Billing Code: 3110-01-P
Notice of Training Sessions: Effective Participation in Executive Order 12866 Meetings with
the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
AGENCY: Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President.
ACTION: Notice of training sessions.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to Executive Order 12866, interested members of the public may request a
meeting with the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) to present their views about a
regulatory action that is under OIRA review. These meetings, known as E.O. 12866 meetings, serve
as listening sessions for OIRA officials and representatives from the agency or agencies taking the
regulatory action. Section 2(e) of Executive Order 14094 (Modernizing Regulatory Review) directed
the OIRA Administrator to implement reforms designed to protect public trust in the regulatory
process, including ensuring access for meeting requesters who have not historically requested such
meetings. On December 20, 2023, OIRA issued Guidance Implementing Section 2(e) of Executive
Order 14094 (Guidance), describing OIRA’s E.O. 12666 meeting policy, and its strategy for
inclusive and transparent meetings. To assist members of the public seeking to request an E.O. 12866
meeting, OIRA has modified its website and posted an instructional video and a step-by-step guide to
requesting a meeting, in English and Spanish, on its website. As outlined in the Guidance, to
encourage participation by those who have not historically requested E.O. 12866 meetings, including
those from underserved communities, OIRA will offer periodic and accessible trainings on effective
participation in E.O. 12866 meetings. For calendar year 2024, OIRA will be holding two virtual
sessions to provide training on how to request and how to effectively participate in E.O. 12866
DATES: The training sessions will be held on July 9, 2024, at 3 to 3:45 p.m., Eastern Time, and July
16, 2024, at 1 to 1:45 p.m., Eastern Time.

ADDRESSES: Information to access the virtual training sessions will be provided upon registration.
Members of the public may register by sending an email to, noting
the session they would like to attend.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Please email the Office of Management and
Budget at
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Executive Order 12866 establishes and governs the
process under which OIRA reviews agencies’ significant regulatory actions. E.O. 12866 provides
that members of the public may meet with OIRA during OIRA’s review of draft proposed and final
rules. These meetings, known as E.O. 12866 meetings, offer an opportunity for members of the
public to present their views on regulatory actions under review. OIRA invites representatives from
the agency or agencies taking the regulatory action to these meetings, though participation may be
limited by scheduling or other considerations. E.O. 12866 meetings serve as listening sessions for
OIRA and agency representatives, and both the identity of meeting attendees and any written
materials provided by the meeting requestors are disclosed on OIRA’s website.
OIRA benefits from receiving a diverse array of perspectives from the public during
regulatory review. Members of the public can share their views with OIRA on a regulatory action
under review, as well as any scientific, technical, social, or economic information, or information
drawn from individual experiences that may be helpful to OIRA officials while reviewing a
regulatory action. During such meetings, OIRA officials may ask clarifying questions, but will not
share deliberative or pre-decisional information about the regulatory action under review. E.O. 12866
meetings with OIRA and the agency are not a substitute for submitting comments to the agency
under the agency’s applicable regulatory procedures, but instead provide an opportunity to emphasize
or highlight information relevant to OIRA review.
OIRA has an “open door” policy with respect to meeting requests. Any individual may
request a meeting regarding a regulatory action under review. OIRA makes all reasonable efforts to
accommodate meeting requests. However, OIRA staff do not affirmatively reach out to outside
parties to schedule E.O. 12866 meetings or to solicit specific views. OIRA does not schedule or

prioritize E.O. 12866 meetings based on identity or viewpoint. OIRA encourages requestors to
submit E.O. 12866 meeting requests as soon as possible after the start of OIRA review.
In an effort to facilitate meeting requests, OIRA has modified its website to simplify the
request form and to provide several avenues through which outside parties can request meetings.1 In
addition, OIRA has provided detailed written step-by-step instructions in English and Spanish,2 as
well as a video (also translated into Spanish),3 on its website,, on how to schedule a
meeting. To facilitate broader participation in E.O. 12866 meetings, including by requestors who
have not historically requested such meetings or face challenges in traveling to Washington, D.C.,
OIRA holds E.O. 12866 meetings virtually, primarily as teleconferences.
To encourage participation by members of the public who have not historically requested
E.O. 12866 meetings, including members of underserved communities, OIRA will offer periodic and
accessible trainings on effective participation in E.O. 12866 meetings. OIRA will hold two training
sessions in 2024, “one on July 9, 2024, at 3 to 3:45 p.m., Eastern Time, and another on July 16, 2024,
at 1 to 1:45 p.m., Eastern Time. At these training sessions, OIRA will describe (1) what an E.O.
12866 meeting is; (2) how members of the public may request and schedule a meeting; (3) the format
of E.O. 12866 meetings; (4) what type of information or input is most helpful to receive during an
E.O. 12866 meeting; and (5) what makes for an effective presentation during an E.O. 12866 meeting.

Richard L. Revesz,
Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs.
[FR Doc. 2024-13018 Filed: 6/14/2024 8:45 am; Publication Date: 6/17/2024] (in English); and (in Spanish).
3 (in English) and (in Spanish).