Billing Code: 7515-01U
Records Management; General Records Schedule (GRS); GRS Transmittal 35
AGENCY: National Archives and Records Administration (NARA).
ACTION: Notice of new General Records Schedule (GRS) Transmittal 35.
SUMMARY: NARA is issuing revisions to the General Records Schedule (GRS). The GRS
provides mandatory disposition instructions for records common to several or all Federal
agencies. Transmittal 35 includes only changes we have made to the GRS since we published
Transmittal 34 in June 2023. All other GRS remain in effect.
DATES: This transmittal is effective [INSERT DATE OF PUBLICATION IN THE
ADDRESSES: You can find all GRS schedules and FAQs at (in Word, PDF, and CSV formats). You can download the complete current
GRS, in PDF format, from the same location.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: For more information about this notice or to
obtain paper copies of the GRS, contact Eddie Germino, Regulatory and External Policy
Program Manager, by email at or by telephone at
Writing and maintaining the GRS is the GRS Team’s responsibility. This team is part of
Records Management Operations in the Office of the Chief Records Officer, at NARA. You
may contact NARA’s GRS Team with general questions about the GRS at
Your agency’s records officer may contact the NARA appraiser with whom your agency
normally works for support in carrying out this transmittal and the revised portions of the

GRS. You may access a list of appraisal and scheduling contacts on our web site at
GRS Transmittal 35 announces changes to the General Records Schedules (GRS) made since
NARA published GRS Transmittal 34 in June 2023. The GRS provide mandatory disposition
instructions for records common to several or all Federal agencies.
As with the past few transmittals, this transmittal publishes only those schedules that are new or
have changed since they were last published in a transmittal. Other schedules not published in
this transmittal remain current and authoritative. You can find all schedules (in Word and PDF
formats), general GRS FAQs, and schedule specific FAQs at
1. What changes does this transmittal make to the GRS?
GRS Transmittal 35 publishes updates to six schedules. The primary purpose of these updates
was to revise certain GRS disposition instructions so that they are machine-implementable.
Machine-implementable disposition instructions can be converted into code that a computer
application can implement. Machine-implementable instructions must have only one retention
type for the computer to know what to do. A retention type identifies the point in time when
retention starts, either at the point of creation (an age- or creation-based retention, such as
“Destroy when 3 years old”) or when a certain event occurs (an event-based retention, such as
“Destroy 3 years after final action”).




GRS 2.2, Employee
Management Records

030, Employee incentive award

Revised the disposition
instructions for machineimplementation.

090, Records related to official
passports – Application records

GRS 2.3, Employee
Relations Records

040, Telework/alternate worksite
program case files (now
Telework/Alternate Worksite

Updated the item title and
description for clarity.
Revised the disposition
instructions for machineimplementation.

GRS 2.4, Employee
Compensation and
Benefits Records

061, Payroll program
administrative records - Payroll
system reports providing fiscal
information on agency payroll

Revised the disposition
instructions for machineimplementation.

080, Wage Survey Files

Revised the item description
for clarity. Revised the
disposition instructions for

GRS 2.6, Employee
Training Records

041, Senior Executive Service
Candidate Development
Program (SESCDP) - Case
records on SESCDP participants

Revised the disposition
instructions for machineimplementation.

GRS 5.4, Facility,
Equipment, Vehicle,
Property, and Supply

020, Real property ownership

Revised the disposition
instructions for machineimplementation.

GRS 5.6, Security
Management Record

050, Records of credit card
abuse and postal irregularities
(now Misuse or irregularities
investigation records)

Changed the item title and
description for clarity.
Revised the disposition
instructions for machineimplementation.

100, Accident and incident

Revised the disposition
instructions for machineimplementation.

030, Vehicle and equipment
ownership records and operation

160, Canine (K-9) service

3. How do agencies cite GRS items when communicating with NARA ?
Cite the “DAA'' number in the “Disposition Authority” column of the GRS table when
transferring records to Federal Records Centers or to NARA for accessioning, or when

requesting GRS deviations on record schedules. For example, use “DAA-GRS-2017-0007-0008”
rather than “GRS 2.2, item 070.” A GRS Disposition Authority Look-Up Table is available on
our website at
4. Do agencies have to take any action to implement these GRS changes?
NARA regulations (36 CFR 1226.12(a)) require agencies to disseminate GRS changes within six
months of receipt.
Per 36 CFR 1227.12(a)(1), if a new or revised GRS states that the provisions must be followed
without exception, your agency must follow the disposition instructions of the GRS.
If your agency has an existing schedule item for records covered by a new or revised GRS, the
GRS supersedes the agency-specific item. Per 36 CFR 1227.12(a)(3), if you wish to continue
using your agency-specific item and the related GRS item is not identified as mandatory, you
must notify NARA within 120 days of the date of this transmittal. Please send these notifications
If you do not have an already existing agency-specific item and want to apply a retention period
that differs from that specified in the GRS, you must submit a records schedule to NARA for
approval via the Electronic Records Archives.
5. How can an agency get copies of the new GRS?
You can download the complete current GRS, in PDF format, from NARA’s web site at
6. Whom should an agency contact for further information?
Please contact with any questions related to this transmittal.
Colleen J. Shogan,
Archivist of the United States.
[FR Doc. 2024-13176 Filed: 6/13/2024 8:45 am; Publication Date: 6/14/2024]