Fusion Energy Public-Private Consortium Framework
AGENCY: Fusion Energy Sciences, Office of Science, Department of Energy.
ACTION: Request for information (RFI).
SUMMARY: The Office of Science (SC) in the Department of Energy (DOE) invites interested
parties to provide input on a proposed fusion energy public-private consortium framework
(PPCF). The proposed PPCF would aim to amplify Federal funding, by catalyzing and bringing
together State/local government, private, philanthropic funding, and partnerships to accelerate
fusion energy research, development, demonstration, and deployment (RDD&D). Through a
phased approach, the PPCF would deliver and operate small-to-medium scale test stands and
conduct research and development (R&D) with these tools. The proposed PPCF will help
resolve significant, remaining Science & Technology (S&T) gaps to a commercially relevant
fusion pilot plant (FPP). A PPCF is needed at this time to achieve the pace of R&D and project
delivery with the required funding within the United States (U.S.) Bold Decadal Vision (BDV)
timeframe. The proposed PPCF is envisioned to be executed by a network of regional teams that
would stimulate economic development and domestic fusion supply chains anchored in fusion
S&T translation and innovation.
DATES: Responses to this RFI must be received by [INSERT DATE 45 DAYS AFTER
Webinar: DOE will hold a public webinar on Thursday, July 11, 2024, from 3-4 PM ET.
Connection information can be found here:
ADDRESSES: DOE is using the www.regulations.gov system for the submission and posting of
public comments in this proceeding. All comments in response to this RFI are therefore to be

submitted electronically through www.regulations.gov, via the web form accessed by following
the “Submit a Formal Comment” link.
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Questions may be submitted to
ppcf@science.doe.gov or to Colleen Nehl at (301) 903-4920.
To support development of a competitive fusion power industry in the U.S., the Fusion Energy
Sciences (FES) program is exploring the near-term feasibility of a fusion energy public-private
consortium framework (PPCF). This PPCF, inspired by the successful 1980s public-private
partnership (PPP) between the Department of Defense and Sematech,1,2 would support the U.S.
The proposed PPCF would aim to accelerate fusion energy RDD&D and amplify Federal
funding by bringing together State/local government, private, and philanthropic funding, with an
initial focus on delivering and operating small-to-medium scale test stands and conducting R&D
with these tools to help resolve significant, remaining S&T gaps (aligned with FPP technology
roadmaps of private-sector fusion developers and critical supply-chain providers).4 A key
rationale for pursuing a PPCF at this time is because the required funding and pace of R&D and
project delivery are not readily achievable within the BDV timeframe. The proposed PPCF is
envisioned to be executed (e.g., tool delivery and operation, R&D, growing supply chains, and
broader engagements/activities to support fusion demonstration and commercialization) by a
network of regional ecosystems that will build upon local expertise, stimulate economic

The purpose of Sematech was to (1) conduct research on advanced semiconductor manufacturing techniques and
(2) develop techniques to use manufacturing expertise for the manufacture of a variety of semiconductor products;
2 https://www.csis.org/analysis/implementing-chips-act-sematechs-lessons-national-semiconductor-technologycenter.
3 https://www.whitehouse.gov/ostp/news-updates/2022/03/15/fact-sheet-developing-a-bold-vision-for-commercialfusion-energy.
4 The S&T gaps and critical testing platforms, discussed in multiple recent consensus expert reports and ongoing
FESAC charges, will be formally laid out in a national fusion S&T roadmap under development by FES.
development, and bolster domestic supply chains anchored in fusion S&T translation and
The PPCF would be aligned and coordinated with various priority initiatives of the BDV and the
SC FES program, such as the Milestone-Based Fusion Development Program6 (“Milestone
Program”) and Fusion Innovation Research Engine (FIRE) Collaboratives,7 taking advantage of
regional capabilities and investing in infrastructure (e.g., test and manufacturing tools) to de-risk
fusion S&T.
The purpose of the PPCF would be to (1) conduct applied R&D to help address and resolve
common, priority S&T gaps in the technology roadmaps of private-sector-led FPPs aligned with
the SC FES Fusion Science & Technology (FS&T) Roadmap, with an emphasis on precompetitive R&D; (2) deliver and operate critical test platforms for the benefit of all consortium
members; and (3) stimulate the growth of supply chains that will be needed to support fusion
demonstration and deployment. The vision of the consortium would be to enable timely
commercial fusion demonstration and deployment led by the private sector and to help establish
a world-leading and vibrant U.S. fusion industry.
Questions for Input:
SC is issuing this RFI to seek input on the vision, mission, impact, near-to-medium term
feasibility, including funding, and structure of the proposed fusion energy PPCF. Responses
should address/discuss any or all of the following topics (limit all responses to five pages total):

PPCF vision, mission, impact (including proposed examples discussed previously):

The PPCF is also partially inspired by J. Gruber and S. Johnson, Jump-starting America: How Breakthrough
Science Can Revive Economic Growth and the American Dream (Public Affairs, New York, 2019).
6 Program announcement: https://www.energy.gov/science/articles/department-energy-announces-50-millionmilestone-based-fusion-development-program; selections: https://www.energy.gov/articles/doe-announces-46million-commercial-fusion-energy-development.
7 The new FES FIRE (Fusion Innovation Research Engine) Collaboratives program will consist of virtual, centrally
managed teams (led by national laboratories and/or universities) called “Collaboratives.” This program bridges
FES’s foundational research programs to the work and needs of the growing fusion industry.

How can a PPCF provide incentives from both public and private sector to invest in
common Fusion Materials & Technology (FM&T) de-risk capabilities?


What are some cost-share models that could incentivize the private sector in engaging
with local, State, and Federal government to address FM&T gaps?


What are the priority S&T gaps in the technology roadmaps of private-sector-led
FPPs which a PPCF could address?


What will be the impact of the PPCF, as envisioned?


How can a PPCF help support supply chains, community engagement and technology
adoption of fusion energy in the long term?


On which topics should a public-private consortium framework focus? Possible
topics include (but are not limited to): the fusion fuel cycle, blankets, structural
materials, and gyrotrons.


What are some public-private consortia models that could be emulated or adapted to
best serve the needs of the U.S. in establishing a robust fusion power industry?


Near-to-medium term (in the next three, five, and ten years) feasibility of a fusion
energy PPCF:


Which sources of funding are likely to be available from non-Federal sources
(including State/local governments, private sector, philanthropy)?


How can universities and national laboratories support a fusion energy PPCF and
what important roles can they serve?


What is the expected amount of funding needed to make a meaningful impact toward
bridging S&T gaps?


What type of work (in both delivery/operation of tools and associated R&D) would
be considered “pre-competitive?”


What are key short-term fusion FM&T capabilities needed now that could be
supported through a PPCF and what are some longer-term capabilities that should be


PPCF organizational structure and relationship to DOE:


Which flexibilities may be required to meet S&T goals in the areas of intellectual
property, U.S. manufacturing, research security, foreign work, and partnerships, etc.?


How may the PPCF stimulate partnerships with State/local governments and
economic development in communities? How about international partnerships?


What organizational structures may work to achieve the mission, vision, and impact
of the proposed PPCF?

Signing Authority
This document of the Department of Energy was signed on June 3, 2024, by Harriet Kung,
Acting Director, Office of Science, pursuant to delegated authority from the Secretary of Energy.
The document with the original signature and date is maintained by DOE. For administrative
purposes only, and in compliance with requirements of the Office of the Federal Register, the
undersigned DOE Federal Register Liaison Officer has been authorized to sign and submit the
document in electronic format for publication, as an official document of the Department of
Energy. This administrative process in no way alters the legal effect of this document upon
publication in the Federal Register.
Signed in Washington, DC, on June 4, 2024.
Treena V. Garrett,
Federal Register Liaison Officer,
U.S. Department of Energy.
[FR Doc. 2024-12539 Filed: 6/6/2024 8:45 am; Publication Date: 6/7/2024]