the distribution of
generic transportation resources allocated to respective other fee classes resulting from
additional number of CoCs for 2024.
Furthermore, the annual fee is also increasing due to a decrease in the
10 CFR part 170 estimated billings as a result of: 1) delays in submittals of major
amendments of transportation packages and submittals requiring revisions to the
applications; and 2) a delay in inspection activities.
Consistent with the policy established in the NRC’s FY 2006 final fee rule
(71 FR 30722; May 30, 2006), the NRC recovers generic transportation costs unrelated
to DOE by including those costs in the annual fees for licensee fee classes. The NRC
continues to assess a separate annual fee under § 171.16, fee category 18.A., for DOE
transportation activities. The amount of the allocated generic resources is calculated by
multiplying the percentage of total CoCs used by each fee class (and DOE) by the total
generic transportation resources to be recovered.
This resource distribution to the licensee fee classes and DOE is shown in table
XVIII. Note that for the non-power production or utilization facilities fee class, the NRC
allocates the distribution to only those licensees that are subject to annual fees.
Although five CoCs benefit the entire non-power production or utilization facilities fee
class, only three out of 30 operating non-power production or utilization facilities
licensees are subject to annual fees. Consequently, the number of CoCs used to
determine the proportion of generic transportation resources allocated to annual fees for
the non-power production or utilization facilities fee class has been adjusted to 0.5 so
these licensees are charged a fair and equitable portion of the total fees (see the work

[Dollars in millions]

Licensee Fee Class/DOE

Materials Users
Operating Power Reactors
Spent Fuel Storage/Reactor
Non-Power Production or Utilization
Fuel Facilities
Subtotal of Generic Transportation

Number of
Fee Class or

of Total














The NRC assesses an annual fee to DOE based on the number of
10 CFR part 71 CoCs held by DOE. The NRC, therefore, does not allocate these DOErelated resources to other licensees’ annual fees because these resources specifically
support DOE.
FY 2024—Policy Changes
The NRC is not making any policy changes in FY 2024.
FY 2024—Administrative Changes
The NRC is making 11 administrative changes in FY 2024:

Amend §§ 2.205(i), 15.35(c), 37.27(c)(2), 73.17(m)(1), 73.57(d)(3)(i),

110.64(e), 140.7(d), 170.12(f), and 171.19(a) by clarifying payment methods.
The NRC is amending §§ 2.205(i), 15.35(c), 37.27(c)(2), 73.17(m)(1),
73.57(d)(3)(i), 110.64(e), 140.7(d), 170.12(f), and 171.19(a) to align with the U.S.
Department of the Treasury’s (Treasury) “No-Cash No-Check” policy. The Treasury
encourages Federal agencies to use the most efficient, cost-effective, and best-suited
collection and payment solutions. The Treasury’s Bureau of the Fiscal Service provides
central collection and payment services to agencies to maintain the financial integrity
and operational efficiency of the Federal Government. The Treasury’s Bureau of the
Fiscal Service notified the NRC that the agency is expected to transition from paperbased collections to one or more offered electronic methods by September 30, 2024.

The “No-Cash No-Check” policy will improve timeliness of collections, thereby
reducing interest/penalty/administrative fees associated with late payments, and reduce
resources associated with processing paper checks. The available electronic payment
options will enhance processing speed and accuracy, and adopting this policy will make
consumer and business payments and remittances to agencies easier and more
efficient. Accordingly, the NRC is amending §§ 2.205(i), 15.35(c), 37.27(c)(2),
73.17(m)(1), 73.57(d)(3)(i), 110.64(e), 140.7(d), 170.12(f), and 171.19(a) to revise
available payment methods to remove paper forms of payment and provide that
payments are to be made electronically using the methods accepted at www.Pay.gov.

Amend table 1 in § 170.31 to add language to 7.A, 7.A.1, 7.A.2, 7.C,

7.C.1, and 7.C.2 for clarity.
The NRC is amending table 1 in § 170.31 to add language to 7.A., 7.A.1, 7.A.2,
7.C, 7.C.1, and 7.C.2, to clarify with respect to 10 CFR part 170 fees that these
categories also include the possession and use of source material for shielding when
authorized on the same license.

Revise footnote 17 to table 2 in § 171.16(d) for clarity.

The NRC is revising footnote 17 in table 2 paragraph (d) in § 171.16 to clarify
that with respect to annual fees, medical licensees paying fees under 7.A, 7.A.1, 7.A.2,
7.B, 7.B.1, 7.B.2, 7.C, 7.C(1), or 7.C(2) are not subject to fees under 2.B. for possession
and shielding authorized on the same license.

III. Public Comment Analysis
Overview of Public Comments
The NRC published a proposed rule on February 20, 2024 (89 FR 12759) and
requested public comment on its proposed revisions to 10 CFR parts 170 and 171. By
the close of the comment period, the NRC received nine written comment submissions
on the FY 2024 proposed rule. In general, commenters were supportive of the specific
proposed regulatory changes, although most commenters expressed concerns about

broader fee policy issues related to the overall size of the NRC’s budget, fairness of
fees, transparency, and budget formulation. Some commenters’ concerns were outside
the scope of the fee rule.
The commenters are listed in Table XIX.



ADAMS Accession No.

Susan Shultz



Congressman Byron
Donalds, et. al.

United States Congress


Wayne Norton
Gary D. Camper
Dr. Jennifer L. Uhle
Justin Both
Kevin Lueshen
Nader Mamish
Sara L. Scott

Decommissioning Plant
Coalition (DPC)
BWXT Nuclear Operations
Group, Inc. (BWXT)
Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI)
NextEra Energy Duane Arnold,
Constellation Energy
Generation, LLC (CEG)
Westinghouse Electric
Company, LLC (Westinghouse)
Xcel Energy


Information about obtaining the complete text of the comment submissions is
provided in the “Availability of Documents,” section of this document.
IV. Public Comments and NRC Responses
The NRC has carefully considered the public comments received on the
proposed rule. The comments have been organized by topic. Comments from multiple
commenters raising similar specific concerns were combined to capture the common
issues raised by the commenters. Comments from a single commenter have been
quoted to ensure accuracy; brackets within those comments are used to show changes
that have been made to the quoted comments.
A. Use of Fee-Based Carryover to Reduce Fees
Comment: Several commenters suggested that the NRC should use the
additional carryover to further offset FY 2024 budgets for Operating Power Reactors,

Spent Fuel Storage/Reactor Decommissioning, Non-Power Production or Utilization
Facilities, and Fuel Cycle Facilities to help reduce fees. (NEI, Westinghouse, and CEG)
Response: Each fiscal year, the NRC follows the direction of Congress that
accompanies the annual appropriations act. The FY 2024 final fee rule reflects a total
budget authority in the amount of $944.1 million, which is an increase of $16.9 million
from FY 2023, but a decrease of $35.1 million from the FY 2024 proposed fee rule. The
estimated net budget authority (i.e., excluded activities) specified in the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2024, for the NRC’s “Salaries and Expenses” account reflects a
decrease of $18.9 million from the FY 2024 budget request. The explanatory statement
associated with the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, directed the NRC to use
$62.0 million of carryover. The explanatory statement allocates $16.0 million for the
UNLP and language in the Senate Report demonstrates an intent for the NRC to fund
the UNLP in FY 2024 using fee-based carryover. The direction to use the $62.0 million
carryover also reflects the $27.1 million proposed in the FY 2024 budget request to
offset the Nuclear Reactor Safety budget and an additional $18.9 million in prior-year
unobligated balances, which offsets the $18.9 million reduction in the estimated net
budget authority specified in the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, for the NRC’s
“Salaries and Expenses” account. With these allocations of the $62.0 million in prior-year
unobligated carryover funds, no additional carryover remains that could be applied to
offset fees for other fee classes.
No changes were made to this final rule as a result of these comments.
B. Transparency
Comment: “Most licensees must estimate and budget their NRC fees well in
advance of the proposed fee rule and upon issuance must adjust their operating budget
to accommodate the changes. Given the significant changes that are likely to result from
the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2024, we strongly encourage the NRC to use any
means available to notify licensees of any substantial changes made during the crafting

of the final rule. This would provide licensees the additional time needed to realign their
budgets.” (NEI)
Response: The NRC strives to ensure that the proposed fee rule is as accurate
as possible and explains its assumptions about the budgetary resources and other
factors associated with annual fees to provide the best information available regarding
the fiscal year’s proposed fees. The NRC discussed these assumptions during the
March 7, 2024, public meeting on the FY 2024 proposed fee rule.
The NRC must comply with statutory requirements, including NEIMA and the
Administrative Procedure Act (APA). NEIMA requires the NRC to recover, to the
maximum extent practicable, approximately 100 percent of its total budget authority for
the fiscal year less the budget authority for excluded activities, through fees assessed by
the end of the fiscal year. Section 553 of the APA requires the NRC to give the public an
opportunity to comment on a published proposed rule. Because the Office of
Management and Budget has found the fee rule to be a major rule under the
Congressional Review Act, the effective date of the final rule cannot be less than 60
days from the date of publication and must allow for timely final billing prior to the end of
the fiscal year (i.e., September 30, 2024 for FY 2024). Depending on the timing of the
enacted budget, the NRC may not have sufficient time to provide advance notification of
all changes within the final rule prior to publication and meet its statutory requirements.
No changes were made to this final rule in response to these comments.
C. Fuel Facilities Fee Class Budget and Increase in the Annual Fees
Comment: Several commenters expressed concerns about the average
22 percent annual fee increase for all operating fuel cycle facilities, which is a significant
escalation in comparison to the agency's budgeted increase of 5.62% and multiples
higher than the other business lines. The commenters stated that the fuel facilities
business line budget and annual fees decreased for each of the fiscal years (FY 2019 –
FY 2022) to more accurately reflect the reduced number of operating facilities and the
corresponding reduction in workload. The commenters expressed concern that increase

in the annual fees in FY 2023 and FY 2024 is not efficient and limits the potential of
nuclear energy advancement, and that despite the number of operating facilities
remaining steady, the proposed annual fee increase is not based on quantitative
workload or effort factors and does not reflect the relatively low risk profile of the existing
and predicted fuel cycle facility fleet. The commenters expressed concern that the basis
for the increase in the annual fee is not adequate and clear. In addition, the commenters
expressed concern regarding the increase in the budget for licensing and oversight
activities and the disparity between lower 10 CFR part 170 (service fees) relative to
10 CFR part 171 (annual fees). The commenters also expressed that available carryover
funds should be applied to eliminate the proposed 22 percent increase above the
FY 2023 levels. One commenter suggested that the NRC should apply an annual fee
cap to fuel facilities, similar to the annual fee cap for operating power reactors in NEIMA.
(NEI, BWXT, and Westinghouse)
Response: The NRC remains mindful of the impact of its budget on the fees for
the fuel facilities fee class. The NRC notes that efforts to deploy ATF and advanced
reactors, along with a focus on domestic fuel supplies, have resulted in an environment
with a fluctuating workload. When formulating the budget, the NRC takes into
consideration various factors, including workload forecasting, historical data and trends
in the business line, information from licensees and potential applicants, and uncertainty
of projections. The NRC assesses the current environment and looks for significant
drivers that could impact future workload. These include, but are not limited to, technical
and regulatory developments that have the potential to generate additional work or
reduce work (i.e., pre-application activities and applications for new fuel facilities,
potential major amendments and license termination requests, rulemaking activities,
guidance development, and oversight of the fuel facilities program), related reactor
licensing work, federal funding opportunities, and geopolitical changes that could
influence the availability of uranium.

In addition, the NRC evaluates historical data and trends to measure how
execution in previous years lines up with the budget assumptions at the time. The NRC
uses that data to inform the budget and identify areas where the assumptions previously
used have changed. Historical data allows the NRC to identify trending in quantity and/or
complexity of the planned submittals, and to incorporate efficiencies gained and lessons
learned from previous data.
The NRC also relies on communication from stakeholders to identify accurate
dates for planned submittals (i.e., major amendment requests, renewals, and new fuel
facility applications), including letters of intent provided by licensees and applicants, and
collecting information from Federal partners. For large licensing projects, the NRC tries
to balance the appropriate resource needs against the relative certainty that an
application will be submitted on schedule.
While the NRC understands the commenters’ concerns regarding the impact of
budget on the existing operating fuel facilities licensees, NEIMA requires the NRC to
recover, to the maximum extent practicable, approximately 100 percent of its annual
budget authority, less the budget authority for excluded activities, and to do so through a
combination of both user fees and annual fees. When budgeted 10 CFR part 170 work
does not materialize (due to circumstances like delayed or cancelled licensing submittals
or construction inspections) changes to the annual fee for the fee class can result. This
change in 10 CFR part 170 billings due to fact-of-life changes was a significant
contributor to the annual fee increases in FY 2023 and FY 2024 for the fuel facilities fee
As expressed by the commenters, from FY 2019 through FY 2022, the annual
fee for fuel facilities fee class decreased each year and, after a significant decrease in
the budgeted resources for the fee class from FY 2019 to FY 2020, budgeted resources
remained relatively flat from FY 2020 to FY 2022. The decrease in the fuel facilities
budgeted resources over this period appropriately aligned resources with the projected
workload for the fuel facilities fee class at the time. For example, during this time, there

were fewer license renewals, limited guidance development, and only routine licensing
In FY 2023, the fuel facilities fee class experienced an increase in the budget by
$4.2 million compared to FY 2022, which included an increase of 5.3 FTE and
approximately $0.5 million in contract support, for licensing, oversight, and rulemaking
activities. The FY 2024 fuel facilities fee class budget is $30.9 million, which includes
58.9 FTE and approximately $2.9 million in contract support resources. This is
$0.9 million or 3 percent higher than the FY 2019 fuel facilities budgeted resources of
$30.0 million, which included 66.7 FTE and approximately $2.0 million in contract
The FY 2024 CBJ, published in March 2023, explains that the increase in
budgeted resources for the fuel facilities business line supports activities such as:
1) licensing actions related to enrichment and manufacturing of HALEU fuel and ATF;
2) the review of one new fuel facility license applications; 3) programmatic oversight
activities in support of Category II fuel facilities and an anticipated new fuel facility;
4) potential rulemaking for enhanced security of special nuclear material and guidance
development for fuel cycle facility security; and 5) an increase in the fully-costed FTE
rate compared to FY 2023 due to an increase in salaries and benefits to support Federal
pay raises for NRC employees. The increase in budgetary resources is partially offset
due to a decline in IT services. Additionally, changing workload drivers, including delays
in the submittal of licensing activities, have impacted the FY 2024 budget for the fuel
facilities business line.
Consistent with NEIMA, when developing the annual fee rule, the NRC
accounted for changes that occurred in the two-year interval between the development
of the FY 2024 budget request, which began in FY 2022, and the enactment of the
FY 2024 appropriation in March 2024.
As part of developing the annual fee rule, the NRC estimates the amount of
10 CFR part 170 service fees by each fee class by analyzing billing data and the actual

cost of work under NRC contracts charged to licensees and applicants for the previous
four quarters. The estimate, therefore, reflects recent changes in the NRC’s regulatory
activities. The NRC used four quarters of the prior year invoice data to calculate fees in
its FY 2024 proposed rule, and is using a combination of two quarters of the prior year
and two quarters of the current year billing data (which is also updated to reflect
workload changes) for this final fee rule.
In the FY 2024 proposed fee rule, the 10 CFR part 170 estimated service fees for
the fuel facilities fee class increased from $9.2 million in FY 2023 to $10.5 million as
shown in the FY 2024 proposed fee rule, which is an increase of $1.3 million or
approximately 14.1 percent compared to FY 2023.
During the March 7, 2024, public meeting to discuss the FY 2024 proposed fee
rule, the NRC explained that the increase in proposed annual fees for the fuel facilities
fee class was primarily due to budget increases and lower than anticipated
10 CFR part 170 billings. At the public meeting, the NRC explained that the increase in
proposed annual fees described in the FY 2024 proposed fee rule was primarily due to
budget increases and lower than anticipated 10 CFR part 170 billings. The lower than
anticipated 10 CFR part 170 billings was because of delays in the submittals of
Niowave’s new medical isotope production facility application and Global Nuclear FuelAmericas amendment supporting Natrium fuel fabrication. The FY 2024 final fee rule
reflects a further decrease in 10 CFR part 170 billings that was caused by the
completion of more licensing actions than estimated, the further delay in commencing
inspection activities for the TRISO-X, LLC new fabrication facility, the slowdown of the
TRISO-X, LLC new fuel facility license application review while the NRC awaits the
applicant’s submittal of a major design change, and other delays in routine licensing
During the public meeting, the NRC identified that, during the budget formulation
and execution process, it can account for fact-of-life changes and implemented these
changes, where possible, in FY 2024. These changes are reflected in the FY 2024 final

fee rule, where the NRC reallocated resources from the fuel facility fee class to other fee
classes within the nuclear materials and waste safety control point. While these changes
did not lower the final FY 2024 annual fees for the fuel facilities fee class in comparison
to the annual fees in FY 2024 proposed fee rule, they did mitigate what would have been
an even more significant increase.
Although the NRC is aware of the impact its budgeted resources has on the fees
for fuel facilities licensees subject to 10 CFR part 171 annual fees, the fee class budget
is not linearly proportional to the number of licensees in the fuel facilities fee class.
Resources are required to develop and maintain the infrastructure independent of the
number of operational fuel facilities. The fuel facilities business line must maintain
certain minimum requirements to meet the NRC’s regulatory and statutory oversight role.
This includes maintaining expertise in several technical areas, including integrated
safety analysis, radiation protection, criticality safety, chemical safety, fire safety,
emergency management, environmental protection, decommissioning, management
measures, material control and accounting, physical protection, and information security.
Budgeted resources in technical areas are recovered through 10 CFR part 170 user fees
as well as 10 CFR part 171 annual fees. Additionally, the infrastructure costs include
indirect services and the business line portion of corporate support. Indirect services
include rulemaking, maintaining guidance for licensees, maintaining procedures for NRC
staff, training, and travel. Corporate support includes, but is not limited to, the cost for
information management and technology, security, facilities management, rent, utilities,
human resources, financial management, and acquisitions.
As explained above, because the NRC’s fee recovery under 10 CFR part 170 will
not equal approximately 100 percent of the agency’s budget authority for the fiscal year
(less the budget authority for excluded activities), the NRC also assesses 10 CFR part
171 annual fees. Estimated 10 CFR part 170 billings, therefore, are inversely related to
the proposed annual fee for a fee class. The more the NRC estimates to collect in
10 CFR part 170 billings, the less it assesses in annual fees. While the NRC anticipated

an increase in 10 CFR part 170 estimated billings in the FY 2024 proposed fee rule, this
anticipated increase was not enough to offset the overall increase in budgetary
resources in FY 2024. Moreover, additional decreases in 10 CFR part 170 billings
occurred since the issuance of the FY 2024 proposed fee rule that contributed to the
additional increase in the annual fees for the fuel facilities fee class in the FY 2024 final
fee rule. The additional decreases in 10 CFR part 170 billings were caused by the
completion of more licensing actions than estimated, the further delay in commencing
inspection activities for the TRISO-X, LLC new fabrication facility, the slowdown of the
TRISO-X, LLC new fuel facility license application review while the NRC awaits the
applicant’s submittal of a major design change, and other delays in routine licensing
One commenter also recommended that the NRC apply an annual cap to fuel
facilities, similar to the annual fee cap for operating power reactors in NEIMA. Section
102(b)(3)(B)(i) of NEIMA established a cap for the annual fees charged to operating
reactor licensees. Under this provision, the annual fee for an operating reactor licensee,
to the maximum extent practicable, shall not exceed the annual fee amount per
operating reactor licensee established in the FY 2015 final fee rule, adjusted for inflation.
NEIMA did not establish such a cap on the annual fees charged to fuel facility licensees.
This final fee rule does not include an annual cap to fuel facilities. The NRC will
continue to assess resource requirements, evaluate programmatic efficiencies, and
make changes as appropriate. In addition, the NRC staff is exploring options to address
the volatility in the fuel facilities fee class annual fees and will engage with the
Commission as appropriate.
No changes were made to this final rule as a result of these comments.
Comment: Several commenters expressed concerns that they have finalized
their calendar year 2024 budgets and funding a 22 percent increase in the FY 2024
annual fees is not currently budgeted and can only be fulfilled by making difficult

resource decisions while maintaining the safety and security of plant operations. (NEI
and Westinghouse)
Response: The NRC recognizes that the issuance of the fee rule may not
coincide with budget cycles of industry. NEIMA requires the NRC to recover, to the
maximum extent practicable, approximately 100 percent of its annual budget authority,
less the budget authority for excluded activities, through fees by the end of the fiscal
year. The NRC must set its fees in accordance with the enacted budget. Even though
the NRC does not know the amount of fees it will need to collect until after it receives an
annual appropriation from Congress, the NRC starts the process of developing the fee
rule in the preceding summer to allow for timely final billing prior to the end of the fiscal
year, consistent with the requirements of NEIMA.
Furthermore, the NRC must comply with additional statutory requirements,
including the APA. Section 553 of the APA requires the NRC to give the public an
opportunity to comment on a published proposed rule. Moreover, because OMB has
found the fee rule to be a major rule under the Congressional Review Act, the effective
date of this final rule cannot be less than 60 days from the date of publication and must
allow for timely final billing prior to the end of the fiscal year. NEIMA requires the NRC to
collect fees for FY 2024 by September 30, 2024. These scheduling constraints required
the NRC to propose revisions to its fee schedules before receiving its annual
The NRC strives to ensure that the proposed fee rule is as accurate as possible
and explains its assumptions about the budgetary resources and other factors
associated with annual fees to provide the best information available regarding the fiscal
year’s proposed fees. The NRC discussed these assumptions during the March 7, 2024,
public meeting on the FY 2024 proposed fee rule. The NRC recognizes that the
issuance of the fee rule may not coincide with budget cycles of industry; however, the
NRC must promulgate a notice-and-comment rule based on the most accurate data
available regarding the cost of NRC services in the context of the NRC’s budget for a

given fiscal year. Nonetheless, the NRC can and will continue to inform licensees of
anticipated major changes in 10 CFR part 170 billings based on changes in the timing of
licensing action submittals or inspection activities that could ultimately impact annual
No changes were made to this final rule as a result of these comments.
D. Operating Power Reactors Fee Class Budget and Declining 10 CFR part 170
Estimated Billings
Comment: “Approximately 83% of the fee class budget for FY2024 is from the
power reactor fee class. Over the past five years the Part 170 fee-for-service collections
have decreased by 24%, meaning that the NRC’s fee-for-service workload has
decreased by roughly 34%. Yet, over this same period, the budget for operating reactors
has increased. Consequently, a greater percentage of the operating budget is required
to be recovered through annual fees. . . . [T]he percentage of the operating plant budget
that is derived from annual fees (currently at 76.4%) continues to increase; up from 68%
in FY2019. This growing disparity between ‘fee-for-service’ collections and ‘overhead,’
combined with the increasing levels of carryover, point to a need for the NRC to
reevaluate its budget and fee collection model.” (NEI)
Response: The NRC disagrees with the commenter's suggestion that the
allocation of service fees versus annual fees for the operating power reactor fee class in
the FY 2024 proposed fee rule necessities a revaluation of the NRC’s fee-recovery
framework. The operating power reactors fee class supports the activities of the
operating reactors and new reactors business lines, including both direct-billable
licensing actions and those general activities that indirectly support the agency’s mission
in these areas. The NRC’s FY 2024 CBJ provided the agency’s explanation and
justification for the resources requested to allow the agency to complete its mission, and
the reason for the changes in the budget for the NRC compared to the prior year.
The NRC continues to actively evaluate resource requirements to address
changes that occur between budget formulation and execution, and to pursue

improvements that enhance the accuracy of projections used in budget formulation. For
example, the NRC considers projected operating power plant closures and other
external factors when estimating workload changes in a manner that allows the agency
to meet its fee collection statutory responsibilities as the industry changes. The NRC
also seeks information from licensees and other entities relevant to projected workload
through public meetings and other forms of public outreach, to better inform the NRC's
budget formulation workload assumptions.
Ultimately, however, the NRC budget is not linearly proportional to the size of the
operating fleet, as there is a cost for the agency infrastructure that must be maintained
independent of the number of operating power reactors in the fleet.
Consistent with NEIMA, when developing the annual fee rule, the NRC
considered changes that occurred in the two-year interval between the development of
the FY 2024 budget request, which began in FY 2022, and the enactment of the
FY 2024 appropriation in March 2024. The NRC strives to ensure that the proposed fee
rule is as accurate as possible and explains its assumptions about the budgetary
resources and other factors associated with annual fees to provide the best information
available regarding the fiscal year’s proposed fees. As part of the development of the
annual fee rule, the NRC estimates the amount of 10 CFR part 170 service fees by each
fee class by analyzing billing data and the actual cost of work under NRC contracts
charged to licensees and applicants for the previous four quarters. The estimate,
therefore, reflects any recent changes in the NRC’s regulatory activities.
The FY 2024 proposed rule utilized four quarters of the prior year invoice data,
while the NRC is using a combination of two quarters of the prior year and two quarters
of the current year billing data (which is also updated to reflect workload changes) for the
FY 2024 final rule. In the FY 2024 proposed fee rule, the 10 CFR part 170 estimated
service fees for the operating power fee class increased from $158.9 million in FY 2023
to $165.3 million as shown in the FY 2024 proposed fee rule, which is an increase of
$6.4 million or approximately 4.0 percent compared to FY 2023. As described in the

FY 2024 proposed fee rule, the 10 CFR part 170 estimated billings increased primarily
due to the following: 1) an anticipated increase in hours associated with the review of an
increasing number of license renewal applications; and 2) an anticipated increase in new
reactor licensing activities, including the review of standard design approvals, preapplication activities, and construction permits. This estimated increase is partially offset
by an expected decline in the submission of topical reports. The NRC discussed these
assumptions for the operating power reactors fee class during the March 7, 2024, public
meeting on the FY 2024 proposed fee rule.
The NRC will continue to assess resource requirements, evaluate programmatic
efficiencies, and make changes as appropriate.
No changes were made to this final rule as a result of these comments.
E. General Comments on the Increase in the Budget and the Hourly Rate
Comment: Some commenters expressed concern about the overall increase in
the budget, which has resulted in increases in annual fees and the hourly rate in
FY 2024 and the potential for increases in the future. The commenters requested that
the NRC re-evaluate fees associated with the FY 2024 proposed fee rule.
(Congressman Byron Donalds, et. al, DPC, DAEC, BWXT, NEI, Westinghouse)
Response: The NRC is committed to the application of fairness and equity in the
assessment of fees. Fees are reassessed annually with stakeholder engagement and
published in the Federal Register for public comment. The NRC held a public meeting on
March 7, 2024, to discuss the key aspects of the FY 2024 proposed fee rule, including
the impact of the budget upon fees. In developing the budget, the NRC seeks
information on projected workload through public meetings, letters of intent from
industry, and other forms of public outreach with licensees to better inform budget
formulation workload assumptions. NEIMA requires the NRC to recover, to the maximum
extent practicable, approximately 100 percent of its annual budget less certain amounts
excluded from this fee recovery requirement. The FY 2024 proposed fee rule was based
on the FY 2024 budget request because a full-year appropriation had not yet been

enacted for FY 2024. A full-year appropriation was enacted on March 9, 2024, with the
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024, which included less total budget authority than
the budget request and direction to use $62.0 million in carryover funding. As a result,
the FY 2024 final fee rule reflects the NRC’s re-evaluation of fees based on the FY 2024
enacted budget. In addition, the final fee rule reflects updates to estimated billings based
on workload changes for each fee class.
The NRC will continue to assess resource requirements, evaluate programmatic
efficiencies, and make changes as appropriate. For example, the NRC recently modified
its fee regulations to address the economic differences between the current fleet of large
operating reactors and much smaller small modular reactors (SMRs) to make them
technology-inclusive and establish a fair and equitable approach for assessing annual
fees to all SMRs, in light of increased interest in licensing non-light water reactors.
No changes were made to this final rule as a result of these comments.
F. Non-Power Production or Utilization Facilities
Comment: “The FY2024 proposed fee rule represents a 1.5% increase in the
annual fee for the three paying licensees in the fleet. Notably, we understand that in
FY2025, the number of fee-paying facilities will drop from three to two. Because of this
significant change (representing a 33% reduction of the fee-paying licensee base), we
are concerned about the downstream effects this could place on the two remaining
licensees, resulting in a disproportionate financial impact and burden. This undesirable
outcome has been observed with prior year fee rules in several other business lines,
including NPUFs, when the size of the fleet is significantly downsized, yet the overall
business line is not commensurately reduced. The staff highlighted this fact in the
February 22, 2024, Commission briefing on the research and test reactor regulatory
program. The staff stated that they are currently pursuing mitigating solutions for
FY2025. We look forward to hearing more from the staff on any solutions, and we are
open to supporting further dialogue on this topic. As this FY2025 decrease in the number
of facilities is known, we expect the NRC to reduce its resources commensurately. This

is especially important considering their primary national mission of education, research,
training, and outreach, as highlighted in the Atomic Energy Act, Section 104(c)." (NEI)
Response: The NRC recognizes the impact of its budgeted resources on the fees
for facilities involved in education, research, training, and outreach. As mentioned during
the February 22, 2024, Commission meeting, and the March 7,2024, public meeting to
discuss the FY 2024 proposed fee rule, the NRC is actively exploring options to address
the non-power production or utilization facilities (NPUF) fee class due to the decline in
number of operating NPUFs and will engage with the Commission as appropriate.
For this fee rule, in FY 2024, the NRC budgeted activities for NPUFs to address
emerging work needs and maintaining adequate oversight of the existing fleet of
facilities. As discussed in the FY 2024 proposed fee rule, the NPUF budgetary
resources, which are included under the operating reactors business line, decreased
because of a reduction in medical radioisotope production facilities workload primarily
due to a delay with the SHINE operating license application for a medical radioisotope
production facility and a delay in the construction schedule. The decrease in the
budgeted resources was partially offset by an increase in the fully-costed FTE rate
compared to FY 2023 due to an increase in salaries and benefits. In addition, the
10 CFR part 170 estimated billings associated with the current fleet of operating NPUF
licensees subject to annual fees have declined compared to FY 2023 due to a reduction
in workload for license amendment activities associated with the anticipated shutdown of
the General Electric Hitachi Vallecitos Nuclear Center in FY 2024. The 10 CFR part 170
estimated billings with respect to medical radioisotope production facilities and advanced
research and test reactors have declined when compared with FY 2023 primarily due to
the following: 1) a reduction in staff hours due to the delay with SHINE’s operating
license application and a delay in the construction schedule; and 2) the completion of the
safety review of the Kairos application for a permit to construct the Hermes 1 test
reactor. This decline in 10 CFR part 170 estimated billings is offset due to the following:
1) the review of the Kairos Hermes 2 application for a permit to construct two test

reactors; and 2) conducting pre-application meetings due to the anticipated submission
of several license applications.
While the NRC agrees that it should reduce its budget commensurate with the
reduction in the number of NPUFs that pay fees, that reduction is not linearly
proportional as there is a cost for the infrastructure that must be maintained independent
of the number of operational NPUFs. These infrastructure costs include indirect services
and the business line portion of corporate support. Indirect services include rulemaking,
maintaining guidance for licensees, maintaining procedures for NRC staff, training, and
travel. Corporate support includes, for example, the cost for information management,
IT, security, facilities management, rent, utilities, financial management, acquisitions,
human resources, and policy support.
No changes were made to this final rule as a result of these comments.
G. Corporate Support Cap
Comment: “We appreciate the NRC efforts to manage and reduce Corporate
Support costs. However, these efforts do not appear to be effective. The Corporate
Support budget for FY2024 is 30.2% of total budget authority compared to the FY2024
NEIMA limit of 29%. In FY2025 the NEIMA limit on Corporate Support budget decreases
to 28%. However, the NRC’s proposed budget for FY2025 has a Corporate Support
budget that increases to 31.9% of total budget authority. We encourage NRC to double
its efforts to reduce Corporate Support costs." (NEI)
Response: Section 102(a)(3) of NEIMA provides that corporate support costs
include annual budget justification submitted to Congress, to the maximum extent
practicable, shall not exceed 29%. This requirement pertains to the annual budget
justification and does not apply to the annual fee rule.
As stated in the Executive Summary to the FY 2024 CBJ, the NRC’s corporate
support request was approximately 30.2 percent of the agency's total requested budget
authority and reflects the agency's efforts to comply with section 102(a)(3)(A) of NEIMA
to the maximum extent practicable.

The agency will continue efforts to implement efficiencies and invest resources in
initiatives that will result in future savings in corporate support activities.
No changes were made to this final rule as a result of these comments.
H. Excluded Activities
Comment: Several commenters expressed concern about using fee-based
carryover funding for the UNLP and not complying with NEIMA. One commenter stated
that "[t]he FY2024 proposed budget does not include funding for the University Nuclear
Leadership Program (UNLP). However, the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2024
included $16 million for UNLP and directed the use of fee-based carryover funds for this
purpose. This is contrary to the Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act
(NEIMA) of 2018, where UNLP is one of the activities excluded from recovery using feebased funding. The FY2024 payment, combined with similar payments in FY2023,
FY2022 and FY2021, totals $64 million in payments by licensees that should have been
excluded from the fee base."
One commenter also expressed concern that licensee fees should not subsidize
other Federal agencies. They stated, “[t]he FY2024 budget includes approximately
$6 million to subsidize rent for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National
Institutes of Health (NIH). In its October 12, 2021, letter to Congress on NEIMA, NRC
identified that over the course of this lease the nuclear industry will pay approximately
$48 million to subsidize rent for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the
National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the 3WFN building. These payments do nothing to
support the agency’s mission and should not be funded through fees collected from NRC
licensees and, ultimately, electricity rate payers. We encourage the NRC to continue its
discussions with Congress to remove these payments from the fee base.” (NEI and
Response: Each fiscal year, the NRC follows the direction of Congress that
accompanies the annual appropriations act. In FY 2024, the explanatory statement
associated with the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 included direction for the

NRC to use $62.0 million of carryover. The explanatory statement allocates $16.0 million
for the UNLP, and consistent with language in the Senate Report, the UNLP is funded in
FY 2024 using carryover. As part of the NRC’s ongoing communications with Congress,
the NRC provides information to and has discussions with Congress regarding various
budgetary matters.
The Three White Flint subsidy is not currently an excluded activity under NEIMA.
No change was made to this final rule as a result of these comments.
I. Future Policy Adjustments for Micro-Reactors
Comment: "We recognize that there are no further policy changes proposed this
year following last year’s addition of another minimum fee and variable rate for non-light
water reactors under 10 CFR 171.15. NEI encourages the NRC to consider other
changes to the fee structure for micro-reactors. Specifically, the overall licensing and
ongoing oversight costs for micro-reactors need to be less than 1% of the total cost of
manufacture and operations. If the policy in the current fee rule places undue economic
burden on micro-reactors through annual fees that do not reflect lower oversight costs,
due to their simplicity and very small radionuclide inventories, then the annual fees will
challenge their economic viability. The current minimum fee, set equal to that of the
NPUF fee class, is expected to be a significant percentage of annual operating costs for
micro-reactors. Further, the distribution of NPUF fees for dozens of reactors among a
fraction of payers (only three NPUF licensees are subject to annual fees) is not
representative of commercial micro-reactor expectations to each pay their share of
annual fees. The scaling of many tens or hundreds of micro-reactors up to 4500 MWth
will continue to propagate the disproportionate impact and there may be a need for the
policy to be revisited as early as next year." (NEI)
Response: In FY 2016, the NRC amended § 171.15 to establish a variable
annual fee structure for LWR SMRs (81 FR 32617; May 24, 2016). Thereafter, in
FY 2023, the NRC further amended § 171.15 to: 1) expand the applicability of the SMR
variable fee structure to include non-LWR SMRs; and 2) establish an additional

minimum fee and variable rate applicable to SMRs with a licensed thermal power rating
of less than or equal to 250 MWt (88 FR 39120; June 15, 2023).
In developing this fee framework for SMRs, the NRC engaged with industry and
other interested stakeholders to develop a knowledge base and understanding of the
characteristics and proposed designs of non-LWR SMRs. The NRC also conducted
public meetings with stakeholders to share information and discuss topics related to the
development and licensing of non-LWRs and participated in preapplication activities with
several applicants. During these public meetings, the NRC staff discussed possible
approaches to assessing annual fees for non-LWR SMRs. Stakeholders recommended
that the NRC consider lower fees for non-LWR SMRs and requested the NRC proceed
with rulemaking expeditiously. In developing an approach to assess annual fees to future
non-LWR SMRs, the NRC considered stakeholder input from these public meetings and
analyzed a position paper from NEI, “NEI Input on NRC Annual Fee Assessment for
Non-Light Water Reactors.”
Ultimately, the NRC modified its fee regulations to address the economic
differences between the current fleet of large operating reactors and much smaller
SMRS to make them technology-inclusive and establish a fair and equitable approach
for assessing annual fees to all SMRs, including micro-reactors. That said, the NRC
recognizes that the annual regulatory cost associated with LWR and non-LWR SMRs is
inherently uncertain before such a licensed facility is operational.
As stated in the FY 2023 final fee rule, the NRC intends to re-evaluate the
variable annual fee structure at the appropriate time to ensure consistency with NEIMA.
This re-evaluation will occur once SMR facilities become operational and sufficient
regulatory cost data becomes available. Operational experience data should provide
insights that will identify the correlation between design features and the level of NRC
oversight typically needed for these new types of power plants as well as inform whether
further annual fee adjustments for SMRs may be needed. As cost data and operating
experience for LWR and non-LWR SMRs are accumulated, the NRC will propose

adjustments to fees as needed to make sure that the fees assessed to LWR and nonLWR SMRs (and to all operating power reactors) are commensurate with the regulatory
support services provided by the NRC, consistent with NEIMA.
No changes were made to this final rule in response to these comments.
J. Spent Fuel Storage/Reactor Decommissioning Fee Class
Comment: Several commenters expressed concerns about the annual fee
increase for the spent fuel storage/reactor decommissioning fee class. One commenter
stated that an increase in annual and professional charges proposed for the fee class of
26.4 percent, and an increase of 117 percent since 2019, is systemically unsustainable.
The commenter stated that their sites no longer produce electricity and the assumption
that they will recover costs from the DOE via litigation or settlement(s) is one that
ignores that the costs are not allowed for recovery. That cost is the erosion of the
recovery due to the time value of money and that others do not receive full recovery of
costs. Costs associated with the recovery process are not included. Another commenter
stated that the FY 2024 proposed fee rule assigns the same fee for all decommissioning
plants and does not distinguish between reactor sites that are actively decommissioning
or moving spent fuel, which require significant active NRC oversight, and those in a
SAFSTOR setting with no active fuel movement, which require much less NRC
oversight. The commenters suggested that the NRC adjust the proposed rule to more
accurately and equitably allocate its costs to plants in a decommissioning status based
on the necessary level of NRC involvement. The commenters asked that the NRC
undertake serious discussions internally, and then with the Congress and OMB, to seek
long-term solutions to the dramatic and unsustainable increases in members’ fees. (DPC
and DAEC)
Response: The NRC is aware of the impact of the budget on the fees for the
spent fuel storage/reactor decommissioning fee class that is assessed to 10 CFR part 50
and 10 CFR part 52 power reactor licensees, and on 10 CFR part 72 licensees that do
not hold a 10 CFR part 50 license or a 10 CFR part 52 combined license. The spent fuel

storage/reactor decommissioning fee class supports the activities of the spent fuel
storage and transportation and the decommissioning and LLW business lines, including
both direct-billable licensing actions and those general activities that indirectly support
the agency’s mission in these areas.
When formulating the budget, the NRC takes into consideration various factors,
including workload forecasting, historical data and trends, information from licensees
and potential applicants, and uncertainty of projections. The NRC assesses the current
environment and performs workload forecasting, which includes looking for significant
drivers that could impact the future workload. These include, but are not limited to,
technical and regulatory developments that have the potential to generate additional
work or reduce work. In addition, the NRC reviews historical data and trends to measure
how execution in previous years lines up with the budget assumptions at the time. The
NRC uses that data to inform the future budget and identify areas where the
assumptions previously used may have changed. The NRC also relies on
communications from stakeholders to identify planned submittals, including letters of
intent. In budgeting for large licensing projects, the NRC tries to balance the anticipated
resource needs against the relative certainty that an application will be submitted on
schedule and the level of complexity.
The NRC’s FY 2024 CBJ, published in March 2023, provided the agency’s
explanation and justification for the resources being requested to allow the agency to
complete its mission under the spent fuel storage and transportation and the
decommissioning and LLW business lines as pertaining to the spent fuel storage/reactor
decommissioning fee class. As explained in the FY 2024 proposed fee rule, the spent
fuel storage/reactor decommissioning fee class budgeted resources increased primarily
to support the following: 1) an increase in FTEs to support licensing and oversight
activities for the reactor decommissioning program, which includes both power and nonpower reactors in various stages of decommissioning; and 2) an increase in the fully-

costed FTE rate compared to FY 2023 due to an increase in salaries and benefits to
support Federal pay raises for NRC employees.
While NRC recognizes the impact of its budgeted resources on the fees for the
spent fuel storage/reactor decommissioning facilities subject to 10 CFR part 171 annual
fees, the fee class budget is not linearly proportional to the number of facilities in the fee
class. Resources are required to develop and maintain the infrastructure independent of
the number of facilities in the spent fuel storage/reactor decommissioning fee class. The
spent fuel storage and transportation and the decommissioning and LLW business lines
must maintain certain minimum requirements to meet the NRC’s regulatory and statutory
oversight role.
Consistent with NEIMA, when developing the annual fee rule, the NRC
considered changes that occurred in the two-year interval between the development of
the FY 2024 budget request, which began in FY 2022, and the enactment of the
FY 2024 appropriation in March 2024. As part of the development of the annual fee rule,
the NRC estimates the amount of 10 CFR part 170 service fees by each fee class by
analyzing billing data and the actual cost of work under NRC contracts charged to
licensees and applicants for the previous four quarters. The estimate, therefore, reflects
any recent changes in the NRC’s regulatory activities. The FY 2024 proposed rule
utilized four quarters of the prior year invoice data, while the NRC is using a combination
of two quarters of the prior year and two quarters of the current year billing data (which is
also updated to reflect workload changes) for the FY 2024 final rule.
The commenters also raised concerns regarding the professional charges and
that the FY 2024 proposed fee rule does not distinguish between sites that are in active
decommissioning or where licensees are moving spent fuel, and those in a SAFSTOR
setting that require less oversight. Under NEIMA, the NRC must use its IOAA authority
first to collect 10 CFR part 170 service fees for NRC work that provides specific benefits
to identifiable recipients, such as licensing activities, inspections, and special projects. In
so doing, the NRC establishes a professional hourly rate for its work. To the extent that

the NRC’s work directly benefits a licensee or applicant, the NRC then collects
10 CFR part 170 user fees from that licensee or applicant. As a result, the spent fuel
storage/reactor decommissioning fee class facilities are only paying 10 CFR part 170
fees for work that directly benefits an entity engaged in their specific activities (i.e.,
decommissioning licensing and oversight activities, moving spent fuel, and the review of
certificate of compliance applications for amendments). With respect to 10 CFR part 170
service fees, the NRC staff time spent on licensing and inspection activities is subject to
change, depending on the novelty and complexity of the application under review or the
facility being inspected. Because the NRC’s fee recovery under the IOAA
(10 CFR part 170) will not equal 100 percent of the agency’s total budget authority for
the fiscal year (less the budget authority for excluded activities), the NRC also assesses
annual fees under 10 CFR part 171 to recover the remaining amount necessary to
comply with NEIMA.
The NRC believes that the assessment of annual fees from 10 CFR part 50 and
10 CFR part 52 power reactor licensees, and from 10 CFR part 72 licensees that do not
hold a 10 CFR part 50 license or a 10 CFR part 52 combined license under spent fuel
storage/reactor decommissioning, is fair and equitable to recover NRC costs for generic
spent fuel storage and reactor decommissioning activities. This annual fee includes the
costs of the NRC's generic and other research activities directly related to reactor
decommissioning and spent fuel storage, and other safety, environmental, and
safeguards activities related to reactor decommissioning and spent fuel storage, except
those activities which are subject 10 CFR part 170 fees. The NRC recognizes that sites
will be required to continue to store spent fuel onsite until another solution becomes
available. Nonetheless, NEIMA requires the NRC to recover, to the maximum extent
practicable, approximately 100 percent of its annual budget less certain amounts
excluded from the fee-recovery requirement.

The NRC continues to actively evaluate resource requirements to address
changes that occur between budget formulation and execution. The NRC will continue to
evaluate programmatic efficiencies and make changes as appropriate.
No changes were made to this final rule in response to these comments.
K. Comments on Matters Not Related to this Rulemaking
Several commenters raised issues outside the scope of the FY 2024 fee rule.
Commenters raised concerns with the agency’s budgeting process and making changes
to future budgets, and on the NRC’s overall licensing processes. These matters are
outside the scope of this final rule. The primary purpose of the rule is to update the
NRC’s fee schedules to recover approximately 100 percent of the NRC’s total budget
authority for the current fiscal year, less the budget authority for excluded activities, and
to make other necessary corrections or appropriate changes to specific aspects of the
NRC’s fee regulations to ensure compliance with NEIMA.
The NRC understands the importance of examining and improving the efficiency
of its operations and the prioritization of its regulatory activities. Accordingly, the NRC
continues to seek improvements and efficiencies in NRC operations and enhancing the
agency’s approach to regulating while maintaining safety and security.
V. Regulatory Flexibility Certification
As required by the Regulatory Flexibility Act of 1980, as amended (RFA),3 the
NRC has prepared a regulatory flexibility analysis related to this final rule. The regulatory
flexibility analysis is available as indicated in the “Availability of Documents” section of
this document.
VI. Regulatory Analysis
Under NEIMA, the NRC is required to recover, to the maximum extent
practicable, approximately 100 percent of its annual budget for FY 2024 less the budget
authority for excluded activities. The NRC established fee methodology guidelines for
10 CFR part 170 in 1978 and established additional fee methodology guidelines for

5 U.S.C. 603. The RFA, 5 U.S.C. 601–612, has been amended by the Small Business Regulatory
Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, Public Law 104–121, Title II, 110 Stat. 847 (1996).

10 CFR part 171 in 1986. In subsequent rulemakings, the NRC has adjusted its fees
without changing the underlying principles of its fee policy to ensure that the NRC
continues to comply with the statutory requirements for cost recovery.
In this final rule, the NRC continues this longstanding approach. Therefore, the
NRC did not identify any alternatives to the current fee structure guidelines and did not
prepare a regulatory analysis for this final rule.
VII. Backfitting and Issue Finality
The NRC has determined that the backfit and issue finality provisions, §§ 50.109,
“Backfitting”; 52.39, “Finality of early site permit determinations”; 52.63, “Finality of
standard design certifications”; 52.83, “Finality of referenced NRC approvals; partial
initial decision on site suitability”; 52.98, “Finality of combined licenses; information
requests”; 52.145, “Finality of standard design approvals; information requests”; 52.171,
“Finality of manufacturing licenses; information requests”; and 70.76, “Backfitting,” do not
apply to this final rule and that a backfit analysis is not required because these
amendments do not require the modification of, or addition to, (1) systems, structures,
components, or the design of a facility; (2) the design approval or manufacturing license
for a facility; or (3) the procedures or organization required to design, construct, or
operate a facility.
VIII. Plain Writing
The Plain Writing Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111-274) requires Federal agencies to
write documents in a clear, concise, and well-organized manner. The NRC wrote this
document to be consistent with the Plain Writing Act, as well as the Presidential
Memorandum, “Plain Language in Government Writing,” published June 10, 1998
(63 FR 31885).
IX. National Environmental Policy Act
The NRC has determined that this final rule is the type of action described in
§ 51.22(c)(1). Therefore, neither an environmental impact statement nor environmental
assessment has been prepared for this final rule.

X. Paperwork Reduction Act
This final rule does not contain any new or amended collections of information
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.). Existing
collections of information were approved by OMB, approval number 3150-0190.
Public Protection Notification
The NRC may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond
to, a collection of information unless the document requesting or requiring the collection
displays a currently valid OMB control number.
XI. Congressional Review Act
This final rule is a rule as defined in the Congressional Review Act of 1996
(5 U.S.C. 801-808). OMB has found it to be a major rule as defined in the Congressional
Review Act.
XII. Voluntary Consensus Standards
The National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995, Pub. L. 104113, requires that Federal agencies use technical standards that are developed or
adopted by voluntary consensus standards bodies unless the use of such a standard is
inconsistent with applicable law or otherwise impractical. In this final rule, the NRC is
amending the licensing, inspection, and annual fees charged to its licensees and
applicants, as necessary, to recover, to the maximum extent practicable, approximately
100 percent of its annual budget for FY 2024 less the budget authority for excluded
activities, as required by NEIMA. This action does not constitute the establishment of a
standard that contains generally applicable requirements.

XIII. Availability of Guidance
The Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act requires all Federal
agencies to prepare a written compliance guide for each rule for which the agency is
required by 5 U.S.C. 604 to prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis. The NRC, in
compliance with the law, prepared the “Small Entity Compliance Guide” for the FY 2023

fee rule. The compliance guide was developed when the NRC completed the small entity
biennial review for FY 2023. The NRC plans to continue to use this compliance guide for
FY 2024 and has relabeled the compliance guide to reflect the current FY. This
compliance guide is available as indicated in the “Availability of Documents” section of
this document.
XIV. Availability of Documents
The documents identified in the following table are available to interested
persons through one or more of the following methods, as indicated.


NUREG-1100, Volume 39, “Congressional
Budget Justification: Fiscal Year 2024”
(March 2023)
FY 2024 Final Rule Work Papers
OMB Circular A–25, “User Charges”
SECY-05-0164, “Annual Fee Calculation
Method,” dated September 15, 2005
“Revision of Fee Schedules; Fee Recovery
for Fiscal Year 2015,” dated June 30, 2015
“Variable Annual Fee Structure for Small
Modular Reactors,” dated May 24, 2016
“Revision of Fee Schedules; Fee Recovery
for FY 2023,” dated June 15, 2023
“Revision of Fee Schedules; 100% Fee
Recovery for FY 1999,” dated June 10,
Revision of Fee Schedules; Fee Recovery
for FY 2002,” dated June 24, 2002
“Revision of Fee Schedules; Fee Recovery
for FY 2006,” dated May 30, 2006
FY 2024 Regulatory Flexibility Analysis
FY 2024 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission Small Entity Compliance
“Plain Language in Government Writing,”
dated June 10, 1998

80 FR 37432
81 FR 32617
88 FR 39120
64 FR 31448
67 FR 42612
71 FR 30722
63 FR 31885

List of Subjects
10 CFR Part 2

Administrative practice and procedure, Antitrust, Byproduct material, Classified
information, Confidential business information, Freedom of information, Environmental
protection, Hazardous waste, Nuclear energy, Nuclear materials, Nuclear power plants
and reactors, Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Sex discrimination,
Source material, Special nuclear material, Waste treatment and disposal.
10 CFR Part 15
Administrative practice and procedure, Claims, Debt collection.
10 CFR Part 37
Byproduct material, Criminal penalties, Exports, Hazardous materials
transportation, Imports, Licensed material, Nuclear materials, Penalties, Radioactive
materials, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Security measures.
10 CFR Part 73
Criminal penalties, Exports, Hazardous materials transportation, Imports, Nuclear
energy, Nuclear materials, Nuclear power plants and reactors, Penalties, Reporting and
recordkeeping requirements, Security measures.
10 CFR Part 110
Administrative practice and procedure, Classified information, Criminal penalties,
Exports, Intergovernmental relations, Nuclear energy, Nuclear materials, Nuclear power
plants and reactors, Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Scientific
10 CFR Part 140
Insurance, Intergovernmental relations, Nuclear materials, Nuclear power plants
and reactors, Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements.
10 CFR Part 170
Byproduct material, Import and export licenses, Intergovernmental relations,
Non-payment penalties, Nuclear energy, Nuclear materials, Nuclear power plants and
reactors, Source material, Special nuclear material.
10 CFR Part 171

Annual charges, Approvals, Byproduct material, Holders of certificates,
Intergovernmental relations, Nonpayment penalties, Nuclear materials, Nuclear power
plants and reactors, Registrations, Source material, Special nuclear material.
For the reasons set out in the preamble and under the authority of the Atomic
Energy Act of 1954, as amended; the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended;
and 5 U.S.C. 552 and 553, the NRC is making the following amendments to
10 CFR parts 2, 15, 37, 73, 110, 140, 170 and 171:

1. The authority citation for part 2 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Atomic Energy Act of 1954, secs. 29, 53, 62, 63, 81, 102, 103, 104,
105, 161, 181, 182, 183, 184, 186, 189, 191, 234 (42 U.S.C. 2039, 2073, 2092, 2093,
2111, 2132, 2133, 2134, 2135, 2201, 2231, 2232, 2233, 2234, 2236, 2239, 2241, 2282);
Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, secs. 201, 206 (42 U.S.C. 5841, 5846); Nuclear
Waste Policy Act of 1982, secs. 114(f), 134, 135, 141 (42 U.S.C. 10134(f), 10154,
10155, 10161); Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 552, 553, 554, 557, 558);
National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42 U.S.C. 4332); 44 U.S.C. 3504 note.
Section 2.205(j) also issued under 28 U.S.C. 2461 note.
2. In § 2.205, revise paragraph (i) to read as follows.
§ 2.205 Civil Penalties.





(i) Except when payment is made after compromise or mitigation by the
Department of Justice or as ordered by a court of the United States, following reference
of the matter to the Attorney General for collection, payment of civil penalties imposed
under section 234 of the Act are to be made payable to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission, in U.S. funds. The payments are to be made by electronic fund transfer
using the electronic payment methods accepted at www.Pay.gov. Federal agencies may
also make payments by Intra-Governmental Payment and Collection (IPAC). All
payments are to be made in accordance with the specific payment instructions provided
with Notices of Violation that propose civil penalties and Orders Imposing Civil Monetary






3. The authority citation for part 15 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Atomic Energy Act of 1954, secs. 161, 186 (42 U.S.C. 2201, 2236);
Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, sec. 201 (42 U.S.C. 5841); 5 U.S.C. 5514; 26
U.S.C. 6402; 31 U.S.C. 3701, 3713, 3716, 3719, 3720A; 42 U.S.C. 664; 44 U.S.C. 3504
note; 31 CFR parts 900 through 904; 31 CFR part 285; E.O. 12146, 44 FR 42657,
3 CFR, 1979 Comp., p. 409; E.O. 12988, 61 FR 4729, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp., p. 157.
4. In § 15.35, revise paragraph (c) introductory text to read as follows:
§ 15.35 Payments.





(c) To whom payment is made. Payment of a debt is to be made payable to the
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The payments are to be made in U.S. funds using
the electronic payment methods accepted at www.Pay.gov. Federal agencies may also
make payment by Intra Governmental Payment and Collection (IPAC). Payments should
be made to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission unless payment is—





5. The authority citation for part 37 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Atomic Energy Act of 1954, secs. 11, 53, 81, 103, 104, 147, 148, 149,
161, 182, 183, 223, 234, 274 (42 U.S.C. 2014, 2073, 2111, 2133, 2134, 2167, 2168,
2169, 2201, 2232, 2233, 2273, 2282, 2021); Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, secs.
201, 202 (42 U.S.C. 5841, 5842); 44 U.S.C. 3504 note.
6. In § 37.27, revise paragraph (c)(2) to read as follows:
§ 37.27 Requirements for criminal history records checks of individuals granted
unescorted access to category 1 or category 2 quantities of radioactive material.


(c) * * *



(2) Fees for the processing of fingerprint checks are due upon application.
Licensees shall submit payment made payable to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission. The payments are to be made in U.S. funds using the electronic payment
methods accepted at www.Pay.gov. For guidance on making electronic payments,
contact the Division of Physical and Cyber Security Policy by emailing
Crimhist.Resource@nrc.gov. Combined payment for multiple applications is acceptable.
The Commission publishes the amount of the fingerprint check application fee on the
NRC's public website. (To find the current fee amount, go to the Licensee Criminal
History Records Checks & Firearms Background Check information page at
https://www.nrc.gov/security/chp.html and see the link for How do I determine how much
to pay for the request?)





7. The authority citation for part 73 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Atomic Energy Act of 1954, secs. 53, 147, 149, 161, 161A, 170D,
170E, 170H, 170I, 223, 229, 234, 1701 (42 U.S.C. 2073, 2167, 2169, 2201, 2201a,
2210d, 2210e, 2210h, 2210i, 2273, 2278a, 2282, 2297f); Energy Reorganization Act of
1974, secs. 201, 202 (42 U.S.C. 5841, 5842); Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982, secs.
135, 141 (42 U.S.C. 10155, 10161); 44 U.S.C. 3504 note.
Section 73.37(b)(2) also issued under Sec. 301, Public Law 96–295, 94 Stat. 789
(42 U.S.C. 5841 note).
8. In § 73.17, revise paragraph (m)(1) to read as follows:
§ 73.17 Firearms background checks for armed security personnel.





(m) * * *
(1) Fees for the processing of firearms background checks are due upon
application. The fee for the processing of a firearms background check consists of a
fingerprint fee and a NICS check fee. Licensees must submit payment with the
application for the processing of fingerprints, and payment must be made payable to the
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The payments are to be made in U.S. funds using

the electronic payment methods accepted at www.Pay.gov. Licensees can find fee
information for firearms background checks on the NRC’s public website at





9. In § 73.57, revise paragraph (d)(3)(i) to read as follows:
§ 73.57 Requirements for criminal history records checks of individuals granted
unescorted access to a nuclear power facility, a non-power reactor, or access to
Safeguards Information.





(d) * * *
(3) * * *
(i) Fees for the processing of fingerprint checks are due upon application.
Licensees shall submit payment with the application for the processing of fingerprints,
and payment must be made payable to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The
payments are to be made in U.S. funds using the electronic payment methods accepted
at www.Pay.gov. (For guidance on making payments, contact the Criminal history
Program, Division of Physical and Cyber Security Policy at 301-415-7513). Combined
payment for multiple applications is acceptable.





10. The authority citation for part 110 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Atomic Energy Act of 1954, secs. 11, 51, 53, 54, 57, 62, 63, 64, 65,
81, 82, 103, 104, 109, 111, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 133, 134, 161,
170H, 181, 182, 183, 184, 186, 187, 189, 223, 234 (42 U.S.C. 2014, 2071, 2073, 2074,
2077, 2092, 2093, 2094, 2095, 2111, 2112, 2133, 2134, 2139, 2141, 2151, 2152, 2153,
2154, 2155, 2156, 2157, 2158, 2160c, 2160d, 2201, 2210h, 2231, 2232, 2233, 2234,
2236, 2237, 2239, 2273, 2282); Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, sec. 201 (42 U.S.C.
5841); Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 552, 553); 42 U.S.C. 2139a, 2155a; 44
U.S.C. 3504 note. Section 110.1(b) also issued under 22 U.S.C. 2403; 22 U.S.C. 2778a;
50 App. U.S.C. 2401 et seq.

11. In § 110.64, revise paragraph (e) to read as follows:
§ 110.64 Civil penalty.





(e) Except when the matter has been referred to the Attorney General for
collection, payment of penalties shall be made in U.S. funds using the electronic
payment methods accepted at www.Pay.gov.





12. The authority citation for part 140 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Atomic Energy Act of 1954, secs. 161, 170, 223, 234 (42 U.S.C.
2201, 2210, 2273, 2282); Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, secs. 201, 202 (42 U.S.C.
5841, 5842); 44 U.S.C. 3504 note.
13. In § 140.7, revise paragraph (d) to read as follows:
§ 140.7 Fees.





(d) Indemnity fee payments are to made payable to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory
Commission. The payments are to be made in U.S. funds using the electronic payment
methods accepted at www.Pay.gov. Federal agencies may also make payments by
Intra-Governmental Payment and Collection (IPAC). Specific instructions for making
payments may be obtained by contacting the Office of the Chief Financial Officer at 301415-7554.

14. The authority citation for part 170 continues to read as follows:

Authority: Atomic Energy Act of 1954, secs. 11, 161(w) (42 U.S.C. 2014,
2201(w)); Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, sec. 201 (42 U.S.C. 5841); 42 U.S.C.
2215; 31 U.S.C. 901, 902, 9701; 44 U.S.C. 3504 note.
15. In § 170.12, revise paragraph (f) to read as follows:
§ 170.12 Payment of Fees.





(f) Method of payment. All fee payments under this part are to be made payable
to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The payments are to be made in U.S. funds
using the electronic payment methods accepted at www.Pay.gov. Specific instructions
for making payments may be obtained by contacting the Office of the Chief Financial
Officer at 301-415-7554. In accordance with Department of the Treasury requirements,
refunds will only be made upon receipt of information on the payee’s financial institution
and bank accounts.





§ 170.20 [Amended]
16. In § 170.20, remove the dollar amount “$300” and add in its place the dollar
amount “$317”.
17. In § 170.31, revise table 1 to read as follows:
§ 170.31 Schedule of fees for materials licenses and other regulatory services,
including inspections, and import and export licenses.




Table 1 to § 170.31 -- Schedule of Materials Fees
[See footnotes at end of table]

Category of materials licenses and type of fees1
1. Special nuclear material:11
A. (1) Licenses for possession and use of U-235 or plutonium for fuel
fabrication activities.
(a) Strategic Special Nuclear Material (High Enriched Uranium)6
[Program Code(s): 21213]
(b) Low Enriched Uranium in Dispersible Form Used for Fabrication of
Power Reactor Fuel6 [Program Code(s): 21210]
(2) All other special nuclear materials licenses not included in Category
1.A. (1) which are licensed for fuel cycle activities.6

Fees2, 3

Full Cost
Full Cost

(a) Facilities with limited operations6 [Program Code(s): 21240,
21310, 21320]
(b) Gas centrifuge enrichment demonstration facilities.6 [Program
Code(s): 21205]
(c) Others, including hot cell facilities.6 [Program Code(s): 21130,
21131, 21133]
B. Licenses for receipt and storage of spent fuel and reactor-related Greater
than Class C (GTCC) waste at an independent spent fuel storage
installation (ISFSI).6 [Program Code(s): 23200]
C. Licenses for possession and use of special nuclear material of less than
a critical mass as defined in § 70.4 of this chapter in sealed sources
contained in devices used in industrial measuring systems, including x-ray
fluorescence analyzers.4
Application [Program Code(s): 22140]
D. All other special nuclear material licenses, except licenses authorizing
special nuclear material in sealed or unsealed form in combination that
would constitute a critical mass, as defined in § 70.4 of this chapter, for
which the licensee shall pay the same fees as those under Category 1.A.4
Application [Program Code(s): 22110, 22111, 22120, 22131, 22136,
22150, 22151, 22161, 22170, 23100, 23300, 23310]
E. Licenses or certificates for construction and operation of a uranium
enrichment facility6 [Program Code(s): 21200]
F. Licenses for possession and use of special nuclear material greater than
critical mass as defined in § 70.4 of this chapter, for development and
testing of commercial products, and other non-fuel-cycle activities.4, 6
[Program Code(s): 22155]
2. Source material:11
A. (1) Licenses for possession and use of source material for refining
uranium mill concentrates to uranium hexafluoride or for deconverting
uranium hexafluoride in the production of uranium oxides for disposal.6
[Program Code(s): 11400]
(2) Licenses for possession and use of source material in recovery
operations such as milling, in situ recovery, heap-leaching, ore buying
stations, ion-exchange facilities, and in processing of ores containing
source material for extraction of metals other than uranium or thorium,
including licenses authorizing the possession of byproduct waste
material (tailings) from source material recovery operations, as well as
licenses authorizing the possession and maintenance of a facility in a
standby mode.6
(a) Conventional and Heap Leach facilities6 [Program Code(s): 11100]
(b) Basic In Situ Recovery facilities6 [Program Code(s): 11500]
(c) Expanded In Situ Recovery facilities6 [Program Code(s): 11510]
(d) In Situ Recovery Resin facilities6 [Program Code(s): 11550]
(e) Resin Toll Milling facilities6 [Program Code(s): 11555]
(f) Other facilities6 [Program Code(s): 11700]
(3) Licenses that authorize the receipt of byproduct material, as defined
in section 11e.(2) of the Atomic Energy Act, from other persons for
possession and disposal, except those licenses subject to the fees in
Category 2.A.(2) or Category 2.A.(4)6 [Program Code(s): 11600, 12000]
(4) Licenses that authorize the receipt of byproduct material, as defined
in section 11e.(2) of the Atomic Energy Act, from other persons for
possession and disposal incidental to the disposal of the uranium waste
tailings generated by the licensee’s milling operations, except those

Full Cost
Full Cost
Full Cost
Full Cost


Full Cost

Full Cost

Full Cost

Full Cost
Full Cost
Full Cost
Full Cost
Full Cost
Full Cost

Full Cost

licenses subject to the fees in Category 2.A.(2)6 [Program Code(s):
B. Licenses which authorize the possession, use, and/or installation of
source material for shielding.7, 8
Application [Program Code(s): 11210]
C. Licenses to distribute items containing source material to persons
exempt from the licensing requirements of part 40 of this chapter.
Application [Program Code(s): 11240]
D. Licenses to distribute source material to persons generally licensed
under part 40 of this chapter.
Application [Program Code(s): 11230, 11231]
E. Licenses for possession and use of source material for processing or
manufacturing of products or materials containing source material for
commercial distribution.
Application [Program Code(s): 11710]
F. All other source material licenses.
Application [Program Code(s): 11200, 11220, 11221, 11300, 11800,
11810, 11820]
3. Byproduct material:11
A. Licenses of broad scope for the possession and use of byproduct
material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter for processing or
manufacturing of items containing byproduct material for commercial
distribution. Number of locations of use: 1–5.
Application [Program Code(s): 03211, 03212, 03213]
(1). Licenses of broad scope for the possession and use of byproduct
material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter for processing or
manufacturing of items containing byproduct material for commercial
distribution. Number of locations of use: 6–20.
Application [Program Code(s): 04010, 04012, 04014]
(2). Licenses of broad scope for the possession and use of byproduct
material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter for processing or
manufacturing of items containing byproduct material for commercial
distribution. Number of locations of use: more than 20.
Application [Program Code(s): 04011, 04013, 04015]
B. Other licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued
under part 30 of this chapter for processing or manufacturing of items
containing byproduct material for commercial distribution. Number of
locations of use: 1–5.
Application [Program Code(s): 03214, 03215, 22135, 22162]
(1). Other licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued
under part 30 of this chapter for processing or manufacturing of items
containing byproduct material for commercial distribution. Number of
locations of use: 6–20.
Application [Program Code(s): 04110, 04112, 04114, 04116]
(2). Other licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued
under part 30 of this chapter for processing or manufacturing of items
containing byproduct material for commercial distribution. Number of
locations of use: more than 20.
Application [Program Code(s): 04111, 04113, 04115, 04117]
C. Licenses issued under §§ 32.72 and/or 32.74 of this chapter that
authorize the processing or manufacturing and distribution or redistribution
of radiopharmaceuticals, generators, reagent kits, and/or sources and
devices containing byproduct material. This category does not apply to
licenses issued to nonprofit educational institutions whose processing or

Full Cost











manufacturing is exempt under § 170.11(a)(4). Number of locations of use:
Application [Program Code(s): 02500, 02511, 02513]
(1). Licenses issued under §§ 32.72 and/or 32.74 of this chapter that
authorize the processing or manufacturing and distribution or
redistribution of radiopharmaceuticals, generators, reagent kits, and/or
sources and devices containing byproduct material. This category does
not apply to licenses issued to nonprofit educational institutions whose
processing or manufacturing is exempt under § 170.11(a)(4). Number of
locations of use: 6–20.
Application [Program Code(s): 04210, 04212, 04214]
(2). Licenses issued under §§ 32.72 and/or 32.74 of this chapter that
authorize the processing or manufacturing and distribution or
redistribution of radiopharmaceuticals, generators, reagent kits, and/or
sources and devices containing byproduct material. This category does
not apply to licenses issued to nonprofit educational institutions whose
processing or manufacturing is exempt under § 170.11(a)(4). Number of
locations of use: more than 20.
Application [Program Code(s): 04211, 04213, 04215]
D. [Reserved]
E. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material in sealed sources
for irradiation of materials in which the source is not removed from its shield
(self-shielded units).
Application [Program Code(s): 03510, 03520]
F. Licenses for possession and use of less than or equal to 10,000 curies of
byproduct material in sealed sources for irradiation of materials in which the
source is exposed for irradiation purposes. This category also includes
underwater irradiators for irradiation of materials where the source is not
exposed for irradiation purposes.
Application [Program Code(s): 03511]
G. Licenses for possession and use of greater than 10,000 curies of
byproduct material in sealed sources for irradiation of materials in which the
source is exposed for irradiation purposes. This category also includes
underwater irradiators for irradiation of materials where the source is not
exposed for irradiation purposes.
Application [Program Code(s): 03521]
H. Licenses issued under subpart A of part 32 of this chapter to distribute
items containing byproduct material that require device review to persons
exempt from the licensing requirements of part 30 of this chapter. The
category does not include specific licenses authorizing redistribution of
items that have been authorized for distribution to persons exempt from the
licensing requirements of part 30 of this chapter.
Application [Program Code(s): 03254, 03255, 03257]
I. Licenses issued under subpart A of part 32 of this chapter to distribute
items containing byproduct material or quantities of byproduct material that
do not require device evaluation to persons exempt from the licensing
requirements of part 30 of this chapter. This category does not include
specific licenses authorizing redistribution of items that have been
authorized for distribution to persons exempt from the licensing
requirements of part 30 of this chapter.
Application [Program Code(s): 03250, 03251, 03253, 03256]
J. Licenses issued under subpart B of part 32 of this chapter to distribute
items containing byproduct material that require sealed source and/or
device review to persons generally licensed under part 31 of this chapter.









This category does not include specific licenses authorizing redistribution of
items that have been authorized for distribution to persons generally
licensed under part 31 of this chapter.
Application [Program Code(s): 03240, 03241, 03243]
K. Licenses issued under subpart B of part 32 of this chapter to distribute
items containing byproduct material or quantities of byproduct material that
do not require sealed source and/or device review to persons generally
licensed under part 31 of this chapter. This category does not include
specific licenses authorizing redistribution of items that have been
authorized for distribution to persons generally licensed under part 31 of this
Application [Program Code(s): 03242, 03244]
L. Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of byproduct material
issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter for research and development
that do not authorize commercial distribution. Number of locations of use: 1–
Application [Program Code(s): 01100, 01110, 01120, 03610, 03611,
03612, 03613]
(1) Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of byproduct
material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter for research and
development that do not authorize commercial distribution. Number of
locations of use: 6–20.
Application [Program Code(s): 04610, 04612, 04614, 04616, 04618,
04620, 04622]
(2) Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of byproduct
material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter for research and
development that do not authorize commercial distribution. Number of
locations of use: more than 20.
Application [Program Code(s): 04611, 04613, 04615, 04617, 04619,
04621, 04623]
M. Other licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued
under part 30 of this chapter for research and development that do not
authorize commercial distribution.
Application [Program Code(s): 03620]
N. Licenses that authorize services for other licensees, except:
(1) Licenses that authorize only calibration and/or leak testing services
are subject to the fees specified in fee Category 3.P.; and
(2) Licenses that authorize waste disposal services are subject to the
fees specified in fee Categories 4.A., 4.B., and 4.C.13
Application [Program Code(s): 03219, 03225, 03226]
O. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued under part
34 of this chapter for industrial radiography operations. Number of locations
of use: 1–5.
Application [Program Code(s): 03310, 03320]
(1). Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued under
part 34 of this chapter for industrial radiography operations. Number of
locations of use: 6–20.
Application [Program Code(s): 04310, 04312]
(2). Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued under
part 34 of this chapter for industrial radiography operations. Number of
locations of use: more than 20.
Application [Program Code(s): 04311, 04313]
P. All other specific byproduct material licenses, except those in Categories
4.A. through 9.D.9 Number of locations of use: 1–5.










Application [Program Code(s): 02400, 02410, 03120, 03121, 03122,
03123, 03124, 03130, 03140, 03220, 03221, 03222, 03800, 03810,
(1). All other specific byproduct material licenses, except those in
Categories 4.A. through 9.D.9 Number of locations of use: 6–20.
Application [Program Code(s): 04410, 04412, 04414, 04416, 04418,
04420, 04422, 04424, 04426, 04428, 04430, 04432, 04434, 04436,
(2). All other specific byproduct material licenses, except those in
Categories 4.A. through 9.D.9 Number of locations of use: more than 20.
Application [Program Code(s): 04411, 04413, 04415, 04417, 04419,
04421, 04423, 04425, 04427, 04429, 04431, 04433, 04435, 04437,
Q. Registration of a device(s) generally licensed under part 31 of this
R. Possession of items or products containing radium-226 identified in
§ 31.12 of this chapter which exceed the number of items or limits specified
in that section.5
1. Possession of quantities exceeding the number of items or limits in
§ 31.12(a)(4) or (5) of this chapter but less than or equal to 10 times the
number of items or limits specified.
Application [Program Code(s): 02700]
2. Possession of quantities exceeding 10 times the number of items or
limits specified in § 31.12(a)(4) or (5) of this chapter.
Application [Program Code(s): 02710]
S. Licenses for production of accelerator-produced radionuclides.
Application [Program Code(s): 03210]
4. Waste disposal and processing:11
A. Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of waste byproduct material,
source material, or special nuclear material from other persons for the
purpose of contingency storage or commercial land disposal by the
licensee; or licenses authorizing contingency storage of low-level
radioactive waste at the site of nuclear power reactors; or licenses for
receipt of waste from other persons for incineration or other treatment,
packaging of resulting waste and residues, and transfer of packages to
another person authorized to receive or dispose of waste material.
Application [Program Code(s): 03231, 03233, 03236, 06100, 06101]
B. Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of waste byproduct material,
source material, or special nuclear material from other persons for the
purpose of packaging or repackaging the material. The licensee will dispose
of the material by transfer to another person authorized to receive or
dispose of the material.
Application [Program Code(s): 03234]
C. Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of prepackaged waste
byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material from other
persons. The licensee will dispose of the material by transfer to another
person authorized to receive or dispose of the material.
Application [Program Code(s): 03232]
5. Well logging:11
A. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material, source material,
and/or special nuclear material for well logging, well surveys, and tracer
studies other than field flooding tracer studies.
Application [Program Code(s): 03110, 03111, 03112]





Full Cost




B. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material for field flooding
tracer studies.
Licensing [Program Code(s): 03113]
6. Nuclear laundries:11
A. Licenses for commercial collection and laundry of items contaminated
with byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material.
Application [Program Code(s): 03218]
7. Medical licenses:11
A. Licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter for human
use of byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material in
sealed sources contained in gamma stereotactic radiosurgery units,
teletherapy devices, or similar beam therapy devices. This category also
includes the possession and use of source material for shielding when
authorized on the same license. Number of locations of use: 1–5.
Application [Program Code(s): 02300, 02310]
(1). Licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter for
human use of byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear
material in sealed sources contained in gamma stereotactic radiosurgery
units, teletherapy devices, or similar beam therapy devices. This
category also includes the possession and use of source material for
shielding when authorized on the same license. Number of locations of
use: 6–20.
Application [Program Code(s): 04510, 04512]
(2). Licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter for
human use of byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear
material in sealed sources contained in gamma stereotactic
radiosurgery units, teletherapy devices, or similar beam therapy
devices. This category also includes the possession and use of source
material for shielding when authorized on the same license. Number of
locations of use: more than 20.
Application [Program Code(s): 04511, 04513]
B. Licenses of broad scope issued to medical institutions or two or more
physicians under parts 30, 33, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter authorizing
research and development, including human use of byproduct material,
except licenses for byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear
material in sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices. This category
also includes the possession and use of source material for shielding
when authorized on the same license. Number of locations of use: 1–5.
Application [Program Code(s): 02110]
(1). Licenses of broad scope issued to medical institutions or two or
more physicians under parts 30, 33, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter
authorizing research and development, including human use of
byproduct material, except licenses for byproduct material, source
material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in
teletherapy devices. This category also includes the possession and
use of source material for shielding when authorized on the same
license. Number of locations of use: 6–20.
Application [Program Code(s): 04710]
(2). Licenses of broad scope issued to medical institutions or two or
more physicians under parts 30, 33, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter
authorizing research and development, including human use of
byproduct material, except licenses for byproduct material, source
material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in
teletherapy devices. This category also includes the possession and
use of source material for shielding when authorized on the same
license. Number of locations of use: more than 20.

Full Cost







Application [Program Code(s): 04711]
C. Other licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter for
human use of byproduct material, source material, and/or special nuclear
material, except licenses for byproduct material, source material, or special
nuclear material in sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices. This
category also includes the possession and use of source material for
shielding when authorized on the same license.10 Number of locations of
use: 1–5.
Application [Program Code(s): 02120, 02121, 02200, 02201, 02210,
02220, 02230, 02231, 02240, 22160]
(1). Other licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter
for human use of byproduct material, source material, and/or special
nuclear material, except licenses for byproduct material, source material,
or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in teletherapy
devices. This category also includes the possession and use of source
material for shielding when authorized on the same license.10 Number of
locations of use: 6–20.
Application [Program Code(s): 04810, 04812, 04814, 04816, 04818,
04820, 04822, 04824, 04826, 04828]
(2). Other licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter
for human use of byproduct material, source material, and/or special
nuclear material, except licenses for byproduct material, source material,
or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in teletherapy
devices. This category also includes the possession and use of source
material for shielding when authorized on the same license.10 Number of
locations of use: more than 20.
Application [Program Code(s): 04811,04813, 04815, 04817, 04819,
04821,04823, 04825, 04827, 04829]
8. Civil defense:11
A. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material, source material,
or special nuclear material for civil defense activities.
Application [Program Code(s): 03710]
9. Device, product, or sealed source safety evaluation:
A. Safety evaluation of devices or products containing byproduct material,
source material, or special nuclear material, except reactor fuel devices, for
commercial distribution.
Application -- each device
B. Safety evaluation of devices or products containing byproduct material,
source material, or special nuclear material manufactured in accordance
with the unique specifications of, and for use by, a single applicant, except
reactor fuel devices.
Application -- each device
C. Safety evaluation of sealed sources containing byproduct material,
source material, or special nuclear material, except reactor fuel, for
commercial distribution.
Application -- each source
D. Safety evaluation of sealed sources containing byproduct material,
source material, or special nuclear material, manufactured in accordance
with the unique specifications of, and for use by, a single applicant, except
reactor fuel.
Application -- each source
10. Transportation of radioactive material:
A. Evaluation of casks, packages, and shipping containers.
1. Spent Fuel, High-Level Waste, and plutonium air packages
2. Other Casks









Full Cost
Full Cost

B. Quality assurance program approvals issued under part 71 of this
1. Users and Fabricators.
2. Users.
C. Evaluation of security plans, route approvals, route surveys, and
transportation security devices (including immobilization devices).
11. Review of standardized spent fuel facilities.
12. Special projects:
Including approvals, pre-application/licensing activities, and inspections.
Application [Program Code: 25110]
13. A. Spent fuel storage cask Certificate of Compliance.
B. Inspections related to storage of spent fuel under § 72.210 of this chapter.
14. Decommissioning/Reclamation11
A. Byproduct, source, or special nuclear material licenses and other
approvals authorizing decommissioning, decontamination, reclamation, or
site restoration activities under parts 30, 40, 70, 72, and 76 of this chapter,
including master materials licenses (MMLs). The transition to this fee
category occurs when a licensee has permanently ceased principal
activities. [Program Code(s): 03900, 11900, 21135, 21215, 21325, 22200]
B. Site-specific decommissioning activities associated with unlicensed sites,
including MMLs, regardless of whether or not the sites have been
previously licensed.
15. Import and Export licenses:12
Licenses issued under part 110 of this chapter for the import and export only
of special nuclear material, source material, tritium and other byproduct
material, and the export only of heavy water, or nuclear grade graphite (fee
categories 15.A. through 15.E.).
A. Application for export or import of nuclear materials, including radioactive
waste requiring Commission and Executive Branch review, for example,
those actions under § 110.40(b) of this chapter.
Application -- new license, or amendment; or license exemption request
B. Application for export or import of nuclear material, including radioactive
waste, requiring Executive Branch review, but not Commission review.
This category includes applications for the export and import of
radioactive waste and requires the NRC to consult with domestic host
state authorities (i.e., Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact
Commission, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, etc.).
Application -- new license, or amendment; or license exemption request
C. Application for export of nuclear material, for example, routine reloads of
low enriched uranium reactor fuel and/or natural uranium source material
requiring the assistance of the Executive Branch to obtain foreign
government assurances.
Application -- new license, or amendment; or license exemption request
D. Application for export or import of nuclear material not requiring
Commission or Executive Branch review, or obtaining foreign
government assurances.
Application -- new license, or amendment; or license exemption
E. Minor amendment of any active export or import license, for example, to
extend the expiration date, change domestic information, or make other
revisions which do not involve any substantive changes to license terms

Full Cost
Full Cost
Full Cost
Full Cost
Full Cost
Full Cost
Full Cost

Full Cost
Full Cost





and conditions or to the type/quantity/chemical composition of the
material authorized for export and, therefore, do not require in-depth
analysis, review, or consultations with other Executive Branch, U.S. host
state, or foreign government authorities.
Minor amendment
Licenses issued under part 110 of this chapter for the import and export
only of Category 1 and Category 2 quantities of radioactive material listed
in appendix P to part 110 of this chapter (fee categories 15.F. through
Category 1 (Appendix P, 10 CFR part 110) Exports:
F. Application for export of appendix P Category 1 materials requiring
Commission review (e.g., exceptional circumstance review under
§ 110.42(e)(4) of this chapter) and to obtain one government-togovernment consent for this process. For additional consent see fee
category 15.I.
Application -- new license, or amendment; or license exemption request
G. Application for export of appendix P Category 1 materials requiring
Executive Branch review and to obtain one government-to-government
consent for this process. For additional consents see fee category 15.I.
Application -- new license, or amendment; or license exemption request
H. Application for export of appendix P Category 1 materials and to obtain
one government-to-government consent for this process. For additional
consents see fee category 15.I.
Application -- new license, or amendment; or license exemption request
I. Requests for each additional government-to-government consent in
support of an export license application or active export license.
Application -- new license, or amendment; or license exemption request
Category 2 (Appendix P, 10 CFR part 110) Exports:
J. Application for export of appendix P Category 2 materials requiring
Commission review (e.g., exceptional circumstance review under
§ 110.42(e)(4) of this chapter).
Application -- new license, or amendment; or license exemption request
K. Applications for export of appendix P Category 2 materials requiring
Executive Branch review.
Application -- new license, or amendment; or license exemption request
L. Application for the export of Category 2 materials.
Application -- new license, or amendment; or license exemption request
M. [Reserved]
N. [Reserved]
O. [Reserved]
P. [Reserved]
Q. [Reserved]
Minor Amendments (Category 1 and 2, Appendix P, 10 CFR part 110,
R. Minor amendment of any active export license, for example, to extend
the expiration date, change domestic information, or make other
revisions which do not involve any substantive changes to license terms
and conditions or to the type/quantity/chemical composition of the
material authorized for export and, therefore, do not require in-depth
analysis, review, or consultations with other Executive Branch, U.S. host
state, or foreign authorities.
Minor amendment
16. Reciprocity:
Agreement State licensees who conduct activities under the reciprocity
provisions of § 150.20 of this chapter.








17. Master materials licenses of broad scope issued to Government
Application [Program Code(s): 03614]
18. Department of Energy.
A. Certificates of Compliance. Evaluation of casks, packages, and
shipping containers (including spent fuel, high-level waste, and other
casks, and plutonium air packages).
B. Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act (UMTRCA) activities.

Full Cost

Full Cost
Full Cost


of fees—Separate charges, as shown in the schedule, will be assessed for pre-application
consultations and reviews; applications for new licenses, approvals, or license terminations; possession-only
licenses; issuances of new licenses and approvals; certain amendments and renewals to existing licenses
and approvals; safety evaluations of sealed sources and devices; generally licensed device registrations;
and certain inspections. The following guidelines apply to these charges:
(1) Application and registration fees. Applications for new materials licenses and export and import licenses;
applications to reinstate expired, terminated, or inactive licenses, except those subject to fees assessed at
full costs; applications filed by Agreement State licensees to register under the general license provisions of
10 CFR 150.20; and applications for amendments to materials licenses that would place the license in a
higher fee category or add a new fee category must be accompanied by the prescribed application fee for
each category.
(i) Applications for licenses covering more than one fee category of special nuclear material or source
material must be accompanied by the prescribed application fee for the highest fee category.
(ii) Applications for new licenses that cover both byproduct material and special nuclear material in sealed
sources for use in gauging devices will pay the appropriate application fee for fee category 1.C. only.
(2) Licensing fees. Fees for reviews of applications for new licenses, renewals, and amendments to existing
licenses, pre-application consultations and other documents submitted to the NRC for review, and project
manager time for fee categories subject to full cost fees are due upon notification by the Commission in
accordance with § 170.12(b).
(3) Amendment fees. Applications for amendments to export and import licenses must be accompanied by
the prescribed amendment fee for each license affected. An application for an amendment to an export or
import license or approval classified in more than one fee category must be accompanied by the prescribed
amendment fee for the category affected by the amendment, unless the amendment is applicable to two or
more fee categories, in which case the amendment fee for the highest fee category would apply.
(4) Inspection fees. Inspections resulting from investigations conducted by the Office of Investigations and
nonroutine inspections that result from third-party allegations are not subject to fees. Inspection fees are due
upon notification by the Commission in accordance with § 170.12(c).
(5) Generally licensed device registrations under 10 CFR 31.5. Submittals of registration information must
be accompanied by the prescribed fee.

will be charged for approvals issued under a specific exemption provision of the Commission’s
regulations under title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations (e.g., 10 CFR 30.11, 40.14, 70.14, 73.5, and
any other sections in effect now or in the future), regardless of whether the approval is in the form of a
license amendment, letter of approval, safety evaluation report, or other form. In addition to the fee shown,
an applicant may be assessed an additional fee for sealed source and device evaluations as shown in fee
categories 9.A. through 9.D.

cost fees will be determined based on the professional staff time multiplied by the appropriate
professional hourly rate established in § 170.20 in effect when the service is provided, and the appropriate
contractual support services expended.

paying fees under categories 1.A., 1.B., and 1.E. are not subject to fees under categories 1.C.,
1.D. and 1.F. for sealed sources authorized in the same license, except for an application that deals only
with the sealed sources authorized by the license.

who possess radium sources that are used for operational purposes in another fee category are
not also subject to the fees in this category. (This exception does not apply if the radium sources are
possessed for storage only.)


subject to fees under fee categories 1.A., 1.B., 1.E., or 2.A. must pay the largest applicable fee
and are not subject to additional fees listed in this table.

paying fees under 3.C., 3.C.1, or 3.C.2 are not subject to fees under 2.B. for possession and
shielding authorized on the same license.

paying fees under 7.C. are not subject to fees under 2.B. for possession and shielding
authorized on the same license.

paying fees under 3.N. are not subject to paying fees under 3.P., 3.P.1, or 3.P.2 for calibration or
leak testing services authorized on the same license.

paying fees under 7.B., 7.B.1, or 7.B.2 are not subject to paying fees under 7.C., 7.C.1, or
7.C.2. for broad scope licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter for human use of
byproduct material, source material, and/or special nuclear material, except licenses for byproduct material,
source material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices authorized
on the same license.

materials license (or part of a materials license) that transitions to fee category 14.A is assessed full-cost
fees under 10 CFR part 170, but is not assessed an annual fee under 10 CFR part 171. If only part of a
materials license is transitioned to fee category 14.A, the licensee may be charged annual fees (and any
applicable 10 CFR part 170 fees) for other activities authorized under the license that are not in
decommissioning status.

the resources for import and export licensing activities are identified as a fee-relief activity to be
excluded from the fee-recoverable budget, import and export licensing actions will not incur fees.

paying fees under 4.A., 4.B. or 4.C. are not subject to paying fees under 3.N. licenses that
authorize services for other licensees authorized on the same license.

18. The authority citation for part 171 continues to read as follows:
Authority: Atomic Energy Act of 1954, secs. 11, 161(w), 223, 234 (42 U.S.C.
2014, 2201(w), 2273, 2282); Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, sec. 201 (42 U.S.C.
5841); 42 U.S.C. 2215; 44 U.S.C. 3504 note.
19. In § 171.15, revise paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2) introductory text, (c)(1), (c)(2)
introductory text, and paragraph (e) to read as follows:
§ 171.15 Annual fees: Non-power production or utilization licenses, reactor
licenses, and independent spent fuel storage licenses.





(b)(1) The FY 2024 annual fee for each operating power reactor that must be
collected by September 30, 2024, is $5,336,000.

(2) The FY 2024 annual fees are comprised of a base annual fee for power
reactors licensed to operate, a base spent fuel storage/reactor decommissioning annual
fee and associated additional charges. The activities comprising the spent fuel
storage/reactor decommissioning base annual fee are shown in paragraphs (c)(2)(i) and
(ii) of this section. The activities comprising the FY 2024 base annual fee for operating
power reactors are as follows:





(c)(1) The FY 2024 annual fee for each power reactor holding a 10 CFR part 50
license or combined license issued under 10 CFR part 52 that is in a decommissioning
or possession-only status and has spent fuel onsite, and for each independent spent fuel
storage 10 CFR part 72 licensee who does not hold a 10 CFR part 50 license or a
10 CFR part 52 combined license, is $326,000.
(2) The FY 2024 annual fee is comprised of a base spent fuel storage/reactor
decommissioning annual fee (which is also included in the operating power reactor
annual fee shown in paragraph (b) of this section). The activities comprising the FY 2024
spent fuel storage/reactor decommissioning rebaselined annual fee are:





(e) The FY 2024 annual fee for licensees authorized to operate one or more nonpower production or utilization facilities under a single 10 CFR part 50 license, unless
the reactor is exempted from fees under § 171.11(b), is $97,200.

20. In § 171.16, revise paragraphs (b) introductory text, (c), and (d) to read as
§ 171.16 Annual fees: Materials licensees, holders of certificates of compliance,
holders of sealed source and device registrations, holders of quality assurance
program approvals, and government agencies licensed by the NRC.





(b) The FY 2024 annual fee is comprised of a base annual fee and associated
additional charges. The base FY 2024 annual fee is the sum of budgeted costs for the
following activities:





(c) A licensee who is required to pay an annual fee under this section, in addition
to 10 CFR part 72 licenses, may qualify as a small entity. If a licensee qualifies as a
small entity and provides the Commission with the proper certification along with its
annual fee payment, the licensee may pay reduced annual fees as shown in table 1 to
this paragraph (c). Failure to file a small entity certification in a timely manner could
result in the receipt of a delinquent invoice requesting the outstanding balance due
and/or denial of any refund that might otherwise be due. The small entity fees are as
Table 1 to Paragraph (c)

NRC Small Entity Classification
Small Businesses Not Engaged in Manufacturing (Average gross
receipts over the last 5 completed fiscal years):
$555,000 to $8 million
Less than $555,000
Small Not-For-Profit Organizations (Annual Gross Receipts):
$555,000 to $8 million
Less than $555,000
Manufacturing Entities that Have an Average of 500 Employees or
35 to 500 employees
Fewer than 35 employees
Small Governmental Jurisdictions (Including publicly supported
educational institutions) (Population):
20,000 to 49,999
Fewer than 20,000
Educational Institutions that are not State or Publicly Supported, and
have 500 Employees or Fewer
35 to 500 employees
Fewer than 35 employees

Annual Fee
Per Licensed


(d) The FY 2024 annual fees for materials licensees and holders of certificates,
registrations, or approvals subject to fees under this section are shown in table 2 to this
paragraph (d):
Table 2 to Paragraph (d) - Schedule of Materials Annual Fees
and Fees for Government Agencies Licensed by NRC
[See footnotes at end of table]
Category of materials licenses
Annual fees1, 2, 3
1. Special nuclear material:
A. (1) Licenses for possession and use of U-235 or plutonium for fuel
fabrication activities.
(a) Strategic Special Nuclear Material (High Enriched Uranium)15
[Program Code(s): 21213]
(b) Low Enriched Uranium in Dispersible Form Used for
Fabrication of Power Reactor Fuel15 [Program Code(s): 21210]
(2) All other special nuclear materials licenses not included in Category
1.A.(1) which are licensed for fuel cycle activities.
(a) Facilities with limited operations15 [Program Code(s): 21310,
(b) Gas centrifuge enrichment demonstration facility15 [Program
Code(s): 21205]
(c) Others, including hot cell facility15 [Program Code(s): 21130,
21131, 21133]
B. Licenses for receipt and storage of spent fuel and reactor-related
Greater than Class C (GTCC) waste at an independent spent fuel
storage installation (ISFSI)11, 15 [Program Code(s): 23200]
C. Licenses for possession and use of special nuclear material of less
than a critical mass, as defined in § 70.4 of this chapter, in sealed
sources contained in devices used in industrial measuring systems,
including x-ray fluorescence analyzers. [Program Code(s): 22140]
D. All other special nuclear material licenses, except licenses authorizing
special nuclear material in sealed or unsealed form in combination that
would constitute a critical mass, as defined in § 70.4 of this chapter, for
which the licensee shall pay the same fees as those under Category
1.A. [Program Code(s): 22110, 22111, 22120, 22131, 22136, 22150,
22151, 22161, 22170, 23100, 23300, 23310]
E. Licenses or certificates for the operation of a uranium enrichment
facility15 [Program Code(s): 21200]
F. Licenses for possession and use of special nuclear materials greater
than critical mass, as defined in § 70.4 of this chapter, for development
and testing of commercial products, and other non-fuel cycle activities.4
[Program Code: 22155]
2. Source material:
A. (1) Licenses for possession and use of source material for refining
uranium mill concentrates to uranium hexafluoride or for deconverting
uranium hexafluoride in the production of uranium oxides for disposal.15
[Program Code: 11400]
(2) Licenses for possession and use of source material in recovery
operations such as milling, in situ recovery, heap-leaching, ore buying
stations, ion-exchange facilities and in-processing of ores containing
source material for extraction of metals other than uranium or thorium,
including licenses authorizing the possession of byproduct waste

material (tailings) from source material recovery operations, as well as
licenses authorizing the possession and maintenance of a facility in a
standby mode.
(a) Conventional and Heap Leach facilities.15 [Program Code(s):
(b) Basic In Situ Recovery facilities.15 [Program Code(s): 11500]
(c) Expanded In Situ Recovery facilities15 [Program Code(s): 11510]
(d) In Situ Recovery Resin facilities.15 [Program Code(s): 11550]
(e) Resin Toll Milling facilities.15 [Program Code(s): 11555]
(f) Other facilities6 [Program Code(s): 11700]
(3) Licenses that authorize the receipt of byproduct material, as defined
in section 11e.(2) of the Atomic Energy Act, from other persons for
possession and disposal, except those licenses subject to the fees in
Category 2.A.(2) or Category 2.A.(4)15 [Program Code(s): 11600,
(4) Licenses that authorize the receipt of byproduct material, as
defined in section 11e.(2) of the Atomic Energy Act, from other
persons for possession and disposal incidental to the disposal of the
uranium waste tailings generated by the licensee’s milling operations,
except those licenses subject to the fees in Category 2.A.(2)15
[Program Code(s): 12010]
B. Licenses which authorize the possession, use, and/or installation of
source material for shielding.16, 17 Application [Program Code(s):
C. Licenses to distribute items containing source material to persons
exempt from the licensing requirements of part 40 of this chapter.
[Program Code: 11240]
D. Licenses to distribute source material to persons generally licensed
under part 40 of this chapter. [Program Code(s): 11230 and 11231]
E. Licenses for possession and use of source material for processing or
manufacturing of products or materials containing source material for
commercial distribution. [Program Code: 11710]
F. All other source material licenses. [Program Code(s): 11200, 11220,
11221, 11300, 11800, 11810, 11820]
3. Byproduct material:
A. Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of byproduct material
issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter for processing or
manufacturing of items containing byproduct material for commercial
distribution. Number of locations of use: 1–5. [Program Code(s): 03211,
03212, 03213]
(1). Licenses of broad scope for the possession and use of
byproduct material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter for
processing or manufacturing of items containing byproduct material
for commercial distribution. Number of locations of use: 6–20.
[Program Code(s): 04010, 04012, 04014]
(2). Licenses of broad scope for the possession and use of
byproduct material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter for
processing or manufacturing of items containing byproduct material
for commercial distribution. Number of locations of use: more than
20. [Program Code(s): 04011, 04013, 04015]
B. Other licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued
under part 30 of this chapter for processing or manufacturing of items
containing byproduct material for commercial distribution. Number of
locations of use: 1–5. [Program Code(s): 03214, 03215, 22135, 22162]








(1). Other licenses for possession and use of byproduct material
issued under part 30 of this chapter for processing or manufacturing
of items containing byproduct material for commercial distribution.
Number of locations of use: 6–20.
[Program Code(s): 04110, 04112, 04114, 04116]
(2). Other licenses for possession and use of byproduct material
issued under part 30 of this chapter for processing or manufacturing
of items containing byproduct material for commercial distribution.
Number of locations of use: more than 20. [Program Code(s):
04111, 04113, 04115, 04117]
C. Licenses issued under §§ 32.72 and/or 32.74 of this chapter that
authorize the processing or manufacturing and distribution or
redistribution of radiopharmaceuticals, generators, reagent kits, and/or
sources and devices containing byproduct material. This category does
not apply to licenses issued to nonprofit educational institutions whose
processing or manufacturing is exempt under § 170.11(a)(4) of this
chapter. Number of locations of use: 1–5. [Program Code(s): 02500,
02511, 02513]
(1). Licenses issued under §§ 32.72 and/or 32.74 of this chapter
that authorize the processing or manufacturing and distribution or
redistribution of radiopharmaceuticals, generators, reagent kits,
and/or sources and devices containing byproduct material. This
category does not apply to licenses issued to nonprofit educational
institutions whose processing or manufacturing is exempt under
§ 170.11(a)(4). Number of locations of use: 6–20. [Program
Code(s): 04210, 04212, 04214]
(2). Licenses issued under §§ 32.72 and/or 32.74 of this chapter
that authorize the processing or manufacturing and distribution or
redistribution of radiopharmaceuticals, generators, reagent kits,
and/or sources and devices containing byproduct material. This
category does not apply to licenses issued to nonprofit educational
institutions whose processing or manufacturing is exempt under
§ 170.11(a)(4). Number of locations of use: more than 20.
[Program Code(s): 04211, 04213, 04215]
D. [Reserved]
E. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material in sealed
sources for irradiation of materials in which the source is not removed
from its shield (self-shielded units). [Program Code(s): 03510, 03520]
F. Licenses for possession and use of less than or equal to 10,000 curies
of byproduct material in sealed sources for irradiation of materials in
which the source is exposed for irradiation purposes. This category also
includes underwater irradiators for irradiation of materials in which the
source is not exposed for irradiation purposes. [Program Code(s):
G. Licenses for possession and use of greater than 10,000 curies of
byproduct material in sealed sources for irradiation of materials in which
the source is exposed for irradiation purposes. This category also
includes underwater irradiators for irradiation of materials in which the
source is not exposed for irradiation purposes. [Program Code(s):
H. Licenses issued under subpart A of part 32 of this chapter to distribute
items containing byproduct material that require device review to
persons exempt from the licensing requirements of part 30 of this
chapter, except specific licenses authorizing redistribution of items that
have been authorized for distribution to persons exempt from the









licensing requirements of part 30 of this chapter. [Program Code(s):
03254, 03255, 03257]
I. Licenses issued under subpart A of part 32 of this chapter to distribute
items containing byproduct material or quantities of byproduct material
that do not require device evaluation to persons exempt from the
licensing requirements of part 30 of this chapter, except for specific
licenses authorizing redistribution of items that have been authorized
for distribution to persons exempt from the licensing requirements of
part 30 of this chapter. [Program Code(s): 03250, 03251, 03253, 03256]
J. Licenses issued under subpart B of part 32 of this chapter to distribute
items containing byproduct material that require sealed source and/or
device review to persons generally licensed under part 31 of this
chapter, except specific licenses authorizing redistribution of items that
have been authorized for distribution to persons generally licensed
under part 31 of this chapter. [Program Code(s): 03240, 03241, 03243]
K. Licenses issued under subpart B of part 32 of this chapter to distribute
items containing byproduct material or quantities of byproduct material
that do not require sealed source and/or device review to persons
generally licensed under part 31 of this chapter, except specific licenses
authorizing redistribution of items that have been authorized for
distribution to persons generally licensed under part 31 of this chapter.
[Program Code(s): 03242, 03244]
L. Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of byproduct material
issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter for research and
development that do not authorize commercial distribution. Number of
locations of use: 1–5. [Program Code(s): 01100, 01110, 01120, 03610,
03611, 03612, 03613]
(1) Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of product
material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter for research
and development that do not authorize commercial distribution.
Number of locations of use: 6–20. [Program Code(s): 04610, 04612,
04614, 04616, 04618, 04620, 04622]
(2) Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of byproduct
material issued under parts 30 and 33 of this chapter for research
and development that do not authorize commercial distribution.
Number of locations of use: more than 20. [Program Code(s): 04611,
04613, 04615, 04617, 04619, 04621, 04623]
M. Other licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued
under part 30 of this chapter for research and development that do not
authorize commercial distribution. [Program Code(s): 03620]
N. Licenses that authorize services for other licensees, except:
(1) Licenses that authorize only calibration and/or leak testing services
are subject to the fees specified in fee Category 3.P.; and (2) Licenses
that authorize waste disposal services are subject to the fees specified
in fee categories 4.A., 4.B., and 4.C.21 [Program Code(s): 03219,
03225, 03226]
O. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued under
part 34 of this chapter for industrial radiography operations. This
category also includes the possession and use of source material for
shielding authorized under part 40 of this chapter when authorized on
the same license. Number of locations of use: 1–5. [Program Code(s):
03310, 03320]
(1). Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued
under part 34 of this chapter for industrial radiography operations.








This category also includes the possession and use of source
material for shielding authorized under part 40 of this chapter when
authorized on the same license. Number of locations of use: 6–20.
[Program Code(s): 04310, 04312]
(2). Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material issued
under part 34 of this chapter for industrial radiography operations.
This category also includes the possession and use of source
material for shielding authorized under part 40 of this chapter when
authorized on the same license. Number of locations of use: more
than 20. [Program Code(s): 04311, 04313]
P. All other specific byproduct material licenses, except those in
Categories 4.A. through 9.D.18 Number of locations of use: 1–5.
[Program Code(s): 02400, 02410, 03120, 03121, 03122, 03123, 03124,
03140, 03130, 03220, 03221, 03222, 03800, 03810, 22130]
(1). All other specific byproduct material licenses, except those in
Categories 4.A. through 9.D.18 Number of locations of use: 6–20.
[Program Code(s): 04410, 04412, 04414, 04416, 04418, 04420,
04422, 04424, 04426, 04428, 04430, 04432, 04434, 04436, 04438]
(2). All other specific byproduct material licenses, except those in
Categories 4.A. through 9.D.18 Number of locations of use: more
than 20. [Program Code(s): 04411, 04413, 04415, 04417, 04419,
04421, 04423, 04425, 04427, 04429, 04431, 04433, 04435, 04437,
Q. Registration of devices generally licensed under part 31 of this chapter
R. Possession of items or products containing radium–226 identified in
§ 31.12 of this chapter which exceed the number of items or limits
specified in that section:14
(1). Possession of quantities exceeding the number of items or limits
in § 31.12(a)(4), or (5) of this chapter but less than or equal to 10
times the number of items or limits specified. [Program Code(s):
(2). Possession of quantities exceeding 10 times the number of
items or limits specified in § 31.12(a)(4) or (5) of this chapter.
[Program Code(s): 02710]
S. Licenses for production of accelerator-produced radionuclides.
[Program Code(s): 03210]
4. Waste disposal and processing:
A. Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of waste byproduct
material, source material, or special nuclear material from other
persons for the purpose of contingency storage or commercial land
disposal by the licensee; or licenses authorizing contingency storage of
low-level radioactive waste at the site of nuclear power reactors; or
licenses for receipt of waste from other persons for incineration or other
treatment, packaging of resulting waste and residues, and transfer of
packages to another person authorized to receive or dispose of waste
material. [Program Code(s): 03231, 03233, 03236, 06100, 06101]
B. Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of waste byproduct
material, source material, or special nuclear material from other
persons for the purpose of packaging or repackaging the material. The
licensee will dispose of the material by transfer to another person
authorized to receive or dispose of the material. [Program Code(s):
C. Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of prepackaged waste
byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material from
other persons. The licensee will dispose of the material by transfer to









another person authorized to receive or dispose of the material.
[Program Code(s): 03232]
5. Well logging:
A. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material, source
material, and/or special nuclear material for well logging, well surveys,
and tracer studies other than field flooding tracer studies. [Program
Code(s): 03110, 03111, 03112]
B. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material for field flooding
tracer studies. [Program Code(s): 03113]
6. Nuclear laundries:
A. Licenses for commercial collection and laundry of items contaminated
with byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear material.
[Program Code(s): 03218]
7. Medical licenses:
A. Licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter for
human use of byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear
material in sealed sources contained in gamma stereotactic
radiosurgery units, teletherapy devices, or similar beam therapy
devices. This category also includes the possession and use of source
material for shielding when authorized on the same license.9, 17 Number
of locations of use: 1–5. [Program Code(s): 02300, 02310]
(1). Licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter for
human use of byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear
material in sealed sources contained in gamma stereotactic
radiosurgery units, teletherapy devices, or similar beam therapy
devices. This category also includes the possession and use of
source material for shielding when authorized on the same license.9,
17 Number of locations of use: 6–20. [Program Code(s): 04510,
(2). Licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter
for human use of byproduct material, source material, or special
nuclear material in sealed sources contained in gamma stereotactic
radiosurgery units, teletherapy devices, or similar beam therapy
devices. This category also includes the possession and use of
source material for shielding when authorized on the same license.9,
17 Number of locations of use: more than 20. [Program Code(s):
04511, 04513]
B. Licenses of broad scope issued to medical institutions or two or more
physicians under parts 30, 33, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter authorizing
research and development, including human use of byproduct material,
except licenses for byproduct material, source material, or special
nuclear material in sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices.
This category also includes the possession and use of source material
for shielding when authorized on the same license.9, 17 Number of
locations of use: 1–5. [Program Code(s): 02110]
(1). Licenses of broad scope issued to medical institutions or two or
more physicians under parts 30, 33, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter
authorizing research and development, including human use of
byproduct material, except licenses for byproduct material, source
material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in
teletherapy devices. This category also includes the possession and
use of source material for shielding when authorized on the same
license.9, 17 Number of locations of use: 6–20. [Program Code(s):
(2). Licenses of broad scope issued to medical institutions or two or
more physicians under parts 30, 33, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter









authorizing research and development, including human use of
byproduct material, except licenses for byproduct material, source
material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in
teletherapy devices. This category also includes the possession and
use of source material for shielding when authorized on the same
license.9, 17 Number of locations of use: more than 20. [Program
Code(s): 04711]
C. Other licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter for
human use of byproduct material, source material, and/or special
nuclear material, except licenses for byproduct material, source
material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in
teletherapy devices. This category also includes the possession and
use of source material for shielding when authorized on the same
license.9, 17, 19 Number of locations of use: 1–5. [Program Code(s):
02120, 02121, 02200, 02201, 02210, 02220, 02230, 02231, 02240,
(1). Other licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this
chapter for human use of byproduct material, source material, and/or
special nuclear material, except licenses for byproduct material,
source material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources
contained in teletherapy devices. This category also includes the
possession and use of source material for shielding when authorized
on the same license.9, 17, 19 Number of locations of use: 6–20.
[Program Code(s): 04810, 04812, 04814, 04816, 04818, 04820,
04822, 04824, 04826, 04828]
(2). Other licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this
chapter for human use of byproduct material, source material, and/or
special nuclear material, except licenses for byproduct material,
source material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources
contained in teletherapy devices. This category also includes the
possession and use of source material for shielding when authorized
on the same license.9, 17, 19 Number of locations of use: more than
20. [Program Code(s): 04811, 04813, 04815, 04817, 04819, 04821,
04823, 04825, 04827, 04829]
8. Civil defense:
A. Licenses for possession and use of byproduct material, source material,
or special nuclear material for civil defense activities. [Program
Code(s): 03710]
9. Device, product, or sealed source safety evaluation:
A. Registrations issued for the safety evaluation of devices or products
containing byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear
material, except reactor fuel devices, for commercial distribution.
B. Registrations issued for the safety evaluation of devices or products
containing byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear
material manufactured in accordance with the unique specifications
of, and for use by, a single applicant, except reactor fuel devices.
C. Registrations issued for the safety evaluation of sealed sources
containing byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear
material, except reactor fuel, for commercial distribution.
D. Registrations issued for the safety evaluation of sealed sources
containing byproduct material, source material, or special nuclear
material, manufactured in accordance with the unique specifications of,
and for use by, a single applicant, except reactor fuel.
10. Transportation of radioactive material:
A. Certificates of Compliance or other package approvals issued for
design of casks, packages, and shipping containers.









1. Spent Fuel, High-Level Waste, and plutonium air packages
2. Other Casks
B. Quality assurance program approvals issued under part 71 of this
1. Users and Fabricators
2. Users
C. Evaluation of security plans, route approvals, route surveys, and
transportation security devices (including immobilization devices).
11. Standardized spent fuel facilities
12. Special Projects [Program Code(s): 25110]
13. A. Spent fuel storage cask Certificate of Compliance
B. General licenses for storage of spent fuel under § 72.210 of this
14. Decommissioning/Reclamation:
A. Byproduct, source, or special nuclear material licenses and other
approvals authorizing decommissioning, decontamination, reclamation,
or site restoration activities under parts 30, 40, 70, 72, and 76 of this
chapter, including master materials licenses (MMLs). The transition to
this fee category occurs when a licensee has permanently ceased
principal activities. [Program Code(s): 03900, 11900, 21135, 21215,
21325, 22200]
B. Site-specific decommissioning activities associated with
unlicensed sites, including MMLs, whether or not the sites have been
previously licensed
15. Import and Export licenses
16. Reciprocity
17. Master materials licenses of broad scope issued to Government
agencies.15 [Program Code(s): 03614]
18. Department of Energy:
A. Certificates of Compliance
B. Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act (UMTRCA)
activities [Program Code(s): 03237, 03238]



7, 20N/A





fees will be assessed based on whether a licensee held a valid license with the NRC authorizing
possession and use of radioactive material during the current FY. The annual fee is waived for those
materials licenses and holders of certificates, registrations, and approvals who either filed for termination of
their licenses or approvals or filed for possession only/storage licenses before October 1 of the current FY,
and permanently ceased licensed activities entirely before this date. Annual fees for licensees who filed for
termination of a license, downgrade of a license, or for a possession-only license during the FY and for new
licenses issued during the FY will be prorated in accordance with the provisions of §171.17. If a person
holds more than one license, certificate, registration, or approval, the annual fee(s) will be assessed for each
license, certificate, registration, or approval held by that person. For licenses that authorize more than one
activity on a single license (e.g., human use and irradiator activities), annual fees will be assessed for each
category applicable to the license.

of the prescribed annual fee does not automatically renew the license, certificate, registration, or
approval for which the fee is paid. Renewal applications must be filed in accordance with the requirements
of parts 30, 40, 70, 71, 72, or 76 of this chapter.

FY, fees for these materials licenses will be calculated and assessed in accordance with § 171.13
and will be published in the Federal Register for notice and comment.

facilities include licenses for extraction of metals, heavy metals, and rare earths.


are no existing NRC licenses in these fee categories. If NRC issues a license for these categories,
the Commission will consider establishing an annual fee for this type of license.

spent fuel facilities, 10 CFR parts 71 and 72 Certificates of Compliance and related Quality
Assurance program approvals, and special reviews, such as topical reports, are not assessed an annual fee
because the generic costs of regulating these activities are primarily attributable to users of the designs,
certificates, and topical reports.


in this category are not assessed an annual fee because they are charged an annual fee in other
categories while they are licensed to operate.

annual fee is charged because it is not practical to administer due to the relatively short life or temporary
nature of the license.

annual fees will not be assessed for pacemaker licenses issued to medical institutions that also
hold nuclear medicine licenses under fee categories 7.A, 7.A.1, 7.A.2, 7.B., 7.B.1, 7.B.2, 7.C, 7.C.1, or

includes Certificates of Compliance issued to the DOE that are not funded from the Nuclear Waste


§ 171.15(c).


§ 171.15(c).


annual fee is charged for this category because the cost of the general license registration program
applicable to licenses in this category will be recovered through 10 CFR part 170 fees.

who possess radium sources that are used for operational purposes in another fee category are
not also subject to the fees in this category. (This exception does not apply if the radium sources are
possessed for storage only.)

subject to fees under categories 1.A., 1.B., 1.E., 2.A., and licensees paying fees under fee
category 17 must pay the largest applicable fee and are not subject to additional fees listed in this table.

paying fees under 3.C. are not subject to fees under 2.B. for possession and shielding
authorized on the same license.

paying fees under 7.A, 7.A.1, 7.A.2, 7.B, 7.B.1, 7.B.2, 7.C, 7.C.1, or 7.C.2 are not subject to
fees under 2.B. for possession and shielding authorized on the same license.

paying fees under 3.N. are not subject to paying fees under 3.P., 3.P.1, or 3.P.2 for calibration
or leak testing services authorized on the same license.

paying fees under 7.B., 7.B.1, or 7.B.2 are not subject to paying fees under 7.C., 7.C.1, or 7.C.2
for broad scope license licenses issued under parts 30, 35, 40, and 70 of this chapter for human use of
byproduct material, source material, and/or special nuclear material, except licenses for byproduct material,
source material, or special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices authorized
on the same license.

annual fee is charged for a materials license (or part of a materials license) that has transitioned to this
fee category because the decommissioning costs will be recovered through 10 CFR part 170 fees, but
annual fees may be charged for other activities authorized under the license that are not in decommissioning

paying fees under 4.A., 4.B. or 4.C. are not subject to paying fees under 3.N. licenses that
authorize services for other licensees authorized on the same license.






21. In § 171.19, revise paragraph (a) to read as follows.
§ 171.19 Payment.





(a) Method of payment. All annual fee payments under this part are to be made
payable to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The payments are to be made in
U.S. funds using the electronic payment methods accepted at www.Pay.gov. Federal
agencies may also make payment by IntraGovernmental Payment and Collection

(IPAC). Specific instructions for making payments may be obtained by contacting the
Office of the Chief Financial Officer at 301-415-7554. In accordance with Department of
the Treasury requirements, refunds will only be made upon receipt of information on the
payee’s financial institution and bank accounts.




Dated: June 5, 2024.
For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Jennifer M. Golder,
Acting Chief Financial Officer.
[FR Doc. 2024-13230 Filed: 6/18/2024 8:45 am; Publication Date: 6/20/2024]