[BILLING CODE: 4810-33-P]
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
[Docket ID OCC- OCC-2024-0007]
Mutual Savings Association Advisory Committee
AGENCY: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), Treasury.
ACTION: Notice of Federal advisory committee meeting.
SUMMARY: The OCC announces a meeting of the Mutual Savings Association
Advisory Committee (MSAAC).
DATES: A public meeting of the MSAAC will be held on Monday, June 24, 2024,
beginning at 1:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (EDT). The meeting will be in person and
ADDRESSES: The OCC will host the June 24, 2024 meeting of the MSAAC at the
OCC’s offices at 400 7th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20219 and virtually.
Comptroller for Specialty Supervision, (202) 649-5420, Office of the Comptroller of the
Currency, Washington, DC 20219. If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech
disability, please dial 7-1-1 to access telecommunications relay services. You also may
access prior MSAAC meeting materials on the MSAAC page of the OCC’s website.1
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Under the authority of the Federal Advisory
Committee Act (the Act), 5 U.S.C. 1001 et seq, and the regulations implementing the Act
at 41 CFR part 102-3, the OCC is announcing that the MSAAC will convene a meeting
on Monday, June 24, 2024. The meeting is open to the public and will begin at 1:30 p.m.
EDT. The purpose of the meeting is for the MSAAC to advise the OCC on regulatory or

other changes the OCC may make to ensure the health and viability of mutual savings
associations. The agenda includes a discussion of current regulatory and policy topics of
interest to the industry, for example, updates on economic trends affecting mutual savings
associations and the implementation of rules and policies that affect the operations and
consumer compliance activities of mutual savings associations. The agenda also includes
a Roundtable discussion with MSAAC members and OCC staff.
Members of the public may submit written statements to the MSAAC by emailing
them to MSAAC@occ.treas.gov. The OCC must receive written statements no later than
5:00 p.m. EDT on Thursday, June 20, 2024.
Members of the public who plan to attend the meeting should contact the OCC by
5:00 p.m. EDT on Thursday, June 20, 2024, to inform the OCC of their desire to attend
the meeting and whether they will attend in person or virtually, and to obtain information
about participating in the meeting. Members of the public may contact the OCC via email
at MSAAC@OCC.treas.gov or by telephone at (202) 649-5420. Attendees should
provide their full name, email address, and organization, if any. For persons who are
deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability, please dial 7-1-1 to arrange
telecommunications relay services for this meeting.

Michael J. Hsu,
Acting Comptroller of the Currency.
[FR Doc. 2024-12441 Filed: 6/5/2024 8:45 am; Publication Date: 6/6/2024]